Developer Portal
6 TopicsHow to resolve "Failed to submit this app" error?
Hi Team, Just from Today, while submitting teams custom app via Developer Portal, error "Failed to submit this app." started to occur. I have tried with below condition but this error always occurs. Error also occurs on the app which we can submit update till yesterday. What is happening and how can we resolve it? (from this error message, we couldn't guess anything about the reason..) Checked: ・Publish from outside Developer Portal (apps > manage apps > send app to organization) succeeded so seems Developer Portal related Issue. ・For all apps, no validation error in "Publish to store" is found. Manifest itself seems to be fine. ・Create new custom app with minimum configuration and publish but failed with same error. ・Tried publish from both Teams client and Browser but failed with same error. ・Try same operation with different tenant but failed with same error.13KViews0likes26Comments"Something went wrong" on adding a published MS Teams application
Developer Hi, I'm trying to add a published MS Teams bot application (I created this app on MS Developer Portal) After clicking "Add" I get: Do you know what might cause it? I might add that I'm inside an organization with very strict security and I've already stumbled upon a confusing error described in this thread which was caused by me not having Azure AD permission to create applications Here's my app's manifest (I've hidden IDs): { "$schema": "", "version": "1.0.2", "manifestVersion": "1.15", "id": "<HIDDEN>", "packageName": "", "name": { "short": "[Chatbot] IBM Watson", "full": "" }, "developer": { "name": "ChatbotTeam", "mpnId": "", "websiteUrl": "", "privacyUrl": "", "termsOfUseUrl": "" }, "description": { "short": "blablabla", "full": "version 1.0.3." }, "icons": { "outline": "outline.png", "color": "color.png" }, "accentColor": "#FFFFFF", "staticTabs": [ { "entityId": "conversations", "scopes": [ "personal" ] }, { "entityId": "about", "scopes": [ "personal" ] } ], "bots": [ { "botId": "<HIDDEN>", "scopes": [ "personal", "team", "groupChat" ], "isNotificationOnly": false, "supportsCalling": false, "supportsVideo": false, "supportsFiles": false } ], "validDomains": [], "webApplicationInfo": { "id": "<HIDDEN>, "resource": "" } }3KViews0likes3CommentsCan't access bot inside shared channel
I've built an application for the Microsoft Teams app and published it in my organization using the Developer portal. I want to access the bot inside a team's shared channel but cannot do so. I've also provided "sharedChannels" inside the supportedChannelTypes property in the manifest but still, it isn't working. The manifest of my application looks somewhat like this: { "$schema": "", "version": "1.0.1", "manifestVersion": "1.15", "id": "10d58ca5-e2fd-4bb0-b488-ec31a1e071e5", "packageName": "Bot", "name": { "short": "Bot", "full": "Application" }, "developer": { "name": "Organization", "websiteUrl": "", "privacyUrl": "", "termsOfUseUrl": "" }, "description": { "short": "Test application", "full": "Test application." }, "icons": { "outline": "outline.png", "color": "color.png" }, "accentColor": "#60A18E", "configurableTabs": [ { "configurationUrl": "", "canUpdateConfiguration": true, "scopes": [ "team" ] } ], "bots": [ { "botId": "bot-id", "scopes": [ "groupchat", "team", "groupChat" ], "commandLists": [ { "commands": [ { "title": "register", "description": "register" } ], "scopes": [ "team" ] } ], "isNotificationOnly": false, "supportsCalling": false, "supportsVideo": false, "supportsFiles": false } ], "validDomains": [ "" ], "defaultGroupCapability": { "team": "bot", "groupchat": "bot", "meetings": "bot" }, "authorization": { "permissions": { "orgWide": [], "resourceSpecific": [] } }, "supportedChannelTypes": [ "sharedChannels", "privateChannels" ] }Solved2.5KViews0likes6CommentsUnable to download app package with specific user
Hi, I have set up a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox subscription with an instant sandbox to develop a Teams app with a bot and I am using the Developer Portal website. Until yesterday I was able to download the app package and preview the app in teams while using the provided global admin account; which I will refer to as Ken. As of today those actions fail as seen: I added a normal sample user; which I will refer to as Lynne; as owner of the app and when I log in as her to the Develop Portal, I am able to download the app package and preview in teams. To rule out a problem with the global admin rights, I made Lynne global admin and made the original global admin Ken into a normal user and tried everything again, but Ken still has the failures and for Lynne it still works, also after making Ken global admin again. It seems that it is not global admin related, but that overnight the Ken account has somehow become "corrupted"? Any idea how I can resolve this?Solved1.8KViews0likes9CommentsHow to manage "defaultInstallScope" of custom app manifest in Developer Portal?
Hi team, I have 1 question. In the below guidance, it's recommended to define default install scope. *Manifest definition But from Developer Portal tool, I couldn't find the place we can edit this parameter. Is it possible to manage this parameter from Developer Portal? if not possible, how should it be managed? Thank you for the advice!769Views0likes0CommentsDeveloper Portal app - blank
I went to use the Developer Portal app within Teams this morning and it's missing, as in the text within tabs Home, Apps, & Tools are all blank. App Studio, Chat & About are all still there and function. I've tried on multiple PCs, within the Teams desktop app and web app with the same results. Anyone getting the same?Solved2.5KViews1like7Comments