4 TopicsSS28: selection to bookmarks + vivaldi example of what i reported you previously
Suggestion (SS): 28 Classification: Bookmarks PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 4 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Here my idea i got after visiting a suggestion in vivaldi about add current tab to a folder (which is available for vivaldi and edge). I tested it out and in edge is available, but creates problem, like where you continuosly add it under ddd instead inside ddd. only 1 time you added it in ddd. PS: is not the first time i see problems with other bookmarks, you should check if all functions really work correctly with other bookmarks. Same if i do that you should avoid to show me that for the creation of folders. <<<<<<< second: i tried to select 3 tabs, and then do the same. is not possible. <<<<<<< third: i still think vivaldi add to bookmark option without right click is much better. please consider to implement it to edge too. <<<< because we are talking about vivaldi, here other points i like reload miniature (i suggested this to you only for bookmarks bar) like i suggested you with shortcut for bookmarks and other things (i noticed only after sending you the suggestions, that vivaldi has already such option, but still limited compared to what i told you, which is much more complex) this is similar to what i told you too, but vivaldi show us directly the webpage, is not a second bookmarks bar ability to change default bookmarks bar. (NEW SUGGESTION, but less important, since i use different profile. it still remains cool) same like i wrote you yesterday to remove things from the bar position of new tab, like i suggested you keep last tab open, like i suggested you a lot of option like i suggested you (or better some things are not available in vivaldi too) show me only icons inside bookmarks bar, full name in other bookmarks or when you hide url from bookmarks bar (like suggested). i still think a way to add personal customized folder color to bookmarks is usefull too even if i don't really like to use shortcuts (via keyboard with crtl alt etc., not things like <ddd $dd) ... but i like how they do. trackpad gesture, like suggested is much more clean search always in new tab (NEW SUGGESTION) .... PS: until now i don't use vivaldi, because they create library folders problems. so i just use it as a normal second browser for quick searches. this is why maybe the list of good features is not complete. once devs fix such problem, i can send more vivaldi based suggestion too. i still think main points are now available in this post, a lot is already included in previous submitted suggestions. Here even what i don't like previews different colours for each tab ... other ... (yes, you can disable such things). about the download suggestion, something like where i can set "save to /user/ccc/applications" and then "save this website always in this folder" or "if /externaldrive/... is not available, use /user/ccc/applications instead".1.3KViews0likes0CommentsSS11: Datahoarding Suggestions - Save PDF, Save Page, Save Images, One Drive, Web Archive, etc.
Suggestion (SS): 11 Classification: DATAHOARDING BACKUP PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 5-6 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) Hello there, i finish my list with some other suggestions related to the datahoarding activity. Various suggestions about download/save in easily way were already reported before. For Datahoarders coming from r/datahoarder or r/appledatahoarding here my label about datahoarding, where you can find previous suggestions related to hoarding: or here about onedrive If i forgot something, just add a comment (login is necessary). Remember that suggestions related to download etc. has been submitted previously. Here additional suggestions: 1) remember to add save as pdf in menubar PRIORITY 10 2) remember to add save as pdf as a button PRIORITY 9 3) remember to add export page as a button PRIORITY 9 4) improve integration with onedrive, this means: 4a) i told you about overlay button over photos etc to save it. remember to add even a onedrive integration 4b) add a setting where we can define some onedrive path, and then we can click save photo, movie, pdf to such path inside right click menu, menu bar, via extension button or using a shortcut. 4c) add a way to save pages as pdf in one drive. in batch mode would be cool too, for example i tell you "every reddit link, save as pdf in onedrive in background" 4d) same but export the whole page in onedrive. automatically too. 5) webarchive integration. show links in webarchive or faster way to save pages to webarchive 6) inside bing, an overlay over the picture to save it in onedrive, without need to open full image or full page (this mean directly on the small image). 7) a way to backup automatically all bookmarks as pdf and as whole page in onedrive 😎a way that if i select some links in history you do 7) too 9) same as 8 with collections 10) same as 9 with links that i select, for example if i see in wikipedia a text with 5 links, i select this and click save as pdf 11) batch save multiple tab as pdf in onedrive and to mac too. 12) same but with export webpage 12b) same as 11,12 for the whole window 13) better integration of onedrive during various workflow, this means quick access via an extension or something other 14) dragdrop zone in eagle style/dropmark, this means i dragdrop x images to this drop zone and then i can select save to onedrive or to mac (with option to select optionally which folder). PRIORITY 7 15) backup history to onedrive 16) backup collections to onedrive 17) backup bookmarks to onedrive PRIORITY 8 18) for 15-17 remember to add safety folder, this means if i delete links or other, i still see it somewhere (= keep all versions!) 19) ability to backup setting of edge to onedrive 20) ability to save bookmarks page (or some folder) to webarchive in batch 21) same as 20 for selected links in history 22) same as 21 for whole tabs or windows. 23) ability to save a screenshot in onedrive with background process. 24) ability to save all submitted files to feedback center in my onedrive (in case we need it for other situation). this is not my case, because i use external cloud, but maybe for other users. 25) or integration of onedrive with feedback, instead of posting links 26) ability to play quickly videos from onedrive (without need to visit page/bookmarks). so something like shortcuts i wrote last time <od or via a button extension. maybe even add a random play mode and a remember what i watched last time, so that once i write <od oc you play last episode of occalifornia, from the exact position. instead if i write $$<od or something similar you play a random episode (check 27) ability to generate bookmarks from a onedrive folder. this mean if i have video 1-20 inside folder a, you create a folder a in bookmark with url 1-20 28) ability to save files offline, in netflix style, where you delete it after 5 days for example. so this is not about using the button "download". you save it inside a temporary edge folder. 29) drag drop from one drive to tab doesn't work 30) same if i drag photo from tab 1 to tab 2 and i release this in onedrive 31) if i select x file in onedrive, no option to choose "open in tabs" 32) check the drag drop option to onedrive web (no matter if i do it from collection, bookmarks, history) PS: generally all suggestions should implement both save to onedrive and save to mac option. same for save as pdf and export webpage. would be better if different thing can be done automatically in background and maybe with closed tabs (like saving pages to webarchive). would be cool if you can support save pdf/page from a logged account, so avoid to save as public webpage (because in such case we see "please login"... optionally we can integrate support, but at the end webarchive is the main used. to integrate 2 different services can maybe be complex for developers. i still think at least one should be available. Edge Dev, please check too, maybe some user wrote directly in the other post. Now i made some suggestions about onedrive web too: you can vote these here too You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.4.3KViews0likes2CommentsSS8: better setting - faster add url / batch url / add via bookmarks
Suggestion (SS): 8 Classification: SETTING PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 8-10 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) problem it takes hours to add such setting and you add it wrongly too. so 1 by 1. solution 1) add a batch url way 2) if i visit bookmark folder "allow setting" i could simply right click the folder and tell edge add such setting to allow flash... same if i select multiple url inside bookmarks or history. PS: this should work with multiple setting, not only flash... 3) import export, for faster add to other user. You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.1.7KViews0likes5CommentsSS3: collections in style - faster add to collections
Suggestion (SS): 3 Classification: COLLECTIONS PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6-7 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) In the last days i already reported you different way to improve collections (even if i don't use this feature at the moment). i still hope once you implement some suggestions, this can be used for my batch activities too. i know a lot of people here love collections. so i decided to test it out a bit more. goal of today: super speed in adding new items. how? check you should add the exact same. but please avoid to show me always "select which collection...." you should add option where we set a default import collection and you add all that to such default collection. this mean if reddit contains 20 post, i just need to click 20x to this icon button. do you want to offer something more? add even an icon (maybe in red) to batch all 20 url at once, without need to click 20x if i want to add all 20. another option: once i move the mouse near a link or a photo or other, you start show me the same icon button (near the mouse) and i click on this. why? because for example in reddit you can access /redditpost or /externallink (originalphoto). if you offer something like you save the post or the external link. instead we should be able to choose if the first or the second or even both. You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.1.3KViews0likes3Comments