2 TopicsHow to submit support tickets?
Hi, folks. How does one submit a support request for the Exchange Online PowerShell v3 module? The following article instructs you what not to do, but provides zero detail on what to do: About the Exchange Online PowerShell V3 module | Microsoft Learn Similarly, the following articles highlight the "correct" process, however, it doesn't work: Get support - Microsoft 365 admin | Microsoft Learn How can I get support for M365 Exchange Online? - Microsoft Q&A Where having used the above option, you get to the end and are shown the following completely unrelated message with the support request having been lost in the process: The bug I'm trying to submit is outlined here: UShort Error with the Exchange Module - Microsoft Community Hub Cheers, LainSolved459Views0likes2CommentsGet-MailboxExportRequest doesn't accept Export from date A to date B
Hi everyone, I'm faceing a strange error, when I want to export between 2 dates. We've tried infinite ways of exporting between 2 dates, but me and my colleagues can't get it. For easier reading, I reduced the following code to the minimum. We are successfully exporting with Case 1, but as soon as we want to set a end date, it will automatically fail with the wildest excuses. (See 2nd code) #Define Dates $start = (Get-Date -Day 1 -month 6 -year 2021 -Hour 00 -Minute 00) $end = (Get-Date -Day 31 -month 12 -year 2023 -Hour 23 -Minute 59) #Case 1: Export the MB works with following command WORKS. (So Export from Date X until today): New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox "PrimarySmtpAddress" -ContentFilter "((Received -ge '$start') -and (Sent -ge '$start'))" -FilePath "Path\file.pst" #Case 2: To keep it simple, I'll just export the received Messages (Export from Date X to Date Y (NOT NOW) doesn't work.: New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox "PrimarySmtpAddress" -ContentFilter "((Received -ge '$start') -and (Received -le '$end'))" -FilePath "Path\file.pst" Get-MailboxExportStatistics Error: ContentFilter is invalid. The value "31.12.2023 23:59:00" could not be converted to type System.DateTime. --> The value "31.12.2023 23:59:00" could not be converted to type System.DateTime. $end is definitely a system.datetime type; We've also used different System Cultures, f.e.: [System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = "en-US" I've been working on this for a long time, please only respond, if you were able to reproduce this in your own Exchange Environment, since I want a confirmation, that this is a (currently) unhandable bug. Best regards, Florian edit: I updated the official MS docs.652Views0likes0Comments