20 TopicsWhen is Microsoft going to bring Microsoft Authenticator windows aka desktop or within edge itself?
When is Microsoft going to bring Microsoft Authenticator windows aka desktop or within edge itself? (People like me lose mobiles) Isn't Windows device considered anything? Only mobiles and android and iOS devices matter? People like don't store important info on Windows devices? Edge has support for in-built password manager like chrome with chrome and google passwords then why is edge not having 2fa support on windows yet in 2024? Is windows still usable if my phones goes for service center, dies randomly, or is stolen? Can I consider windows devices to be of valuable in 2024 or should I shift 100 percent to android and MacOS and ios? Should I throw my windows devices out of window since it is not dependent device when any other fails? On a sidenote, I tried checking out but WinAuth Authenticator exists for Windows PC is open-source & offers 2-step verification (but unfortunately not updated since 2016) so why Microsoft which focuses so much of AI of everything has been able to bring desktop version for windows users? Or am I asking too much in the name of security and privacy that big tech promotes all the time? Can we trust microsoft and windows devices? Or is everything going to be done by google and chrome?1.5KViews0likes2Comments[FIXED] Why Edge on Android is using super old Chromium engine?
Edge on Android is now on the latest version, the same as Edge desktop, everything is new and up to date. I'm using Edge beta on Android 9. the Chromium version in it is version 77. right now the latest stable version is 80, Beta is 81 so naturally, just like Google chrome itself, Edge Beta should have Chromium 81 but in reality it is using a very old Chromium version 77. Why is that? p.s I detected the engine version using multiple websites that are made to detect browser engines in browsers.9.4KViews3likes11CommentsGood News: Google is finally killing off Chrome apps, End support for NaCl, PNaCl, and PPAPI APIs
Google said Wednesday that it will begin to phase out traditional Chrome apps starting in June, and winding down slowly over two years’ time. Chrome extensions, though, will live on. This is good, because the new Chromium based Microsoft Edge isn't compatible with Chrome apps which are basically the same as Chromium extensions. so with this update, Microsoft won't be needing to add any compatibility for those apps. With this continued progress, we are expanding upon our earlier announcement and will begin phasing out support for Chrome Apps across all operating systems as follows: March 2020: Chrome Web Store will stop accepting new Chrome Apps. Developers will be able to update existing Chrome Apps through June 2022. June 2020: End support for Chrome Apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Customers who have Chrome Enterprise and Chrome Education Upgrade will have access to a policy to extend support through December 2020. December 2020: End support for Chrome Apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux. June 2021: End support for NaCl, PNaCl, and PPAPI APIs. June 2021: End support for Chrome Apps on Chrome OS. Customers who have Chrome Enterprise and Chrome Education Upgrade will have access to a policy to extend support through June 2022. June 2022: End support for Chrome Apps on Chrome OS for all customers. Also end of support for NaCL, PNaCL and PPAPI, are all good news for everyone. They are all Google-specific technologies. most of the stuff built upon them only require Google chrome browser. removing them also removes that restriction and makes everyone happy. Cheers everyone! Source5.6KViews4likes4CommentsEdge not receiving notifications when closed
This has been going on for months, it actually never worked and despite many posts from other users, it wasn't put on the feedback list to be fixed. I tried sending several feedbacks through browser as well in the last months. I hope someone manually give this a higher priority. here is the Chrome article about this: "Push messaging lets developers engage users by providing timely and customized content outside the context of the web page. It is one of the most critical APIs to come to the web, giving users the ability to engage with web experiences even when the browser is closed, without the need for a native app install." Currently Edge canary is Version 81.0.406.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) all the related flags (native notifications etc etc) are all tested and they have no effects.Solved12KViews6likes29CommentsHow to view and manage your Microsoft passwords on Linux/Chrome/ChromeOS (Without Edge or mobile)
1. install Google Chrome (or other Chromium based browsers, including Edge itself) 2. install Microsoft Autofill extension 3. Sign into your Microsoft account in the extension 4. Access your Passwords safely and hassle-free * you do Not need to sign in to Google account for this. ** this works on Mac and Windows too, basically any environment where you can install this extension in. The extension also has Import feature, so you can import your passwords at once from a file and save them to your Microsoft account. Questions & answers about Microsoft Authenticator app - Azure AD | Microsoft Docs Q: How are my passwords protected by the Authenticator app? A: Authenticator app already provides a high level of security for multi-factor authentication and account management, and the same high security bar is also extended to managing your passwords. Strong authentication is needed by Authenticator app: Signing into Authenticator requires a second factor. This means that your passwords inside Authenticator app can't be accessed even if someone has your Microsoft account password. Autofill data is protected with biometrics and passcode: Before you can autofill password on an app or site, Authenticator requires biometric or device passcode. This ensures that even if someone else has access to your device, they cannot fill or see your password, as they’d be unable to provide the biometric or device PIN. Furthermore, a user cannot open the Passwords page unless they provide biometric or PIN, even if they turn off App Lock in app settings. Encrypted Passwords on the device: Passwords on device are encrypted, and encryption/decryption keys are never stored and always generated on-the-fly. Passwords are only decrypted when user wants to, that is, during autofill or when user wants to see the password, both of which require biometric or PIN. Cloud and network security: Your passwords on the cloud are encrypted and decrypted only when they reach your device. Passwords are synced over an SSL-protected HTTPS connection, which ensures no attacker can eavesdrop on sensitive data when it is being synced. We also ensure we check the sanity of data being synced over network using cryptographic hashed functions (specifically, hash-based message authentication code).9.7KViews2likes4CommentsPP3: deactivated extensions manager - notifications
PROBLEM (PP): 3 Classification: EXTENSIONS PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) 1) Today i talk about a problem that i already reported to Google **1137157&hotlist_id=10394 and i see frequently in Edge too. I search i search and i search extension in the toolbar or extension box and i never find it. Since i have over 250 profiles, sometimes is difficult to remember if i installed it or not. So i try to reinstall the extension, and then i get such message. So Edge deactivated my extension. Like i asked to Google, i wish you could add a new panel for deactivated extensions and a way to reactivate at once all extensions. 2) Similar problem is ***1134182&hotlist_id=10394 about deactivated extension after sync activation which i have never seen until now in Edge (hope i will never see too). In case this happens in Edge too, add ability to approve all extensions at once, instead of showing me 20+ notifications for each edge profile. If you implement the deactivate panel like 1) we would fix this problem too. 3) since we are talking about extensions, i report you *1144126&hotlist_id=10394 another problem i noted recently in chrome, in the hope that edge dev can fix it, if this problem is available in edge too. i noted this problem even with 360chrome. 8+ minutes where you simply showed me 200 notifications about extensions crash. Please check that you avoid to show me 1000 messages if there is a total crash. At least in google was automatically, in 360chrome i needed to approve each crash one by one; after 20 i relaunched the browser (much faster). 4) about google chrome removed extension topic ***1143025&hotlist_id=10394 i haven't tested this in edge until now (or i have never seen such message), but would be cool that edge is able to sync deleted extensions (marked as malware by google) from chrome store (extensions, that are not available in edge store). Or to sync manual added extensions. we all know that google delete extensions in batch, would be cool that we can still use such extensions, that worked fine for months. Maybe you are already able to do that, or maybe not. I will test this in future. There are other problem with chrome, but not related to the topic extensions, so i prefer to report such problems only once i see in edge too.1.5KViews1like2CommentsPP1: I'm trying to transfer my 200 chrome profiles to edge, but i see a big problem
PROBLEM (PP): 1 Classification: GOOGLE PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 10 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) I like that i don't need to click 10000 install extension messages, i just see 2 banner where i need to confirm, all other is done automatically. Where is the problem? i lose the whole setting of my extensions. 200 extension in random mode that need to be reconfigured one by one. Please try to save the exact position of my chrome extensions, so that i see the same in edge too. Reorder 1 account with few extensions is a point, reorder 50 is another. i just wish to continue same workflow i'm doing on chrome with chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu support on edge, since such google apps with old ui are not compatible with apple cpu soon**. google has no idea to revert such thing back (now i restarted another discussion about the extension problem). this is why i want to start to use edge for such accounts. for me is ok if you implement this feature in 2021 or 2022 too, but please add it. at the end now i'm still using sierra - mojave on all my macs. i wish i could simply tell edge "connect to google sync and download extension order file". so you import such setting without need to activate google sync on my mac. i just need a web login. Between the 2, the fact that edge should be able to keep extension order is more important. ** we need to remember that both chrome dev and beta sidebyside version (and enterprise version soon too), that google just released, are not chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu compatible.2.4KViews0likes7CommentsSS21: Extension Box Menu: search, pin, size and chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu topic
Suggestion (SS): 21 Classification: EXTENSION PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6-8 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) About this topic i already reported you some points before: PS: for (+) and * see comment at the end. box in 10-12x Y size less space between extensions (this even inside the box, so you can reach a 10-12x 20 box like all other chromium browsers) avoid to follow opera, chrome canary trend (again about chrome://flags/#extensions-toolbar-menu). If some devs have no idea of what i'm talking, search it on google, since they express that 3. links should not be posted anymore, or check chromium discussion directly. If you have some idea to implement that, then remember to allow user to choose, so it depends if they want to use it or not. Don't force pro user to follow a downgrade feature (+). Users should always have the ability to choose how to configure different settings. If needed they activate such setting, otherwise they keep it disabled. Now about the box, would be cool if you can implement a search on the top, this would more helpful to search inside 200-400 extensions, compared to what google did with the 1x400 list. There was no search function at all last time too. Now i don't know, because i skip new version of canary and opera at all. Obviously user with 20 extensions don't use such feature at all, they see all extensions on the toolbar. This means that the extension box should be identical to old chrome, brave, etc. with an additional search box. if you want to allow to pin 10-12 extension on the top*, would be useful too. this means these 10-12 extension are always on top, no matter the size of the window, display or screen resolution. If no enough space is available on the toolbar, you put the other extensions just under the first pinned row (like you do now). But i think search function is much more important. *this is a bit the same like firefox allow us to do, but we all know firefox extension manager works totally in a different way. (+) especially because a lot of chrome extension are able to do the same job much better, so this is just a bad copy of available extensions. PS: i know you can still order all extensions, even those in the box, but it's a painful process, and still doesn't resolve the problem with a lot of extensions. I think even with just 100 extensions (like with a lot of my accounts) it would help us to quick open extension without need to use shortcuts. I need to say that reorder extensions inside the box is still easier compared to few other browser, so thanks for that edge.2.2KViews0likes1CommentMissing Full Screen Browser UI and PDF UI
Deleted posinha The windowed mode controls are appearing in full-screen mode and aren't working either. The full-screen controls instead should be like. Also for the PDF toolbar the options must appear like Here in this legacy pdf toolbar, there are full-screen option and page view option which is missing in current edge browser. It will be polished if the above features are made available.1.5KViews3likes3Comments