Client Access
118 TopicsLog Parser Studio 2.0 is now available
Since the initial release of Log Parser Studio (LPS) there have been over 30,000 downloads and thousands of customers use the tool on a daily basis. In Exchange support many of our engineers use the tool to solve real world issues every day and in turn share with our customers, empowering them to solve the same issues themselves moving forward. LPS is still an active work in progress; based on both engineer and customer feedback many improvements have been made with multiple features added during the last year. Below is a short list of new features: Improved import/export functionality For those who create their own queries this is a real time-saver. We can now import from multiple XML files simultaneously only choosing the queries we wish to import from multiple query libraries or XML files. Search Query Results The existing feature allowing searching of queries in the library is now context aware meaning if you have a completed query in the query window, the search option searches that query. If you are in the library it searches the library and so on. This allows drilling down into existing query results without having to run a new query if all you want to do is narrow down existing result sets. Input/Output Format Support All LP 2.2 Input and Output formats contain preliminary support in LPS. Each format has its own property window containing all known LP 2.2 settings which can be modified to your liking. Exchange Extensible Logging Support Custom parser support was added for most all Exchange logs. These are covered by the EEL and EELX log formats included in LPS which cover Exchange logs from Exchange 2003 through Exchange 2013. Query Logging I can't tell you how many times myself or another engineer spent lots of time creating the perfect query for a particular issue we were troubleshooting, forgetting to save the query in the heat of the moment and losing all that work. No longer! We now have the capability to log every query that is executed to a text file (Query.log). What makes this so valuable is if you ran it, you can retrieve it. Queries There are now over 170 queries in the library including new sample queries for Exchange 2013. PowerShell Export You can now export any query as a standalone PowerShell script. The only requirement of course is that Log Parser 2.2 is installed on the machine you run it on but LPS is not required. There are some limitations but you can essentially use LPS as a query editor/test bed for PowerShell scripts that run Log Parser queries for you! Query Cancellation The ability to submit a request to cancel a running query has been added which will allow you to cancel a running query in many cases. Keyboard Shortcuts There are now 23 Keyboard shortcuts. Be sure to check these out as they will save you lots of time. To display the short cuts use CTRL+K or Help > Keyboard Shortcuts. There are literally hundreds of improvements and features; far too many to list here so be sure and check out our blog series with existing and upcoming tutorials, deep dives and more. If you are installing LPS for the first time you'll surely want to review the getting started series: Getting started with Log Parser Studio Getting started with Log Parser Studio, part 2 Getting started with Log Parser Studio, part 3 If you are already familiar with LPS and are installing this latest version, you'll want to check out the upgrade blog post here: Log Parser Studio: upgrading from v1 to v2 Additional LPS articles can be found here: LPS doesn't require an install so just extract to the folder of your choice and run LPS.EXE. If you have the previous version of LPS and you have added your own custom queries to the library, be sure to export those queries as a backup before running the newest version. See the "Upgrading to LPS V2" blog post above when upgrading. Kary Wall574KViews4likes18CommentsAnnouncing Hybrid Modern Authentication for Exchange On-Premises
We’re very happy to announce support for Hybrid Modern Authentication (HMA) with the next set of cumulative updates (CU) for Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016, that’s CU8 for Exchange Server 2016, and CU19 for Exchange Server 2013. What is HMA? HMA (not HAM, which Word keeps trying to correct it to for me) provides users the ability to access on-premises application using authorization tokens obtained from the cloud. For Exchange (that’s why you’re here right?), this means on-premises mailbox users get the ability to use these tokens (OAuth tokens specifically) for authentication to on-premises Exchange. Sounds thrilling I know, but what exactly are these tokens? And how do users get hold of them? Rather than repeat many things here, I’m going to suggest you take a break and read the How Hybrid Authentication Really Works post, and if you really want to help boost my YouTube viewing numbers, watch this Ignite session recording too. They will respectively give you a pretty solid grounding in OAuth concepts and to help you understand what HMA is really all about. See how much space we saved in this post by sending you somewhere else? If you ignored my advice, the tl’dr version is this: HMA enables Outlook to obtain Access and Refresh OAuth tokens from Azure AD (either directly for password hash sync or Pass-Through Auth identities, or from their own STS for federated identities) and Exchange on-premises will accept them and provide mailbox access. How users get those tokens, what they have to provide for credentials, is entirely up to you and the capabilities of the identity provider (iDP) – it could be simple username and password, or certificates, or phone auth, or fingerprints, blood, eyeball scanning, the ability to recite poetry, whatever your iDP can do. Note that the user’s identity has to be present in AAD for this to work, and there is some configuration required that the Exchange Hybrid Configuration Wizard does for us. That’s why we put the H in HMA, you need to be configured Hybrid with Exchange Online for this feature. It’s also worth knowing that HMA shares many of the same technology as the upcoming Outlook mobile support for Exchange on-premises with Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security feature, which as you’ll see from the blog post also requires Hybrid be in place. Once you have that figured out you’ll be able to benefit from both these features with very little additional work. How Does HMA Work? The video linked above goes into detail, but I’ll share some details here for anyone without the time to watch it. Here’s a diagram that explains HMA when the identity is federated. I think that picture is pretty clear, I spent a lot of time making it pretty clear so I don’t think I need to add much to it other than to say, if it’s not clear, you might want to try reading it again. Why Should I Enable HMA? Great question. There are a few good reasons, but mainly this is a security thing. HMA should be considered ‘more secure’ than the authentication methods previously available in Exchange. That’s a nebulous statement if there ever was one (I could have said it’s more ‘Modern’ but I know you weren’t going to fall for that) but there are a few good arguments as to why that’s true. When you enable HMA you are essentially outsourcing user authentication to your iDP, Exchange becomes the consumer of the resulting authorization tokens. You can enforce whatever authentication the iDP can do, rather than teach Exchange how to handle things like text messaged based MFA, blood analysis or retina scanning. If your iDP can do that, Exchange can consume the result. Exchange doesn’t care how you authenticated, only that you did, and came away with a token it can consume. So it’s clearly ‘more secure’ if you choose to enforce authentication types or requirements stronger than those that come free with Exchange, but even if you stick to usernames and passwords it’s also more secure as passwords are no longer being sent from client to server once the user is authenticated (though of course that depends on whether you are using Basic, NTLM or Kerberos). It’s all token based, the tokens have specific lifetimes, and are for specific applications and endpoints. One other interesting and important benefit to all this is that your auth flow is now exactly the same for both your cloud and on-premises users. Any MFA or Conditional Access policies you have configured are applied the same, regardless of the mailbox location. It’s simpler to stay secure. HMA also results in an improved user experience as there will be less authentication prompts. Once the user logs in once to AAD they can access any app that uses AAD tokens – that’s anything in O365 and even Skype for Business on-premises configured for HMA (read more about Skype for Business’s HMA support here). And don’t forget there’s the fact it’s more ‘Modern’. It’s newer and we put the word Modern on it. So it must be better, or at the very least, newer. Excellent, moving on. Will It Cost Me? Not if you just want to use free Azure ID’s or Federated identities and do MFA at your iDP. If you want to take advantage of advanced Azure features, then yes, you’ll have to pay for those. But to set this up the tenant admin needs only an Exchange and an Azure license assigned, to run the tools and enable the config. What do I need to enable HMA? There are some pre-requisites. The following Identity configurations with AAD are supported Federated Identity with AAD with any on-premises STS supported by Office 365 Password Hash Synchronization Pass Through Authentication In all cases, the entire on-premises directory must be synchronized to AAD, and all domains used for logon must be included in the sync configuration. Exchange Server All servers must be Exchange 2013 (CU19+) and/or Exchange 2016 (CU8+) No Exchange 2010 in the environment MAPI over HTTP enabled. It is usually enabled or True for new installs of Exchange 2013 Service Pack 1 and above. OAuth must be enabled on all Virtual Directories used by Outlook (/AutoDiscover, /EWS, /Mapi, /OAB) In the event your environment utilizes a proxy server infrastructure to allow servers to connect to the Internet, be sure all Exchange servers have the proxy server defined in the InternetWebProxy property. You must use clients that support ADAL (the client-side library that allows the client to work with OAuth tokens) to use the Modern Auth enabled features. Outlook 2013 requires the EnableADAL registry key be set, Outlook 2016 has this key set by default, Outlook 2016 for Mac works as it is, support for Outlook mobile (iOS and Android) is coming. Ensure AAD Connect between on-premises AD and the O365 tenant has the “Exchange hybrid deployment” setting enabled in the Optional Features settings of Azure AD Connect. Ensure SSL offloading is not being used between the load balancer and Exchange servers. Ensure all user networks can reach AAD efficiently. Let’s pick a few of those apart. No Exchange 2010 in the environment. That’s right, if you have E2010 you can’t enable HMA. Why? Because worst case is everyone with a mailbox on E2010 will be cut off from email. You don’t want that. It’s because OAuth happens anonymously upon initial connection. We send the user to AAD to get authenticated before we know where their mailbox is – and if that mailbox is on E2010, when they return with a token we’ll refuse to proxy from E2013/16 to E2010. Game over. Please insert coins. So we have drawn a line here and are stating no support for E2010, and the HCW won’t let you enable OAuth if E2010 exists. Don’t try and make it work, remember that scene from Ghostbusters, the whole crossing the streams thing? It’ll be like that, but worse. Next, MAPI/HTTP – you need to be using MAPI/HTTP not RPC/HTTP (Outlook Anywhere). This feature only works with MAPI/HTTP, and anyway, it’s time to get off RPC/HTTP. That’s very old code and as you might know we ended support for its use in O365, so it would be good to switch. It just works. Then there’s the ‘everyone should be in AAD’ thing. That’s because when you enable HMA, it’s Org wide. It affects every user connecting to Exchange. So, all users trying to access Exchange from a client that support Modern Auth will be sent to AAD. If you only have some users represented in AAD, only those users will be able to auth. The rest will come find you at lunch and make your life a misery. Unless you like misery, I wouldn’t recommend that route. Needing clients that support Modern Auth clearly, makes sense. And you need to make sure all the Exchange VDirs have OAuth enabled on them. Sounds obvious, and they are enabled by default, but some admins like to tinker… so it’s worth checking, and I’ll explain how later. SSL offloading works by terminating the SSL/TLS encryption on the load balancer and transmitting the request as HTTP. In the context of OAuth, using SSL offloading has implications because if the audience claim value specifies a HTTPS record, then when Exchange receives the decrypted request over HTTP, the request is considered not valid. By removing SSL offloading, Exchange will not fail the OAuth session due to a change in the audience claim value. Lastly, the ensuring all user networks can reach AAD comment. This change affects all connectivity from supported clients to Exchange, internal and external. When a user tries to connect to Exchange, whether that server is 10 feet away under the new guys desk or in a datacenter on the other side of the planet the HMA flow will kick in. If the user doesn’t have a valid token the traffic will include a trip to AAD. If you are one of those customers with complex networking in place, consider that. How do I Enable HMA? You’ve checked the pre-reqs, and you think you’re good to go. You can do a lot of this up front without impacting clients, I’ll point out where clients begin to see changes, so you can be prepared. We do recommend trying HMA in your test or lab environment if you can before doing it in production. You are changing auth, it’s something you need to be careful doing, as cutting everyone off from email is never a good thing. Here’s what to do. First, we have some Azure Active Directory Configuration to do. You need to register all the URL’s a client might use to connect to on-premises Exchange in AAD, so that AAD can issue tokens for those endpoints. This includes all internal and external namespaces, as AAD will become the default auth method for all connections, internal and external. Here’s a tip – look at the SSL certificates you have on Exchange and make sure all those names are considered for inclusion. Run the following cmdlets to gather the URL’s you need to add/verify are in AAD. Get-MapiVirtualDirectory | FL server,*url* Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | FL server,*url* Get-OABVirtualDirectory | FL server,*url*> Now you need to ensure all URL’s clients may connect to are listed as https service principal names (SPN’s): Connect to your AAD tenant using these instructions. For Exchange-related URL’s, execute the following command (note the AppId ends …02): Get-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 | select -ExpandProperty ServicePrincipalNames The output will look similar to the following: [PS] C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 | select -ExpandProperty ServicePrincipalNames 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/* 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 If you do not already have your internal and external MAPI/HTTP, EWS, OAB and AutoDiscover https records listed (i.e., and, add them using the following command (replacing the fully qualified domain names with the correct namespaces and/or deleting the appropriate addition line if one of the records already exists): $x= Get-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 $x.ServicePrincipalnames.Add("") $x.ServicePrincipalnames.Add("") Set-MSOLServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 -ServicePrincipalNames $x.ServicePrincipalNames Repeat step 2 and verify the records were added. We’re looking for https://namespace entries for all the URL’s, not 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/namespace entries. For example, [PS] C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 | select -ExpandProperty ServicePrincipalNames 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/* 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000/ 00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000 Then we need to validate the EvoSts authentication provider is present using the Exchange Management Shell (this is created by the Hybrid Configuration Wizard): Get-AuthServer | where {$_.Name -eq "EvoSts"} If it is not present, please download and execute the latest version of the Hybrid Configuration Wizard. Note that this authentication provider is not created if Exchange 2010 (this includes Edge Transport servers) is detected in the environment. Now let’s make sure OAuth is properly enabled in Exchange on all the right virtual directories Outlook might use. Run the following cmdlets (and a tip, don’t use -ADPropertiesOnly as that sometimes tells little white lies, try it and see if you don’t believe me) Get-MapiVirtualDirectory | FL server,*url*,*auth* Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | FL server,*url*,*oauth* Get-OABVirtualDirectory | FL server,*url*,*oauth* Get-AutoDiscoverVirtualDirectory | FL server,*oauth* You are looking to make sure OAuth is enabled on each of these VDirs, it will look something like this (and the key things to look at are highlighted); [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MapiVirtualDirectory | fl server,*url*,*auth* Server : EX1 InternalUrl : ExternalUrl : IISAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, OAuth, Negotiate} InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, OAuth, Negotiate} ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, OAuth, Negotiate} [PS] C:\Windows\system32> Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory | fl server,*url*,*auth* Server : EX1 InternalNLBBypassUrl : InternalUrl : ExternalUrl : CertificateAuthentication : InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity, OAuth} ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity, OAuth} LiveIdNegotiateAuthentication : WSSecurityAuthentication : True LiveIdBasicAuthentication : False BasicAuthentication : False DigestAuthentication : False WindowsAuthentication : True OAuthAuthentication : True AdfsAuthentication : False [PS] C:\Windows\system32> Get-OabVirtualDirectory | fl server,*url*,*auth* Server : EX1 InternalUrl : ExternalUrl : BasicAuthentication : False WindowsAuthentication : True OAuthAuthentication : True InternalAuthenticationMethods : {WindowsIntegrated, OAuth} ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {WindowsIntegrated, OAuth} [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory | fl server,*auth* Server : EX1 InternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic, Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity, OAuth} ExternalAuthenticationMethods : {Basic, Ntlm, WindowsIntegrated, WSSecurity, OAuth} LiveIdNegotiateAuthentication : False WSSecurityAuthentication : True LiveIdBasicAuthentication : False BasicAuthentication : True DigestAuthentication : False WindowsAuthentication : True OAuthAuthentication : True AdfsAuthentication : False Once you have checked these over, you might need to add OAuth here and there. It’s important to make sure all the servers are consistent, there’s really nothing harder to troubleshoot than when one server out of ten is wrong… (Top Nerd Note: I hope you know why we didn’t include *url* in the Get-AutodiscoverVirtualDirectory cmdlet? Answers in the comments section if you do. There are no prizes to be won!) If you need to add an Auth method, here’s a tip. For all except /Mapi, just set the -OAuthAuthentication property to $True. Done. But for /Mapi you need add it explicitly, and not using some fancy @Add PowerShell thing you learned in some online course or from that smart guy in the office who tells everyone he doesn’t use ECP as it’s for kids and dogs. Because I've learned too that sometimes that doesn’t always work the way it should. If you needed to add OAuth to all the Mapi Vdirs in the org, do it like this; Get-MapiVirtualDirectory | Set-MapiVirtualDirectory -IISAuthenticationMethods Ntlm, OAuth, Negotiate Up to this point no clients should have been impacted (unless you messed the Vdir auth up, and if you did, you should only have been adding OAuth, not taking others away…you know that now don’t you). So next we start to impact clients – so this is the bit you want to do out of normal business hours. For career reasons. So, make sure you validate the following: Make sure you have completed the steps above in the Azure AD Configuration section. All the SPN’s you need should be in there. Make sure OAuth is enabled on all virtual directories used by Outlook. Make sure your clients are up to date and HMA capable by validating you have the minimal version as defined in our supportability requirements. Make sure you have communicated what you are doing. Set the EvoSts authentication provider as the default provider (this step affects Outlook 2016 for Mac and native EAS clients that support OAuth right away): Set-AuthServer EvoSTS -IsDefaultAuthorizationEndpoint $true Enable the OAuth client feature for Windows Outlook: Set-OrganizationConfig -OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled $True That’s it. All the prep you did means it comes down to two cmdlets. Wield the power wisely. How do I Know I’m Using HMA? After HMA is enabled, the next time a client needs to authenticate it will use the new auth flow. Just turning on HMA may not immediately trigger a re-auth for any client. To test that HMA is working after you have enabled it, restart Outlook. The client should switch to use the Modern Auth flow. You should see an ADAL generated auth dialog, from Office 365. Once you enter the username you might be redirected to your on-premises IDP, like ADFS (and might not see anything at all if Integrated auth is configured), or you might need to enter a password. You might have to do MFA, it depends on how much stuff you’ve set up in AAD already. Once you get connected (and I hope you do), check Outlook’s Connection Status dialog (Ctrl-Right Click the Outlook tray icon) you will see the word Bearer in the Authn column – which is the sign that it’s using HMA. Well done you. Check everyone else is ok before heading home though, eh? Something Went Wrong. How do I Troubleshoot HMA? Ah, you’re reading this section. It’s panic time, right? I was thinking of not publishing this section until next year, just for giggles. Mine, not yours. But I didn’t. Here’s what to think about if stuff isn’t working like I said it would. Firstly, make sure you did ALL the steps above, not some, not just the ones you understood. We’ve all seen it, 10 steps to make something work, and someone picks the steps they do like it’s a buffet. If you’re sure you’ve done them all, let’s troubleshoot this together. If you need to simply turn this back off then just run the last two cmdlets we ran again, but setting them to False this time. You might need to run IISReset on Exchange more than once, we cache settings all over the place for performance reasons, but those two will put you back to where you were if all hope is lost (hopefully you still have a chance to capture a trace as detailed in a moment before you do this, as it will help identity what went wrong). If you aren’t reverting the settings just yet, you clearly want to troubleshoot this a bit. First thing is – is the client seeing any kind of pop up warning dialog? Are they seeing any certificate errors? Trust or name mismatches, that sort of thing? Anything like that will stop this flow in its tracks. The clients don’t need anything more than trusting the endpoints they need to talk to – Exchange, AAD ( and and ADFS or your iDP of choice if in use. If they trust the issuer of the certs securing those sites, great. If you have some kind of name translation thing going on somewhere, that might cause a warning, or worse, a silent failure. Here’s an example of this I saw recently. Exchange was published using Web Application Proxy (WAP). You can do that, but only in pass-through mode. The publishing rule for AutoDiscover in this case was using to the outside world, but the WAP publishing rule was set up to forward that traffic to on the inside. That causes this to fail, as Outlook heads to AAD to get a token for the resource called and it does. Then it hands that to WAP, who then forwards to Exchange using the target URI – the uri used in the token isn’t equal to the uri used by WAP… kaboom. So, don’t do that. But I’ll show you later how an error like that shows up and can be discovered. Assuming certificates are good, we need to get deeper. We need to trace the traffic. The tool I prefer to use for this is Fiddler, but there are others out there that can be used. Now, Fiddler or the like can capture everything that happens between client and server – and I mean everything. If you are doing Basic auth, Fiddler will capture those creds. So, don’t run a Fiddler trace capturing everything going on and share it with your buddies or Microsoft. We don’t want your password. Use a test account or learn enough about Fiddler to delete the passwords. I’ll leave it to the Telerik people who create Fiddler to tell you how to install and really use their tool, but I’ll share these few snippets I’ve learned, and how I use it to debug HMA. Once installed and with the Fiddler root certs in the trusted root store (Fiddler acts as a man-in-the-middle proxy) it will capture traffic from whatever clients you choose. You need to enable HTTPS decryption (Tools, Options, HTTPS), as all our traffic is encased in TLS. If you have ADFS you can either choose to configure Fiddler to Skip Decryption for the ADFS url, if you don’t want to see what happens at ADFS, but if you do, you will have to relax the security stance of ADFS a bit to allow the traffic to be properly captured. Only do this while capturing the traffic for debug purposes, then reset it back. Start with bypassing decryption for the iDP first, come back to this if you suspect that is the issue. To set level of extended protection for authentication supported by the federation server to none (off) Set-AdfsProperties -extendedprotectiontokencheck none Then to set it back to the default once you have the capture: Set-AdfsProperties -extendedprotectiontokencheck Allow Read more about all that clever ADFSstuff here. Now you run the capture. Start Fiddler first, then start Outlook. I suggest closing all other apps and browsers, so as not to muddy the Fiddling waters. Keep an eye on Fiddler and Outlook, try and log in using Outlook, or repro the issue, then stop tracing (F12). Now we shall try to figure out what’s going on. I prefer the view where I have the traffic listed in the left hand pane, then on the right the top section is the request, and hte lower right in the response. But you do whatever works for you. But Fiddler shows each frame, then splits each into the Request, and the Response. That’s how you need to orient yourself. So the flow you’ll see will be something like this; Client connects to Exchange, sending an empty ‘Bearer‘ header. This is the hint to tell Exchange it can do OAuth but does not yet have a token. If it sends Bearer and a string of gobbledygook, that’s your token. Here are two examples of this. The header section to look at is Security. This is using Fiddler’s Header view. Do you see how the Security header says just Bearer on the left, but shows Bearer + Token on the right. Exchange responds with (lower pane of the same packet in Fiddler, raw view), here’s where you can get a token (link to AAD). If you scroll all the way to the right you’ll see the authorization_uri (AAD) Normally, Outlook goes to that location, does Auth, gets a token, comes back to Exchange, and then tries to connect using Bearer + Token as above. If it’s accepted, it’s 200’s and beers all round and we’re done. Where could it go wrong? Client Failure Firstly, the client doesn’t send the empty Bearer header. That means isn’t even trying to do Bearer. This could be a few things. It could be that you are testing with Outlook 2010 which doesn’t support Bearer (so stop trying and upgrade). Maybe you are using Outlook 2013 but forgot to set the EnableADAL reg keys set? See the link below for those. But what if this is Outlook 2016, which has EnableADAL set by default and it is still not sending the Header…. Huh? Most likely cause, someone has been tinkering around in the registry or with GPO’s to set registry keys. I knew a guy who edited the registry once and three days later crashed his car. So, do not tell me you were not warned. You need to make sure keys are set as per Outlook2016 for Mac can also have MA disabled (though it’s enabled by default). You can set it back to the default by running this from Terminal: defaults write DisableModernAuth -bool NO That’s how we deal with the client not sending the Header. Check again and see the Header in all its Header glory. Auth_URI Failures Next thing that might happen is the server doesn’t respond with the authorization-uri, or it’s the wrong one. If there’s no authorization_uri at all then the EvoSts AuthServer does not have IsDefaultAuthorizationEndpoint set to $true. Recheck you ran Set-AuthServer EvoSts -IsDefaultAuthorizationEndpoint $true If it comes back, but with some other value than expected, make sure the right AuthServer is set as default, we only support you using AAD for this flow. If you think setting this to your on-premises ADFS endpoint will make this work without AAD… you’re wrong, as you discovered when you tried. If you are thinking of trying it, don’t bother. That’s an Exchange 2019 thing. Oh, did I just let that out of the bag? If HMA is enabled at the org level, but connections still don’t elicit the authorization_uri you expect it’s likely OAuth isn’t enabled on the Virtual Directory Outlook is trying to connect to. You need to simply make sure you have OAuth enabled on all VDirs, on all servers. Go back to the How Do I Enable section and check those VDirs again. Now, sometimes that all comes back ok but the client still doesn’t take the bait. If so, check for the following in the response; HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Content-Length: 0 Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 request-id: a8e9dfb4-cb06-4b18-80a0-b110220177e1 Www-Authenticate: Negotiate Www-Authenticate: NTLM Www-Authenticate: Basic realm="" X-FEServer: CONTOSOEX16 x-ms-diagnostics: 4000000;reason="Flighting is not enabled for domain ''.";error_category="oauth_not_available" X-Powered-By: ASP.NET WWW-Authenticate: Bearer client_id="00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", trusted_issuers="00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@f31f3647-5d87-4b69-a0b6-73f62aeab14c", token_types="app_asserted_user_v1 service_asserted_app_v1", authorization_uri="" Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2017 18:22:13 GMT Proxy-Support: Session-Based-Authentication Now this response is interesting because it says, go get a token (www-authenticate), but in x-ms-diagnostics it says, no, don’t. Is Exchange unsure? This means OAuth is enabled, but not for Outlook for Windows. So, you ran one of the two commands above (or you ran them both but not enough time has passed for them to kick in) Verify that the OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled property is set to $true by checking; (Get-OrganizationConfig).OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled Other Failures We have a token, we know OAuth is enabled at the Org level in Exchange, we know all the Vdirs are good. But it still won’t connect. Dang, what now? Now you’ll have to start to dig into server responses more closely, and start looking for things that look like errors. The errors you’ll see are usually in plain English, though of course that doesn’t mean they make sense. But here are some examples. Missing SPNs Client goes to AAD to get a token and get this: Location: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob?error=invalid_resource& Name Mismatches Here’s one I mentioned earlier. There’s some device between client and server changing the names being used. Tokens are issued for specific uri’s, so when you change the names… HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Content-Length: 0 WWW-Authenticate: Bearer client_id="00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", trusted_issuers="00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@8da56bec-0d27-4cac-ab06-52ee2c40ea22,,00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000@8da56bec-0d27-4cac-ab06-52ee2c40ea22", token_types="app_asserted_user_v1 service_asserted_app_v1", authorization_uri="", error="invalid_token" Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 request-id: 5fdfec03-2389-42b9-bab9-c787a49d09ca Www-Authenticate: Negotiate Www-Authenticate: NTLM Www-Authenticate: Basic realm="" X-FEServer: RGBMSX02 x-ms-diagnostics: 2000003;reason="The hostname component of the audience claim value '' is invalid";error_category="invalid_resource" X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 20:37:48 GMT SSL Offloading As mentioned in the previous section, tokens are issued for a specific uri and that value includes the protocol value ("https://"). When the load balancer offloads the SSL, the request Exchange will receives comes in via HTTP, resulting in a claim mismatch due to the protocol value being "http://": Content-Length →0 Date →Thu, 30 Nov 2017 07:52:52 GMT Server →Microsoft-IIS/8.5 WWW-Authenticate →Bearer client_id="00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", trusted_issuers="00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@00c118a9-2de9-41d3-b39a-81648a7a5e4d", authorization_uri="", error="invalid_token" WWW-Authenticate →Basic realm="" X-FEServer →RGBMSX02 X-Powered-By →ASP.NET request-id →2323088f-8838-4f97-a88d-559bfcf92866 x-ms-diagnostics →2000003;reason="The hostname component of the audience claim value is invalid. Expected ''. Actual ''.";error_category="invalid_resource" Who’s This? Perhaps you ignored my advice about syncing all your users to AAD? HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized Cache-Control: private Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 request-id: 63b3e26c-e7fe-4c4e-a0fb-26feddcb1a33 Set-Cookie: ClientId=E9459F787DAA4FA880A70B0941F02AC3; expires=Wed, 25-Oct-2017 11:59:16 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly X-CalculatedBETarget: WWW-Authenticate: Bearer client_id="00000002-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000", trusted_issuers="00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000000@cc2e9d54-565d-4b36-b7f0-9866c19f9b17" x-ms-diagnostics: 2000005;reason="The user specified by the user-context in the token does not exist.";error_category="invalid_user" X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319 WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="" WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate WWW-Authenticate: NTLM X-Powered-By: ASP.NET X-FEServer: E15 Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2016 11:59:16 GMT Content-Length: 0 Password Changed? When the user changes their password they must re-authenticate to get a new Refresh/Access token pair. HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Expires: -1 Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff x-ms-request-id: f840b3e7-8740-4698-b252-d759825e0300 P3P: CP="DSP CUR OTPi IND OTRi ONL FIN" Set-Cookie: esctx=AQABAAAAAABHh4kmS_aKT5XrjzxRAtHz3lyJfwgypqTMzLvXD-deUmtaub0aqU_17uPZe3xCZbgKz8Ws99KNxVJSM0AglTVLUEtzTz8y8wTTavHlEG6on2cOjXqRtbgr2DLezsw_OZ7JP4M42qZfMd1mR0BlTLWI3dSllBFpS9Epvh5Yi0Of5eQkOHL7x97IDk_o1EWB7lEgAA;; path=/; secure; HttpOnly Set-Cookie: x-ms-gateway-slice=008; path=/; secure; HttpOnly Set-Cookie: stsservicecookie=ests; path=/; secure; HttpOnly X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 20:36:16 GMT Content-Length: 605 {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS50173: The provided grant has expired due to it being revoked. The user might have changed or reset their password. The grant was issued on '2017-10-28T17:20:13.2960000Z' and the TokensValidFrom date for this user is '2017-11-16T20:27:45.0000000Z'\r\nTrace ID: f840b3e7-8740-4698-b252-d759825e0300\r\nCorrelation ID: f3fc8b2f-7cf1-4ce8-b34d-5dd41aba0a02\r\nTimestamp: 2017-11-16 20:36:16Z","error_codes":[50173],"timestamp":"2017-11-16 20:36:16Z","trace_id":"f840b3e7-8740-4698-b252-d759825e0300","correlation_id":"f3fc8b2f-7cf1-4ce8-b34d-5dd41aba0a02"} Unicorn Rampage? When a Unicorn Rampage has taken place and all tokens are invalidated you’ll see this. HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Unicorn Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, not-bloody-safe Pragma: no-cache Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Expires: -1 Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5 Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff x-ms-request-id: f840b3e7-8740-4698-b252-d759825e0300 P3P: CP="DSP CUR OTPi IND OTRi ONL FIN" Set-Cookie: esctx=AQABAAAAAABHh4kmS_aKT5XrjzxRAtHz3lyJfwgypqTMzLvXD-deUmtaub0aqU_17uPZe3xCZbgKz8Ws99KNxVJSM0AglTVLUEtzTz8y8wTTavHlEG6on2cOjXqRtbgr2DLezsw_OZ7JP4M42qZfMd1mR0BlTLWI3dSllBFpS9Epvh5Yi0Of5eQkOHL7x97IDk_o1EWB7lEgAA;; path=/; secure; HttpOnly Set-Cookie: x-ms-gateway-slice=008; path=/; secure; HttpOnly Set-Cookie: stsservicecookie=ests; path=/; secure; HttpOnly X-Powered-By: ASP.NET Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 20:36:16 GMT Content-Length: 605 {"error":"unicorn_rampage","error_description":"The Unicorns are on a rampage. It’s time go home” '2017-11-16T20:27:45.0000000Z'\r\nTrace ID: f840b3e7-8740-4698-b252-d759825e0300\r\nCorrelation ID: f3fc8b2f-7cf1-4ce8-b34d-5dd41aba0a02\r\nTimestamp: 2017-11-16 20:36:16Z","error_codes":[50173],"timestamp":"2017-11-16 20:36:16Z","trace_id":"f840b3e7-8740-4698-b252-d759825e0300","correlation_id":"f3fc8b2f-7cf1-4ce8-b34d-5dd41aba0a02"} And so on. You can see there are a few things that can go wrong, but Fiddler is your friend, so use it to debug and look closely and often the answer is staring you right there in the face. Viewing Tokens Lastly, and just for fun, if you want to see what an actual, real life Access token looks like, I’ll show you how… calm down, it’s not that exciting. In Fiddler, in the Request (upper pane), where you see Header + Value (begins ey…), you can right click the value and choose Send to Text Wizard, and set Transform to ‘From Base64’. Or you can copy the entire value and use a web site such as to transform them into a readable format like this. { "aud": "", "iss": "", "acr": "1", "aio": "ASQA2/8DAAAAn27t2aiyI+heHYucfj0pMmQhcEEYkgRP6+2ox9akUsM=", "amr": [ "pwd" ], "appid": "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c", "appidacr": "0", "e_exp": 262800, "enfpolids": [], "family_name": "Taylor", "given_name": "Greg", "ipaddr": “", "name": "Greg Taylor (sounds like a cool guy)", "oid": "7f199a96-50b1-4675-9db0-57b362c5d564", "onprem_sid": "S-1-5-21-2366433183-230171048-1893555995-1654", "platf": "3", "puid": "1003BFFD9ACA40EE", "scp": "Calendars.ReadWrite Contacts.ReadWrite Files.ReadWrite.All Group.ReadWrite.All Mail.ReadWrite Mail.Send Privilege.ELT Signals-Internal.Read Signals-Internal.ReadWrite Tags.ReadWrite user_impersonation", "sub": "32Q7MW8A7kNX5dPed4_XkHP4YwuC6rA8yBwnoROnSlU", "tid": "f31f3647-5d87-4b69-a0b6-73f62aeab14c", "unique_name": "", "upn": "", "ver": "1.0" } Fun times, eh? I was just relieved to see my enfpolids claim was empty when I saw that line, that sounds quite worrying and something I was going to ask my doctor about. Summary We’ve covered why HMA is great, why it’s more secure, how to get ready for it and how to enable it. And even how to troubleshoot it. Like all changes it requires careful planning and execution, and particularly when messing with auth, be super careful, please. If people can’t connect, that’s bad. We’ve been running like this for months inside Microsoft, and we too missed an SPN when we first did it, so it can happen. But if you take your time and do it right, stronger, better and heck, a more Modern auth can be yours. Good luck Greg Taylor Principal PM Manager Office 365 Customer Experience220KViews6likes63CommentsNotes from the field: Using OAuth for ActiveSync and POP/IMAP in Exchange Online
We wanted to address two areas that prompt questions about using OAuth in Exchange Online: Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) reported usage and use of POP/IMAP with OAuth (interactive and application usage).41KViews8likes17CommentsBasic Authentication and Exchange Online – July Update
Today we are pleased to announce some new changes to Modern Authentication controls in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, exposing simpler options for customers to manage both Modern and Basic Authentication requirements within their organizations.140KViews14likes25CommentsThe Exchange 2016 Preferred Architecture
The Preferred Architecture (PA) is the Exchange Engineering Team’s best practice recommendation for what we believe is the optimum deployment architecture for Exchange 2016, and one that is very similar to what we deploy in Office 365. While Exchange 2016 offers a wide variety of architectural choices for on-premises deployments, the architecture discussed below is our most scrutinized one ever. While there are other supported deployment architectures, they are not recommended. The PA is designed with several business requirements in mind, such as the requirement that the architecture be able to: Include both high availability within the datacenter, and site resilience between datacenters Support multiple copies of each database, thereby allowing for quick activation Reduce the cost of the messaging infrastructure Increase availability by optimizing around failure domains and reducing complexity The specific prescriptive nature of the PA means of course that not every customer will be able to deploy it (for example, customers without multiple datacenters). And some of our customers have different business requirements or other needs which necessitate a different architecture. If you fall into those categories, and you want to deploy Exchange on-premises, there are still advantages to adhering as closely as possible to the PA, and deviate only where your requirements widely differ. Alternatively, you can consider Office 365 where you can take advantage of the PA without having to deploy or manage servers. The PA removes complexity and redundancy where necessary to drive the architecture to a predictable recovery model: when a failure occurs, another copy of the affected database is activated. The PA is divided into four areas of focus: Namespace design Datacenter design Server design DAG design Namespace Design In the Namespace Planning and Load Balancing Principles articles, I outlined the various configuration choices that are available with Exchange 2016. For the namespace, the choices are to either deploy a bound namespace (having a preference for the users to operate out of a specific datacenter) or an unbound namespace (having the users connect to any datacenter without preference). The recommended approach is to utilize the unbounded model, deploying a single Exchange namespace per client protocol for the site resilient datacenter pair (where each datacenter is assumed to represent its own Active Directory site - see more details on that below). For example: For HTTP clients: For IMAP clients: For SMTP clients: Each Exchange namespace is load balanced across both datacenters in a layer 7 configuration that does not leverage session affinity, resulting in fifty percent of traffic being proxied between datacenters. Traffic is equally distributed across the datacenters in the site resilient pair, via round robin DNS, geo-DNS, or other similar solutions. From our perspective, the simpler solution is the least complex and easier to manage, so our recommendation is to leverage round robin DNS. For the Office Online Server farm, a namespace is deployed per datacenter, with the load balancer utilizing layer 7, maintaining session affinity using cookie based persistence. Figure 1: Namespace Design in the Preferred Architecture In the event that you have multiple site resilient datacenter pairs in your environment, you will need to decide if you want to have a single worldwide namespace, or if you want to control the traffic to each specific datacenter by using regional namespaces. Ultimately your decision depends on your network topology and the associated cost with using an unbound model; for example, if you have datacenters located in North America and Europe, the network link between these regions might not only be costly, but it might also have high latency, which can introduce user pain and operational issues. In that case, it makes sense to deploy a bound model with a separate namespace for each region. However, options like geographical DNS offer you the ability to deploy a single unified namespace, even when you have costly network links; geo-DNS allows you to have your users directed to the closest datacenter based on their client’s IP address. Figure 2: Geo-distributed Unbound Namespace Site Resilient Datacenter Pair Design To achieve a highly available and site resilient architecture, you must have two or more datacenters that are well-connected (ideally, you want a low round-trip network latency, otherwise replication and the client experience are adversely affected). In addition, the datacenters should be connected via redundant network paths supplied by different operating carriers. While we support stretching an Active Directory site across multiple datacenters, for the PA we recommend that each datacenter be its own Active Directory site. There are two reasons: Transport site resilience via Shadow Redundancy and Safety Net can only be achieved when the DAG has members located in more than one Active Directory site. Active Directory has published guidance that states that subnets should be placed in different Active Directory sites when the round trip latency is greater than 10ms between the subnets. Server Design In the PA, all servers are physical servers. Physical hardware is deployed rather than virtualized hardware for two reasons: The servers are scaled to use 80% of resources during the worst-failure mode. Virtualization adds an additional layer of management and complexity, which introduces additional recovery modes that do not add value, particularly since Exchange provides that functionality. Commodity server platforms are used in the PA. Commodity platforms are and include: 2U, dual socket servers (20-24 cores) up to 192GB of memory a battery-backed write cache controller 12 or more large form factor drive bays within the server chassis Additional drive bays can be deployed per-server depending on the number of mailboxes, mailbox size, and the server’s scalability. Each server houses a single RAID1 disk pair for the operating system, Exchange binaries, protocol/client logs, and transport database. The rest of the storage is configured as JBOD, using large capacity 7.2K RPM serially attached SCSI (SAS) disks (while SATA disks are also available, the SAS equivalent provides better IO and a lower annualized failure rate). Each disk that houses an Exchange database is formatted with ReFS (with the integrity feature disabled) and the DAG is configured such that AutoReseed formats the disks with ReFS: Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup <DAG> -FileSystem ReFS BitLocker is used to encrypt each disk, thereby providing data encryption at rest and mitigating concerns around data theft or disk replacement. For more information, see Enabling BitLocker on Exchange Servers. To ensure that the capacity and IO of each disk is used as efficiently as possible, four database copies are deployed per-disk. The normal run-time copy layout ensures that there is no more than a single active copy per disk. At least one disk in the disk pool is reserved as a hot spare. AutoReseed is enabled and quickly restores database redundancy after a disk failure by activating the hot spare and initiating database copy reseeds. Database Availability Group Design Within each site resilient datacenter pair you will have one or more DAGs. DAG Configuration As with the namespace model, each DAG within the site resilient datacenter pair operates in an unbound model with active copies distributed equally across all servers in the DAG. This model: Ensures that each DAG member’s full stack of services (client connectivity, replication pipeline, transport, etc.) is being validated during normal operations. Distributes the load across as many servers as possible during a failure scenario, thereby only incrementally increasing resource use across the remaining members within the DAG. Each datacenter is symmetrical, with an equal number of DAG members in each datacenter. This means that each DAG has an even number of servers and uses a witness server for quorum maintenance. The DAG is the fundamental building block in Exchange 2016. With respect to DAG size, a larger DAG provides more redundancy and resources. Within the PA, the goal is to deploy larger DAGs (typically starting out with an eight member DAG and increasing the number of servers as required to meet your requirements). You should only create new DAGs when scalability introduces concerns over the existing database copy layout. DAG Network Design The PA leverages a single, non-teamed network interface for both client connectivity and data replication. A single network interface is all that is needed because ultimately our goal is to achieve a standard recovery model regardless of the failure - whether a server failure occurs or a network failure occurs, the result is the same: a database copy is activated on another server within the DAG. This architectural change simplifies the network stack, and obviates the need to manually eliminate heartbeat cross-talk. Note: While your environment may not use IPv6, IPv6 remains enabled per IPv6 support in Exchange. Witness Server Placement Ultimately, the placement of the witness server determines whether the architecture can provide automatic datacenter failover capabilities or whether it will require a manual activation to enable service in the event of a site failure. If your organization has a third location with a network infrastructure that is isolated from network failures that affect the site resilient datacenter pair in which the DAG is deployed, then the recommendation is to deploy the DAG’s witness server in that third location. This configuration gives the DAG the ability to automatically failover databases to the other datacenter in response to a datacenter-level failure event, regardless of which datacenter has the outage. If your organization does not have a third location, consider placing the witness in Azure; alternatively, place the witness server in one of the datacenters within the site resilient datacenter pair. If you have multiple DAGs within the site resilient datacenter pair, then place the witness server for all DAGs in the same datacenter (typically the datacenter where the majority of the users are physically located). Also, make sure the Primary Active Manager (PAM) for each DAG is also located in the same datacenter. Data Resiliency Data resiliency is achieved by deploying multiple database copies. In the PA, database copies are distributed across the site resilient datacenter pair, thereby ensuring that mailbox data is protected from software, hardware and even datacenter failures. Each database has four copies, with two copies in each datacenter, which means at a minimum, the PA requires four servers. Out of these four copies, three of them are configured as highly available. The fourth copy (the copy with the highest Activation Preference number) is configured as a lagged database copy. Due to the server design, each copy of a database is isolated from its other copies, thereby reducing failure domains and increasing the overall availability of the solution as discussed in DAG: Beyond the “A”. The purpose of the lagged database copy is to provide a recovery mechanism for the rare event of system-wide, catastrophic logical corruption. It is not intended for individual mailbox recovery or mailbox item recovery. The lagged database copy is configured with a seven day ReplayLagTime. In addition, the Replay Lag Manager is also enabled to provide dynamic log file play down for lagged copies when availability is compromised. By using the lagged database copy in this manner, it is important to understand that the lagged database copy is not a guaranteed point-in-time backup. The lagged database copy will have an availability threshold, typically around 90%, due to periods where the disk containing a lagged copy is lost due to disk failure, the lagged copy becoming an HA copy (due to automatic play down), as well as, the periods where the lagged database copy is re-building the replay queue. To protect against accidental (or malicious) item deletion, Single Item Recovery or In-Place Hold technologies are used, and the Deleted Item Retention window is set to a value that meets or exceeds any defined item-level recovery SLA. With all of these technologies in play, traditional backups are unnecessary; as a result, the PA leverages Exchange Native Data Protection. Office Online Server Design At a minimum, you will want to deploy two Office Online Servers in each datacenter that hosts Exchange 2016 servers. Each Office Online Server should have 8 processor cores, 32GB of memory and at least 40GB of space dedicated for log files. Note: The Office Online Server infrastructure does not need to be exclusive to Exchange. As such, the hardware guidance takes into account usage by SharePoint and Skype for Business. Be sure to work with any other teams using the Office Online Server infrastructure to ensure the servers are adequately sized for your specific deployment. The Exchange servers within a particular datacenter are configured to use the local Office Online Server farm via the following cmdlet: Set-MailboxServer <East MBX Server> –WACDiscoveryEndPoint Summary Exchange Server 2016 continues in the investments introduced in previous versions of Exchange by reducing the server role architecture complexity, aligning with the Preferred Architecture and Office 365 design principles, and improving coexistence with Exchange Server 2013. These changes simplify your Exchange deployment, without decreasing the availability or the resiliency of the deployment. And in some scenarios, when compared to previous generations, the PA increases availability and resiliency of your deployment. Ross Smith IV Principal Program Manager Office 365 Customer Experience264KViews1like20CommentsControlling Exchange ActiveSync device access using the Allow/Block/Quarantine list
What is the Allow/Block/Quarantine list? In Exchange 2010 we added a feature called the Allow/Block/Quarantine list (or ABQ for short). This feature was designed to help IT organizations control which of the growing number of Exchange ActiveSync-enabled devices are allowed to connect to their Exchange Servers. With this feature, organizations can choose which devices (or families of devices) can connect using Exchange ActiveSync (and conversely, which are blocked or quarantined). Some of you may remember my previous post on this topic dealing with organizations that do not have Exchange 2010 and thus I wanted to show you the far better way you can do this in Exchange 2010 (which is also what you will see in Office 365 and Exchange Online if you are looking at our cloud-based offerings). It is important to understand that the ABQ list is not meant to displace policy controls implemented using Exchange ActiveSync policies. Policy controls allow you to control and manage device features (such as remote wipe, PIN passwords, encryption, camera blocking, etc.) whereas the ABQ list is about controlling which devices are allowed to connect (for example, there may be a lot of devices that support EAS PIN policies, but some IT departments only want to allow certain devices to connect to limit support or testing costs). The easy takeaway is that Exchange ActiveSync policies allow you to limit device access by capabilities while the Allow/Block/Quarantine list allows you to control device access by device type. If you're curious as to what devices OS support which policies, the Wikipedia article we blogged about is a good place to look. Different device access models for different folks When we designed the ABQ list, we talked to a lot of organizations to find out how all of you use (or wanted to use) this kind of technology. What we realized is that there is a continuum of organizations; from permissive organizations that let employees connect whatever device they have to their Exchange Server, all the way to restrictive organizations that only support specific devices. Since we always want to make our software as flexible for IT as possible (as we know there are a lot of you folks that are using our software in a lot of different ways) we created this feature so that no matter which type of organization you are (or even if you are one that is in between these two extremes) we could help meet your needs. Below are some descriptions and "how-to"s for using the ABQ list in these different ways. The restrictive organization Restrictive organizations follow a more traditional design where only a set of supported devices is allowed to connect to the Exchange server. In this case, the IT department will only choose to allow the particular devices they support and all other devices are blocked. It's important to note that a restrictive organization is created by specifying a set of allowed devices and blocking the unknown. The permissive organization: Permissive organizations allow all (or most) to connect to their Exchange Server. In these cases, the ABQ list can help organizations block a particular device or set of devices from connecting. This is useful if there's a security vulnerability or if the device is putting a particularly heavy load on the Exchange server. In these cases, the IT department can identify the misbehaving device and block that device until a fix or update for that device brings it into compliance. All other devices, including the unknown devices, are given access. The one off case: Of course, if you are limiting the devices that connect to your organization, there's almost always a need for an exception. Whether it's testing a new device before rolling it out to the organization as a supported device, or an exception made for an executive, we wanted to give you the ability to make an exception without allowing all users with that device to access your organization's email and PIM data. When to quarantine: Quarantining devices is useful when an IT department wants to monitor new devices connecting to their organization. Both permissive and restrictive organizations may choose to employ this mechanism. In a permissive organization, quarantine can be used so that IT administrators know what devices, and which users, are making new connections. In restrictive organizations, this can be used to see who is trying to work around policy and also gauge demand from "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) users. Now that we've gone through the theory, let's talk about how we would do this in practice. Accessing the ABQ settings: Log in to the Exchange Control Panel (ECP) (you can also access the ECP from Outlook Web App (OWA) by selecting Options > See all options) In the ECP , make sure you are managing My Organization (#1 in the screenshot below). Be aware that most users won't see the "My Organization" option — it's only visible to users with Exchange Administrator access. Select Phone & Voice (#2 in the screenshot below) > ActiveSync Access tab (#3 in the screenshot below). This is the Allow/Block/Quarantine configuration screen. Note for all you Exchange Management Shell (EMS) gurus, you can also configure device access using PowerShell cmdlets if you prefer. Creating a device (or a family of devices) rule: To create a new rule, select New from the Device Access Rules section of the ABQ page (#5 in the screenshot above). When setting up a rule for a device, it is important to understand the difference between the "family" of the device and the specific device. This information is communicated as part of the EAS protocol and is reported by the device itself. In general, you can think of the deivce rule as applying only to the particular device type (like an HTC-ST7377 as shown in the image below) whereas a device family might be something more broad like "Pocket PC". This distinction between the specific (device type) and the general (device family) is important since many device manufacturers actually release the same device with different names on different carriers. To make it so that you don't have to make a separate rule for each device. For instance, the HTC Touch Pro was available on all four majour US carriers as well as some of the regional ones, and that's just the USA, not to mention the other versions around the world. As you can see, making a rule for each of those different devices (which are all in the same family and effectively the same device) could mean a lot of extra work for IT, so we added the family grouping to help you make good decisions about devices in bulk. It's important to note that when making a new rule you select the device family or the model but not both. Once you've selected the device or a device family, you can then choose what Exchange will do with that device (in this example, I'm just going to do a specific device). This brings you to the New Device Access Rule page. The easiest way to set the rule is to select Browse, which will show you a list of all the devices or device families that have recently connected to your Exchange Server. Once you've selected the device or family, you can choose the action to take. This is where you can choose to block the device if you are a permissive organization looking to limit a specific device for a specific reason or where you can set access rules if you are a restrictive organization (in such a case you would just create an allow rule for each supported device and then set the state for all unknown devices to block (we'll talk about how to set the action for unknown devices in the next section)). Once you select the action (Allow access, Block access, or Quarantine), click Save and you're done! You can repeat this process for each rule you want to create. You can also have both block and allow rules simultaneously. Setting up a rule for unknown devices: To access the rule for unknown devices, select Edit (#4 in Figure 5 above). On the Exchange ActiveSync Settings page, you can configure the action to take when Exchange sees a user trying to connect with a device that it does not recognize. By default, Exchange allows connections from all devices for users that are enabled for EAS . This example configures the Exchange organization to quarantine all unknown devices. This means that if there's no rule for the device (or device family) or if there's no exception for the particular user, then an unknown device will follow this behavior. Quarantine notifications We have the ability to specify who gets an email alert when a device is placed in quarantine. You can add one or more administrators (or users) or even a distribution group to this list of notified individuals. Anyone on this list will receive an email like the one shown in the screenshot below. The notification provides you information about who tried to connect the device, the device details and when the attempt was made. Custom quarantine message You can also set a custom message that will be delivered to the user in their Inbox and on their device. Although the device is in quarantine, we send this one message to the device so the user doesn't automatically call help desk because their device isn't syncing. The custom message is added to the notification email to the user that their device is in quarantine. The user and device will also now appear on the Quarantined Devices list on the ABQ configuration page. Managing Quarantined Devices The device will stay in quarantine until an administrator decides to allow or block the device in quarantine. This can be done by selecting the device and then clicking on the Allow or Block buttons in Quarantined Devices. This creates a personal exemption (the "one off case" mentioned earlier). If you wish to create an access rule that is to apply to all devices of the same family or model, you can select Create a rule for similar devices to open a new, prepopulated, rule. Making changes: Of course we realize that many organizations are dynamic and have changing requirements and policies. Any of the rules that have been set up can be changed dynamically by accessing the ABQ page in the ECP and editing, deleting, or adding the desired rule. Adam Glick (@MobileGlick) Sr. Technical Product Manager P.S. To read about Microsoft's licensing of Exchange ActiveSync, check out this article on Microsoft NewsCenter. Julia White also put up a more business focused blog in the UC Blog about the importance of EAS to Exchange 2010 customers.292KViews0likes31Comments