1 TopicDetection of AI-generated plagiarism: mission initiated
Picture this: you are a teacher eagerly checking your inbox, awaiting your students’ homework assignments with anticipation. You’ve assigned a project that you believe will push your students to their limits and unlock their full potential. But as the first submissions start rolling in, you can feel something isn’t quite right. As you begin to grade the assignments, you’re struck by a stark realisation — a number of them are eerily similar, but with unique phrasing and writing styles. It’s not simple cut-and-paste plagiarism but rather the work of advanced AI tools, like ChatGPT, that are able to mimic writing styles and generate undetectable original content. Will you be able to spot the difference and outwit the AI? Think of artificial intelligence as a tidal wave crashing onto the shores of education. Its arrival has transformed the way we learn, including the way students cheat on homework and assignments. For teachers, it’s like trying to navigate a treacherous ocean — they must find new and creative ways to test their students’ knowledge in a world where technology has made cheating a slippery eel. The challenge is real and the stakes are high. Can we rise to the challenge and chart a course towards an honest and fair education system? As American writer Mark Twain famously said, “Education is the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty.” In the age of AI-assisted cheating, this path is fraught with obstacles. The use of AI to cheat on assignments and online exams undermines the very foundation of education. If grades can be easily manipulated with technology, they cease to be a true measure of a student’s knowledge and understanding. This is a slippery slope that can lead to the devaluation of degrees and the overall purpose of education. In short, AI-assisted cheating threatens to turn the path of growth and enlightenment into a road of “miserable uncertainty.” As the world searches for high-tech solutions to tackle the problem of AI-assisted cheating, sometimes a quick answer is right in front of us. The viva exam is a tried and true method that has stood the test of time. It is a simple yet powerful tool that provides a comprehensive evaluation of a student’s abilities, giving you a window into their true potential. As educators, we hold the power to shape the future of our students and the education system at large. By prioritising the use of viva exams, we can help foster a culture of academic excellence and instil a strong sense of integrity in our students. The investment of time and effort is more than worth it, as we set our students on the path to success and help ensure the validity and credibility of grades. In the words of British author Sir Ken Robinson, “If you had told teachers in the 1960s that every child would have their own computer, they would have thought you were crazy.” But now, teachers would be dubbed absurd if they thought that students could stay strangers to AI tools. So, instead of turning a blind eye to AI, I decided to embrace it in my classroom. I taught my students the ins and outs of AI-powered chatbots, inspiring even the most reluctant learners to dive in and discover new ways to learn. However, with this newfound excitement came the issue of AI-assisted cheating. To tackle this, I included marks for viva exams with every home assignment. This gave me a more well-rounded understanding of my students’ abilities, and helped me cultivate a culture of academic excellence and integrity. By embracing AI and incorporating viva exams, I was able to turn a potential problem into a unique opportunity for growth and learning. Think of the fight against AI-assisted cheating like a battle between Sherlock Holmes and Professor James Moriarty, trying to outsmart each other. Meanwhile, educators are like Dr John Watson, working alongside Holmes, to provide support in solving a crime. So, let’s channel our inner Dr Watson and work together with policymakers to find traditional and innovative solutions to this problem, and ensure academic integrity in the classroom.3.2KViews1like0Comments