Distribution list
4 TopicsCollect count of emails sent to ALL Distribution Groups in ExOL
Hey Team, I am looking for PowerShell assistance, such as exporting a list of all distribution groups and measuring how many messages were sent to each DG in the past 10 days. Basically, how can I combine "Get-DistributionGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | Select-Object Name, DisplayName,GroupType,PrimarySmtpAddress | Export-csv c:\temp\DistributionGroupReport.csv -NoTypeInformation" and "Get-MessageTrace -StartDate (get-date).AddDays(-10) -EndDate (Get-Date) -RecipientAddress email address removed for privacy reasons | measure-object | Select Count" to a single csv, if possible. Thanks.35Views0likes1CommentOpen Specific External Domain for sending to blocked DLs
I'm looking for a solution to open an External domain to have the ability to send to Distribution Lists, which are blocked for External domains. I know we can do this, via a Transport Rule that targets the specific DLs; however, we have over 12,000 DLs and cannot add them all into a single Transport Rule. Is there a way, in Exchange Online, to tag a specific external domain (without adding it as an Accepted domain) as "Internal", so it can send to these blocked DLs? Thank you for your time!1.4KViews0likes5CommentsHide a distribution list from subdomain users
Hi I have a question about distribution lists. Is it possible to hide them from certain users? At our school our teachers have a name@school.be mail address. We want to give our students a school e-mail (name@student.school.be), but would like to hide the e-mail distribution lists our teachers use from them. They fear students could abuse these lists. For example, when their boy or girls scouts group is having a cookie sale. Is there a way to do this? Kind regards Simon991Views0likes1Comment