5 TopicsWhat's new in Edge insider Canary Version
More appearance changes! The Reading View mode icon: Before After "Reading View" mode name is also changed to "Immersive Reader" How to enable Reading View mode (aka Immersive reader) ? Enable these flags: Profile panel design change: Before: After (new design): The color of the drop down menu of the Omnibox in dark theme changed (again): Before version After version (Now): New options added: In "Privacy and services" section of the Edge insider settings page This: (Off by default) And this option that you will only see if you have enabled Flags related to Internet explorer mode in Edge insider browser. Following that new option, this new Flag is also added:33KViews2likes4CommentsMicrosoft will be pushing out the new Edge via Windows Update to the majority of Windows 10 users
Microsoft will be pushing out the update, replacing the old Edge, to all Windows 10 users on Windows 10 RS4 (April 2018 Update) and newer. but there is a way Not to get it if you don't want to. To help our customers become more secure and up-to-date, Microsoft will distribute Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) through Automatic Updates for Windows 10 RS4 and newer. The Blocker Toolkit is intended for organizations that would like to block automatic delivery of Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) to machines in environments where Automatic Updates is enabled. The Blocker Toolkit will not expire. For computers running Windows 10 RS4 and newer, the Blocker Toolkit prevents the machine from receiving Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) via Automatic Updates. The Blocker Toolkit will not prevent users from manually installing Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) from internet download, or from external media. Organizations do not need to deploy the Blocker Toolkit in environments managed with an update management solution such as Windows Server Update Services or System Center Configuration Manager. Organizations can use those products to fully manage deployment of updates released through Windows Update and Microsoft Update, including Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), within their environment. You can download the Blocker Toolkit executable file from More info and Source: advisory shows whether Edge keeps up with Chrome's patching
Microsoft advisory shows whether Edge keeps up with Chrome's patching The advisory will be updated when Microsoft releases a new version of Edge that includes publicly disclosed security updates from the Chromium project. Microsoft has posted a security advisory that will record all updates to its new Chromium-based Edge browser, giving customers a way to monitor whether the company keeps up with Google's patching of Chrome. "This advisory will be updated whenever Microsoft releases a version of Microsoft Edge which incorporates publicly disclosed security updates from the Chromium project," the Redmond, Wash. firm wrote on the support document. As of mid-day Wednesday, only one listing populated the advisory. The item, dated Jan. 17, called out four CVE-identified vulnerabilities. (CVE, for "Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures," is the most-used bug-naming standard.) The advisory also noted the Edge version number that included the patches and the corresponding version of Chromium that also quashed the bugs. Because Chrome assumes Chromium's version numbers without change - for some reason, Edge does not - the advisory was the first way that was found to link a specific version of Edge to one of Chrome. This security advisory is supposed to list all Edge security updates. Comparing the version number of Edge to that of Chrome lets customers monitor whether Microsoft has kept up with Chromium's/Chrome's fixes. Google released Chrome 79.0.3945.130 - the Chromium version listed in the advisory - on Jan. 16, saying here that the interim update included patches for 11 vulnerabilities. As usual, Google only identified four of the 11 by CVE. The quartet matched the four CVEs that Microsoft said were addressed in Edge. Meanwhile, the Edge update, which Microsoft released Jan. 17 - one day after Chrome's - was marked as version 79.0.309.68. (That's not the most current Edge; Microsoft updated the browser again on Jan. 23 to 79.0.309.71. However, there was no sign that that version patched any vulnerabilities. For a complete listing of Edge updates, users can steer to the Microsoft Update Catalog; pre-filtered the results to show only those for the Stable build of the browser.) Edge 79.0.309.68 thus equals Chrome 79.0.3945.130. Microsoft patched Edge just a day after Google refreshed Chrome, indicating that the former browser will not substantially lag behind the latter. If it had, attackers might have been able to use the interval to reverse engineer a patch, uncover the vulnerability and craft an exploit. Still unknown is the size of the gap between Google promoting a new version of Chrome to the Stable branch and Microsoft following suit with Edge. On Tuesday, Google released Chrome 80 - specifically, version 80.0.3987.87 - with new features as well as 56 security fixes. Google listed 37 of the 56 with CVE identifiers. Ten of the 37 were marked "High," the second-most-serious ranking in Chrome's four-step rating system. As of 2 p.m. ET Wednesday, Microsoft had not updated Edge to reflect the Chrome's shift to version 80. Source: Microsoft advisory shows whether Edge keeps up with Chrome's patching2.5KViews2likes3CommentsLet's discuss Microsoft decision for choosing version 79 as first stable release
I think I know why Microsoft has decided to stay behind Google Chrome's release cycle and it is actually pretty smart and good. Let's discuss this everyone, I do hope that developer team or Microsoft employees correct me if I'm being wrong. So I think Microsoft decided to release version 79 as the first stable channel for the new Edge insider browser, and to be intentionally behind Google Chrome's release cycle, so that Microsoft browser will be more stable than Google Chrome stable. In case you're not aware, Microsoft marked version 79 to be the first release of stable channel for the new Edge insider browser due to release in 15 January 2020. while Google Chrome stable version 79 was released December 10 2019. This gives Microsoft a 35 days gap where they can hold on and wait for more bug fixes to be released for each version of Chromium from Google before they include it in their own browser. Because when Google releases their stable builds, they always release some other minor updates for it later, mostly minor bug fixes and such. Microsoft can wait for all of them to be released and include then in their version before stable release. Because Microsoft is dealing with lots of companies and enterprises so their Browser is more important and mission critical than others. Another good thing and advantage that I can think of about this 35 days gap is that Microsoft is not exactly following Google's features and road map. Microsoft has a different road map for their exclusive features that we, the users, ask through feedbacks, so it doesn't really mean that Microsoft is behind Google Chrome in terms of available features and abilities.2.3KViews5likes4CommentsIs there any plans to release other Edge channels for mobile versions? Dev and Canary
Google Chrome and Firefox both offer all of their browser channels for both desktop and mobile. there are Chrome Stable/Beta/Dev/Canary channels for mobile. there are Firefox Stable/Beta/Dev/Nightly channels for mobile. there is only Edge Stable and Beta for mobile, what about Dev and Canary channels?1.2KViews0likes0Comments