1 TopicEOL - DDG - EQ operator wildcard bug fix
EOL > MSFT recently announced (i/t Health - Message center - MC912176) a bug fix related to the -eq operator and use of wildcards ('*') to compile the member list for Dynamic Distribution Groups. When the update takes effect, the * character will be treated as a literal value and not a wildcard. Therefore, expressions using the -eq operator will only evaluate to true if the right-hand side value matches the property values exactly. For example, the expression (WindowsLiveID -eq '*@microsoft.com') will only return true if the recipient’s WindowsLiveID property is exactly "*@microsoft.com". The current behavior will no longer function after the fix, and this may impact any processes that rely on this behavior. To distinguish the DLs (for corporate communication) membership of internal employees only and external consultants/contractors, we've created several DDGs using PowerShell to define the Recipient filter options based on our internal naming conventions (FTEs get FN.LN@emaildomain whereas consultants/contractors get FN.LN.ext@emaildomain). The formula was based on -eq operator combined with '*' wildcard > formula extract > -RecipientFilter {(( RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox') -and ((WindowsLiveID -eq '*.*.ext@emaildomain') ... When the bug fix is corrected the formulas will no longer return the expected members. We've tried already several alternatives w/t -like operator but were not able to retrieve the same list. Other operators as -contains and -match are not supported i/t context of EOL. Are there other operators or other parameters to compile a filtered list using wildcards?763Views0likes3Comments