41 TopicsStable version of Edge insider browser
Looks like another Stable version of the new Edge browser resurfaced on Microsoft Servers. this is Not a coincidence, bug nor a mistake, it's intentional. I just don't know why not put it on the front page. Anyway, this so called stable version can't be uninstalled. it neither lists it in Control Panel’s Programs and Features nor allows to uninstall from Apps & Features in the Settings App. Previously when we installed Edge stable version we were able to uninstall it like any application by visiting Programs and Features in Control Panel or by visiting Settings > Apps & Features, where for Microsoft Edge, Settings app displays Modify and Uninstall options, this is not the case in Windows 10 version 1903 running build 18362.418. The Hunter mode button of Revo Uninstaller also fails to find and display Microsoft Edge for advanced uninstall. at the moment the only solution seems possible is using the system restore.Solved50KViews10likes35CommentsHow to refresh all tabs or some tabs at the same time and do other bulk actions
How to refresh all tabs or some tabs at the same time how to select multiple tabs or all tabs and do bulk actions on them (refresh, add to group, add to favorites, mute, duplicate etc) watch this video: (recorded in 1080p, 60FPS, MKV): you can select multiple tabs by holding CTRL and click on tabs to select them individually. another easier way is this: for example you have 10 tabs open and you want to select all of them at once, move your mouse pointer to the right most tab, hold CTRL + SHIFT and then click on it, you will see all of the tabs, from left to right, are selected. last example: you have 10 tabs open, you want to only select tabs from #3 to #8. you move your mouse cursor to tab #3, hold CTRL and then click on it, next you move your mouse cursor to tab #8, hold CTRL + SHIFT and click on it, you'll see now you've selected only tabs from #3 to #8 (i.e tabs #1, #2, #9, #10 are Not selected).37KViews5likes3CommentsPin tab groups in edge
Hello, I'm in love with Edge's new tab Group feature, but there is one issue with it. usually, People want those groups to open whenever the browser starts up. so I have a suggestion to add Pin group feature where it works just like pin tab. What do you think insiders?12KViews12likes10CommentsIntroducing Edge Master Password | New feature
it's this feature: it's controlled feature rollout available in Edge canary, was added few versions ago. this helps your passwords stay safe, by requiring you to enter your Windows Pin/Password when you want to autofill your credentials on a web page. using the same strong authentication method Windows uses to secure your login screen, secure your disks pre-logon etc. next in line is this I'm already seeing some bits of it in Edge canary, but not fully implemented just yet.11KViews3likes2CommentsNew Feature in Edge: Provide option to keep specific cookies when closing Edge browser
This feedback item is now available in Microsoft Edge Version 83.0.470.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) Status Feedback On this list for Planned for March Provide option to keep specific cookies when choosing to clear browsing data on close 19 weeks edge://settings/clearBrowsingDataOnClose You've allowed the following sites to save and read cookies on your device. Cookies for these sites won't be cleared when you exit the browser.10KViews5likes22CommentsHow to close Specific tab on Edge Browser programmatically?
Hi All, We were previously using Internet Explorer and now planning to support Microsoft Edge. We have .NET 4.8 based desktop application that launches Internet explorer and closes it by process Id. But we are not able to achieve the same flow using Microsoft Edge. We understand that the architecture is different for Internet explorer and Edge. Edge uses a multi-processor architecture and killing the browser/tab instance doesn't work by killing the processId of the window/tab. We need to close a specific tab programmatically (c#). Kindly suggest an approach to close specific tab on Edge Browser programmatically. Thanks & Regards, Kavitha9.6KViews1like8CommentsCopilot or Discover browser extension not working as expected for managed Edge browser
If your organization manages the MS Edge browser or has decided to limit the availability of Copilot (previously known as Discover in Edge) until administrators have a handle on its capabilities and risks, then this post may be helpful. You will find in the following article -- Copilot in Edge | Microsoft Learn -- Microsoft suggests for Admins who want to manage Copilot in Edge, they can "use multiple group policy settings to manage the behavior of the Copilot in Edge sidebar:" # I have found it very strange, especially when referencing brand new tools like Copilot, that Microsoft documentation suggests admins are still using, or should use group policy as opposed to more modern management tools like Intune # The article suggests the below "group policy settings" can be used to manage Copilot behavior in Edge: To allow or block Copilot in Edge from using browsing context, use the DiscoverPageContextEnabled policy. This prevents Copilot from using webpage or PDF content from being used to respond to prompts. To disable Copilot in Edge entirely, use the HubsSidebarEnabled policy. Blocking Copilot in Edge automatically blocks all Edge sidebar apps from being enabled. Now according to these instructions, you would use the DiscoverPageContextEnabled policy to allow Copilot in Edge to use browsing context and seemingly (since HubsSidebarEnabled is used to disable Copilot) you would set HubsSidebarEnabled to enabled in order to force Copilot to appear and be available for your users. To an admin still using group policy to set these maybe everything works fine -- In previous testing I have hacked my registry to create the above keys and can't remember the results, but it was kind of a pointless test since I personally use Intune to manage our Edge browser. If you're like me and use Intune to manage Edge's browser configuration at your organization, then seeing the keys above may prompt you to head to the Intune settings catalog to look for equivalent settings that you can use to set similar policy. Next, I'll share my findings from diving into how I might use something available in the Intune settings catalog. My findings are as follows: Show Copilot -- you will find this setting if you nav down through edge://settings/sidebar. With no settings configured related to Copilot you will see this in the off state and when you hover the briefcase icon where you would usually see "this setting is managed by your organization," you will just see a blank textbox. Right out of the gate this is a weird behavior and the only thing I have been able to chalk it up to so far is a bug -- my thinking is if your browser is managed by the organization then by default the Show Copilot setting will be in the off state. Ok, so now how do we actually get this thing on if we are ready for our users to use it? Discover feature In Microsoft Edge -- this is a setting you can find in the Intune settings catalog. Previously Copilot in Edge was called Bing Discover and it had a "B" icon. If you configure this setting today and set it to enabled you might expect it to display Discover or Copilot, however, when you check the edge://policy report you will find that EdgeDiscoverEnabled (as it shows up on the report) actually errors out and is described as an "unknown policy," and there will be no effect to the browser or to the Show Copilot setting I discussed above. HubsSidebarEnabled -- now back to the HubsSidebarEnabled setting referenced in the linked Microsoft documentation. Supposedly you would use this setting to "disable Copilot in Edge entirely." Now you can find a setting called Show Hubs Sidebar in the Intune settings catalog and you can set it to enabled. When you nav to the edge://policy report you will even see it successfully configured and reporting in as OK. However, in my testing I have not seen this have any effect on the Always show sidebar setting found at edge://settings/sidebar, and I have not seen this have any effect on the Show Copilot setting found at edge://settings/sidebar when you drill into the Copilot settings. So, my only conclusion here is that the HubsSidebarEnabled from the Intune settings catalog isn't ready for showtime. DiscoverPageContextEnabled -- This is a setting you can find in the Intune settings catalog called Enable Discover access to page contents for AAD profiles. This setting will successfully configure and report back as OK in edge://policy report, however, I have not tested any further and can't tell you if it is actually doing what it intends to since I have not successfully configured Copilot using the other Intune settings. The only success I have found so far in all of this Copilot, Discover and Sidebar research are the following two extension IDs that can be added to your force install extension list -- and as a result the Copilot browser extension should appear. If you are new to using Intune to manage browser policy and aren't sure what I mean by the 'force install extension list,' drop a comment and I'll be happy to add some detail about that. Extension IDs: nkbndigcebkoaejohleckhekfmcecfja ofefcgjbeghpigppfmkologfjadafddi I found these extension IDs by using ctrl + f on the edge://sidebar-internals page looking for results related to the search term "Discover." At the moment this seems like the best way to enable and test Copilot until the Intune settings currently available begin working as they are described. This is not meant to criticize the speed at which Microsoft has made settings available or set them up to work perfectly, but to prompt discussion and help others who might be going in circles trying to figure out if they're configuring something incorrectly. TL;DR There are currently settings in the Intune settings catalog that don't seem to work as expected if you are trying to enable/disable Copilot for a managed instance of Edge at your organization. As a workaround there are a couple extension IDs that can be added to your ForceInstallExtension list to help display Copilot in the Edge sidebar. I've attached some screenshots related to different things referenced in this post.Solved9.5KViews3likes5CommentsBlock Microsoft from running experiments in the Microsoft Edge browser
Browsers like Firefox, Chrome or Microsoft Edge come with built-in functionality to run experiments. Browser makers like Mozilla or Google may enable or disable features or changes in select browsers; this is often used to A-B test features or get early feedback on new implementations. While most users may not even notice that experiments are running in their browsers, it happened in the past that experiments caused issues. The latest case was revealed in November when administrators from around the world reported that a Chrome experiment would crash browsers in organizations worldwide. Negative side-effects of experiments are a problem for home users and business users alike, and it is often desirable to disable or block experiments from being downloaded and run. Microsoft distinguishes between controlled feature rollouts and experiments in the company's new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge web browser. Both are made available to part of the user base when they start to roll out but similarities end here. Microsoft notes: Microsoft Edge builds have features and functionality that are still in development or are experimental. Experiments are like CFR, but the size of the user group is much smaller for testing the new concept. These features are hidden by default until the feature's rolled out or the experiment's finished. Experiment flags are used to enable and disable these features. System administrators may use the "Control communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service" on pro and Enterprise editions of Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 to prevent experiments in the browser. Here is what is needed for that: Get the latest Microsoft Edge policy file from the Microsoft Edge Insider website. It is likely that the policies will become available natively eventually when Edge is released and integrated in Windows. Extract the file (first a cab, then a zip). Open Windows > Admx. Copy the two .admx template files to C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\. Open the language folder that matches the system language and copy the .adml files to the corresponding language folder of C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\ Open Start, type gpedit.msc and hit the Enter-key to open the Group Policy Editor. Consult this Docs page on the Microsoft website for additional scenarios, e.g. when domain controllers are used. Open Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Microsoft Edge. Open the policy "Control communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service" policy. Set the policy to Enabled. Set it to either "Retrieve configurations only" or "Disable communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service". Retrieve will download configuration payloads only, disable won't download or enable them. The behavior of not configuring the policy differs depending on whether it is a managed or unmanaged device. Managed devices will download the configuration only while unmanaged devices will retrieve configurations and experiments. Source8KViews0likes2CommentsVertical tabs, Smart copy and Password Monitor are coming to Edge!
Microsoft just uploaded this video: updated the What's Next page with new stuff: at some points in the video it demonstrates a sidebar (0:20 and 0:47), it looks very good and fluent, it's apparently for vertical tabs Vertical tabs It's easy to end up with a ton of tabs open. The more you have open, the more difficult it becomes to find, switch between, and manage them. With vertical tabs, you can easily shift to view your tabs in a pane to the side. This allows you to easily see the titles and access controls like mute and close. It even makes it easy to reorder your tabs, with the ability to drag and drop to rearrange. When you want to focus on a specific page, you can collapse the pane. Anytime you need to switch between tabs, you can hover over the pane to see all the information you need. The new Microsoft Edge is the only browser to offer built-in vertical tab navigation allowing for a more streamlined experience. Smart copy Copying and pasting content from the web can be tricky – selecting the content can be challenging and pasting doesn't always look like the original. Smart copy makes it easier to select, copy, and paste content that you find across the web, maintaining source site's formatting, spacing and text. Use your mouse to select any area or content (including charts, images, etc.) and when you paste, you will get the option to paste as an image or to retain the original source formatting, saving you valuable time. This is one of the many ways the new Microsoft Edge is providing tools to help you be more productive while browsing the web. Password Monitor Data breaches worldwide have been on the rise and the security of your data is one of our top priorities. Password Monitor on the new Microsoft Edge notifies you when your online credentials have been detected on the dark web. If Microsoft Edge uncovers a match with your saved passwords, you will receive a notification on the browser informing that your credentials have been compromised. Through a dashboard view, people can see a list of all affected accounts, visit the websites directly, and take action accordingly.6.7KViews6likes28CommentsNew Feature: CORS for extension content scripts | Manifest V3 next phase
It's behind a flag: edge://flags/#cors-for-content-scripts CORS for content scripts Prevent content scripts of Extensions from bypassing CORS. – Mac, Windows #cors-for-content-scripts Microsoft Edge Version 83.0.477.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) Overview When web pages request cross-origin data with fetch or XHR APIs, the response is denied unless CORS headers allow it. In contrast, extension content scripts have traditionally been able to fetch cross-origin data from any origins listed in their extension's permissions, regardless of the origin that the content script is running within. As part of a broader Extension Manifest V3 effort to improve extension security, privacy, and performance, these cross-origin requests in content scripts will soon be disallowed. Instead, content scripts will be subject to the same request rules as the page they are running within. Extension pages, such as background pages, popups, or options pages, are unaffected by this change and will continue to be allowed to bypass CORS for cross-origin requests as they do today.