Business Voice
5 TopicsBusiness Voice Number does not wotk without the country code (+1)
We have a business voice number setup with auto attendant configuration for our company's main line. The issue we have is that inbound calls only works with the country code (+1) is included when dialing. It works like configured with auto attendant. When dialing the number without the country code (+1), the dialer gets a message "The number you have received is not in service. This is a recording." I have been trying to look for the configuration, searching articles without any avail. Hoping somewhere on this group can help!1.9KViews0likes1CommentBusiness Voice - Yealink not ringing after ending previous call
Good Morning, I've got a client who uses Business Voice with Yealink phones, all working fine except when a user answers a call from the call queue if the main number is called while they are on the phone and they finish the current call they are unable to pickup the new call. The phone doesn't ring so they would need to pick the call up on another handset. Any setting I can adjust so when the users line becomes free they also start getting the new call?1.4KViews1like1CommentTeams Business Voice with Desktop Phone Issues
I've been setup with the Teams Business Voice license and purchased a Yealink T58A desktop phone to test this. We have an existing PBX Cisco environment we are trying to replace. I'm not sure how to fix these issues, nor if they can be. 1. When I call my Teams Number from an outside line, my Desktop phone, my mobile phone and my laptop all ring. We would never want this. If someone is calling this specific number, this will be designated as someone's Direct Line in the office phone number (as it is now). So if I'm not in the office, I don't want it calling me on my mobile, or my laptop. I don't want it calling me after I leave the office either. We don't want to have to start fiddling with business hours etc. We want to designate our Teams Business Voice Numbers to a Device ie the Teams phone we bought ie call me during the day on my direct line and if I'm not there, leave me a voicemail. For those that have my cellphone number will call me on my cellphone number. I get a lot of calls from vendors and do not want my cellphone ringing all of the time. I use the mobile app for chats and meetings not for business voice as I already have a number for my cellphone. 2. In order to call someone in our office, I can only search for them. I can't simply call a person's 4 digit extension. When I search, I have no option to choose I want to call them (default is to an audio call (not business voice) and it calls their computers/mobile app. I have no option of choosing to call their direct lines. This is what everyone that has these phones will need to do. Also, if a person has 2 numbers (direct and mobile) I can't pick. In the Teams Desktop App > Call > Contacts there is a 3 dot button that I can choose which number to pick but not on a Teams Desktop phone. 3. I can't search myself. Odd issue. I do this for testing so I can try and call my cellphone but it can't find myself in the search. 4. My cellphone is associated with my Teams/O365 account yet when I call my Teams phone from my cellphone, it doesn't display my name, my phone number or my image. It just displays my City, Province. Odd. 5. How do we control the emails that are sent for Missed Calls? Every time I miss a call I get an email. Super annoying. I'd only want an email if there is a voicemail, which also does not seem to be working. This works our Cisco phones and need the same.3KViews2likes3CommentsBlast Group Functionality in Business Voice?
Hey, Our office currently uses Fonality as a VOIP provider and looking to switch to Microsoft Business Voice. I'm trying now to make sure that MBV supports the current call flow we use with Fonality but I don't see anything similar to Fonality's Blast Group. Our current setup works as follows: We have three offices with 3 outward facing numbers. When a person calls into the office the reception phone for that office rings for a set period of time. If no one answers it, it forwards the call to a "blast group" which is essentially a list of 8 phone numbers, if no one answers those it goes back to the original Voice Mail. Can anyone walk me through or point to a tutorial to setting up similar functionality with Microsoft Business Voice? ThanksSolved1.6KViews0likes1CommentTeam Calls Dial Pad Pop Out?
Most of the time when I'm trying to call someone, their phone number is on my screen. I only have one monitor. I have to somehow resize both apps so that I can access the dial pad and still see the number I want to dial. Sometimes it's not plain text so I can't copy and paste it. Is there a way to have the dial pad pop up or something to make it easier to see the dial pad over top of other windows? I'm finding myself using my cellphone more as it's easier.6.1KViews0likes4Comments