Custom Vision
12 TopicsDeploy a Custom Vision App on Azure App Service with Zero Downtime Deployment using Deployment Slots
Utilize Custom Vision client library for Node.js to create a Custom Vision classification model and deploy a Web App implementation using Azure App Service. In this tutorial, you will also get to leverage the power of Azure App Service’s Deployment Slots to avert downtime during redeployment after making changes to code, enabling you to test code and deploy gradually without users being affected.2KViews1like0CommentsAzure Cognitive Services Hands-on Workshop resources and insights.
Want to conduct a workshop on Azure Cognitive Services? Here are some insights on the Workshop conducted on ACS. You will also find the links to the resources and guides referred throughout the session and while preparing for the workshop.2.3KViews0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Project 15 Elephant Listening Project at Imperial College London
Guest blog by Electronic and Information Engineering Project team at Imperial College design and solution to identify poaching for the Elephant Listening edge project with Azure Machine Learning Services.2.8KViews1like0Comments