Distribution Group
29 TopicsHidden Group and Hidden Group Membership
Hi everyone! I have come across a requirement where the client would like to use an excel spreadsheet, a service account and application registration to manage group membership for a confidential group. They would like to create a group from which the members cannot leave, see other team members and cannot see the group itself. Now, I have the concept of the flow with me but for the life of me, I cannot get around to finding/configuring a group that meets the requirement. Have you guys come across this sort of scenario? Group Configuration: Users should not be able to view the group Users should not be able to view members of the group Users should not be able to leave the group Thanks in advance.56Views0likes2CommentsCollect count of emails sent to ALL Distribution Groups in ExOL
Hey Team, I am looking for PowerShell assistance, such as exporting a list of all distribution groups and measuring how many messages were sent to each DG in the past 10 days. Basically, how can I combine "Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object Name, DisplayName,GroupType,PrimarySmtpAddress | Export-csv c:\temp\DistributionGroupReport.csv -NoTypeInformation" and "Get-MessageTrace -StartDate (get-date).AddDays(-10) -EndDate (Get-Date) -RecipientAddress email address removed for privacy reasons | measure-object | Select Count" to a single csv, if possible. Thanks.35Views0likes1CommentWorkaround for ms365 demo tenant account(copilot access)
I have a Microsoft 365 tenant demo account but currently do not have access to Copilot. I’m looking for possible workarounds or alternative methods to experience Copilot’s features within my current setup.If anyone has faced a similar issue or can suggest solutions, such as trial extensions, preview programs, or configuration tips, I’d greatly appreciate your insights.27Views0likes0CommentsHow to share contact groups now in Office365 as 'Public Folders' don't show in New Outlook
I have used contact lists in 'Public Folders' for a team of users for many users, now users on NEW OUTLOOK cannot use or see these. What do I use now to import these contact lists (csv or whatever) into what medium on Office365, a shared mailbox, a public folder mailbox, a distribution list, contact group, M365 group to hold all these lists for different clients? Note: All users should have the ability to edit the contact lists AND send email (like its an Outlook Address Book). It must be mail-enabled as the users just need it to send emails to.436Views0likes0CommentsTrying to add multiple users to distribution group and getting error: Cannot validate argument
I am trying to add multiple users in a distribution Group. All users are in cloud. I have a CSV which has the following columns : DisplayName, Alias, PrimarySmtpAddress I am trying the following script: $Userslist = Import-CSV c:\users\user\ab.csv ForEach ($User in $Userslist) { Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "Office" -Member $User.PrimarySmtpAddress } I am getting the following error: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Member'. The argument is null. Provide a valid value for the argument, and then try running the command again. + CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Add-DistributionGroupMember], ParameterBindingValidationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Add-DistributionGroupMember + PSComputerName : outlook.office365.com any help would be appreciatedSolved17KViews0likes10CommentsAutomatic reminder based on date from response of Forms
Hello, is there anyone who can help me? I use Forms to register to event (Pub Quiz) and I am able to sent automatic email by PoweAutoamte with confirmation "Your registration was successful" but I have no idea how to sent reminder two days prior the event. I created a list from excel but I can not synchro it and can not get any new response in it. What is the best/easiest way how to proceed? Many thanks!!!!278Views0likes1CommentDynamic Distribution Group User Exclusion Recipient Filter
I have a dynamic distribution group that uses Office locations for its recipient filter. It is able to pick up all of the users needed, however, there are a few service accounts I want to exclude from the dynamic group. I know the easy answer is to remove the Office info from the service accounts, however I'd prefer not to. As I'm using this example as a test for excluding users from future dynamic distribution groups that we're going to be migrating to exchange online. Here is an example of the recipient filter in use: $filter = "((Office -eq 'Spokane, WA') -or (Office -eq 'Sandpoint, ID') -and (RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox') -and (RecipientTypeDetails -eq 'UserMailbox')) -and (-not(UserPrincipalName -like 'email address removed for privacy reasons' -or 'email address removed for privacy reasons')))" The service accounts still appear in the dynamic group's recipient list.2.6KViews0likes3CommentsDistribution List Email failed and I don't understand why
We are a non-profit with limited IT experience, so please be kind with responses. Hoping you can provide some guidance to assist with how to fix this. Tried to send an AllCompany email to the distribution list and it wasn't delivered. Message trace text included: Received -> Not Processed -> Not delivered 2/23/2024, 6:43 PM | Drop | Reason: [{LED=554 5.4.184 RESOLVER.GRP.SuppressYammerGroupExpansion; By design group expansion for Yammer groups is suppressed so posts are not sent to the group members mailboxes};{MSG=};{FQDN=};{IP=};{LRT=}]2.2KViews0likes1CommentEmail from distribution list goes to deleted folder
Hi all, Could anyone know what can be the problem? I created a distribution list, and the user who is a member of that list sends an email to the distribution list but the mail goes to the deleted folder, and the user does not receive it in the inbox. But everyone who is a member of that list received it without a problem. I498Views0likes0CommentsHow to Pull a last 90 days message activity report for distribution groups
I have a list of 100 distribution groups in CSV for which I need to pull a report when was the last time an email was sent to these groups in last days . I need to check which group is active or not . Is there any ways to pull the last 90 days report . I tried the Get-MessgeTrace but this will only pull the report for last 10 days I can't fetch it for more than 10 days . Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks , Atul393Views0likes0Comments