5 TopicsFeature Request, Let us use one set of User/Pass for multiple Related domains in Edge password mgr
This is a useful feature that LastPass has. this would prevent from creating multiple duplicate entries in Edge password manager and also manage logins more efficiently. in LastPass it's called Equivalent domains, the description says: "Add domains that use the same login service. We've already listed popular sites that use shared credentials across domains under their control. For example: and its local variations, or and other google products." it's pretty clear, instead of saving 2 password entries for and , we use the same set of username and password for both websites. this also makes it easy when user changes password for one website, because the other one will be updated automatically. here are more real and important examples: a bit hard to share it through Edge feedback and also keep the proper formatting but i'll try. Deleted3.9KViews6likes4CommentsVVSS1: vivaldi suggestions for edge devs part 1 - search query - download - bottom bar - history
Vivaldi Suggestions (VVSS): 1 Few on the previous submitted links so that Devs can have all that in 1 on this website too. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WHY? 7a) You could search for %S directly and then add the search engine 😕 no because there are a lot of %s alternative, i copy the same link to other mac apps too, and they use things like #TEXT# {search} @haste and a lot more. every app should convert xxx to .... so xxx to %s xxx to #TEXT# etc. plus is much faster to write xxx compared to %s. last point: search with %s doesn't work always ------- and remember so better integration between chrome-vivaldi-edge-etc. (which was previously reported) Yes i know, probably never happen from google like ***id=750534 which is still not fixed... but at least between edge-brave-vivaldi-opera <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 4) i want that every mm of my browser is used for something. there is so much space here, we could add quick access buttons like reload left, reload right, save pdf, save page, open tab to the right in new window, tab to the right to a new group, launch profile 2, save to webarchive, etc... there are so many things we could add in this bar. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< based on my previously suggestion of pip mode specific history remember to add this too <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Use different color on download progress bar to make it easy to recognize download status in panel/button: 0% ~ 25% = Orange 25%+ = Gold 50%+ = Yellow 75%+ = Green 100% completed = Blue EDIT: Use such colors inside the /download panel, where background color is red when failed, green when 100%, etc. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<2.1KViews0likes3CommentsSS38: screenshot based warning - color tabs - reload - download status on tabs
Suggestion (SS): 38 Classification: warning - download on tabs PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 4 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Edge devs, i wrote you before via feedback app, but i continue the topic here, so that other chromium based devs can read it too. We talked about reload by domain and why such feature is cool and useful. now a similar suggestion is that you detect all website that has the same identical layout (so screenshot based). if i click via menu bar or right click menu "warn me based on this website" you color all tabs that have the similar layout/design. related to the picture, you warn me if the link has not be saved correctly on all other tabs. now about this website we generally** can see such problems via the icon in the tab, but there are a lot other examples, where we need to check manually, otherwise we batch close not completed websites. **there are still situations where the icon is not a valid method to know if the website (in this case webarchive) completed the task correctly or not. this was another example we talked via feedback app where maybe a better integration between "smart screenshot warning" and "reload tab" should happen. another suggestion related to this is to show me on the tab an icon --> that marks you are downloading files from such tab and once the download is done, you color it in green.1.5KViews1like1CommentSS15: smart similar domain feature - close - move - reload - mute - save - add - export pdf
Suggestion (SS): 15 Classification: domain PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 4-5 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) Some suggestions about this topic has been written before. you should check domains and add feature based on that like: move same domain to bookmarks like 1 to collection reload tab with same domain froze tab with same domain close tab with ... move to a new window with ... save pdf ... save page ... export photos .... color tab .... add to group tab with .... pin tab with ... mute ... .... i think now you understand the concept xD same for history and bookmarks "show url with same domain in a faster way" but i already wrote that. You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome.900Views0likes0Comments[Solved] How do I properly add a wildcard domain to Edge tracking prevention exception list?
Found the solution, which was there in front of my eyes all this time but I didn't pay enough attention. Edge shows the correct syntax [*.] so entering [*.] is acceptable and fixes the issue! lesson learned: always pay attention to the info on the screen.13KViews1like3Comments