4 TopicsVery Impressive Edge insider Canary Results in HTML5 Test (Plus other browsers) Comparison
Here is the the score of browsers to see how much of HTML5 technologies and features they support. In order of highest to lowest. Edge insider Canary Version (Official build) canary (64-bit) Highest Score Google Chrome Canary Version 79.0.3924.0 (Official Build) canary (64-bit) FireFox version 71.0a1 (2019-09-26) (64-bit) Edge classic (EdgeHTML) Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.18990 Microsoft Edge 44.18990.1.0 Internet explorer 11 version 11.1.18990 Internet Explorer 11 (latest version) obviously has the worst score, but it's the only browser that can manage to get the perfect 100/100 score from Acid3 test among all these browsers tested. the rest of the browsers can only get 97/100. By the way, Acid3 is an old test. Comment down below what you think. I for one am hella impressed by Microsoft Edge insider's score!18KViews3likes11CommentsUse Calibre E-book manager (free) to read your EPUB files
Saw some people wanted to read EPUB files but it is discontinued in Edge classic, and it was a good decision since Edge is a browser, not a E-book reader. it also lacks so many essential features for managing E-book library. so for those of you looking for a free full featured complete software to enjoy your E-books, use Calibre. it supports all major E-book reader devices, E-book formats and many more! P.S I'm really trying to help people find a great free software to read their Epubs and start doing it right now. without waiting for anyone to develop and create something that is already made by someone else. the point of this topic is to demonstrate some Win32 E-book readers and their features. because in Microsoft's support article, they only said to use Windows store for finding an Epub reader but there isn't anything remotely as good as these programs on Windows store.18KViews2likes41CommentsMicrosoft is Adding Classic ‘Edge Mode’ to New Edge Browser
Microsoft is developing a new 'Edge Mode' that lets users visit sites using the same rendering engine as Classic Edge to continue using legacy web applications. In the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge, users can enable a feature called 'Internet Explorer Mode' that causes the browser to emulate Internet Explorer 11. This mode is designed for organizations that need to utilize web apps that were designed for the legacy browser. When Internet Explorer mode is enabled, the Internet Explorer icon will appear in the address bar and sites that you visit will think you are running Internet Explorer 11. Edge in Internet Explorer Mode If Internet Explorer mode is enabled, the Microsoft Edge Dev and Canary builds have also added a new option called 'Open sites in Edge mode'. While nothing official has been announced about this feature, it will most likely allow the browser to emulate Classic Edge. Open sites in Edge mode To use this feature, an Edge flag named "Enable IE Integration" at edge://flags/#edge-internet-explorer-integration must be set to 'IE Mode'. Enable IE Integration flag Once configured, users can then launch the new Microsoft Edge program with the '--ie-mode-test' command line argument to enable the Internet Explorer mode feature. Launch with --ie-mode-test argument Once that feature is enabled, an additional 'Open sites in Edge mode' option will become available under Options -> More Tools. This new mode does not appear to do anything as of yet. Still being developed This feature is still being developed as can be seen by the browser user-agents being sent when using these emulation modes. When a browser visits a web site, a user-agent string is sent to the web site with each request that can be used to identify the name and version of the browser. This user-agent can then be used by the site to determine what features the browser supports and any code changes that need to be made so that the web site renders properly. Below are the various user-agent strings sent by Microsoft Edge, Classic Edge, and the IE and Edge modes. New Microsoft Edge browser user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4023.0 Safari/537.36 Edg/81.0.396.0 Classic Microsoft Edge user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.102 Safari/537.36 Edge/18.19013 Internet Explorer Mode user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko Edge Mode user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4023.0 Safari/537.36 Edg/81.0.396.0 As you can see, when in Internet Explorer Mode the user agent is set to the one used by Internet Explorer 11. Edge Mode, though, still uses the same user-agent as the new Microsoft Edge rather than Classic Edge, which indicates that this feature is still in its infancy and being developed. As with all Microsoft software features, this one may not make it to Release, but based on the availability of IE Mode, we can expect that it will. Source15KViews3likes10Comments