13 TopicsSharePoint or Stream - Option that allows content to be downloaded by all company employees
Good afternoon to everyone. My name is Leonardo Fonseca and I currently work as an administrator in a company located in Brazil. We are trying to find permission to allow the download of all files from my company's employees. Where can we find this option or police? Thanks.How to move videos from Microsoft Stream (Classic) manually
This article will focus on showing you how to manually move your videos from the Microsoft Stream (Classic) channels to OneDrive for Business, SharePoint, and/or Microsoft Teams today. As previously announced in October new Team Meeting Recordings will store OneDrive or SharePoint and customers can opt-out by running a this PowerShell Script. Starting July 2021 for all Microsoft 365 customers, all Teams Meetings recordings will now be automatically stored in OneDrive for Business or SharePoint. That will mean no new Teams Meeting recordings can be saved in Microsoft Stream (Classic). Having new Team Meetings recordings in ODSP has the benefits of allowing customers to utilize the various content management capabilities like setting sensitivity / retention polices on videos, making the permissions and sharing more consistent with the Microsoft suite, increased upload quotas for videos, making meeting recordings available faster, and enabling more benefits from the OneDrive for Business and SharePoint information governance that Microsoft Stream (Classic) does not currently offer. The Microsoft Stream product team understands that many customers have a good amount of content in Classic Stream. They are actively developing a migration process to help you in this video journey. Please follow the Stream roadmap at for more features coming out for Microsoft Stream. Meanwhile this article describes the process of manually moving videos from Classic Stream to ODSP. Download Video from Stream To access Microsoft Stream, you can navigate to or in the Microsoft App Launcher click on the Stream Icon. Navigate to the video you would like to move to a new location by clicking on My Content. If the video was a meeting recording, click Meetings. Click the Edit Icon to navigate to the Video Settings. While in the Video setting, click the "Download Video" button to start the download process. Once the video is downloaded to your computer, then you can start working on uploading the file to OneDrive for Business / SharePoint / Microsoft Teams. Microsoft References to upload videos. To upload your video to OneDrive for Business. To upload your video to SharePoint. To upload your video to Microsoft Teams. Office 365 Video migration to Microsoft Stream (classic) overview - Microsoft Stream | Microsoft Docs Microsoft 365 Roadmap | Microsoft StreamShare Link for Video (with Block download option ) in SharePoint
Hello all ! Please help clarify in case uploaded Video/Audio files to OneDrive /ShaerPoint (modern Info Site ), I haven't option for shared link with Block download - now this option not available - is it Bug or related security policy or SharePoint not all function ready for Video content? In same time in Group 365 Sites and OneDrive this option enable and only for Meeting Recoding from Teams. Thanks in advance DimaMigrate videos from sharepoint document library to MS Stream
We have many videos on sharepoint document libraries, and we want to move them to be inside MS Stream? so is there a way to migrate the videos from sharepoint to MS Stream ? without having to download them from sharepoint and then re-upload them inside MS Stream?Streams Video 0% Preparing
I filmed a video through the streams 'create' option at around 1pm today. I clicked through to press upload like normal and it is stuck on 0% preparing. It has been like this for 6 hours. I don't want to lose the video. I can't click download, it is greyed out. The video doesn't appear in my feed either! Is there anything I can do? Or do I just bite the bullet and redo the video?Video playback not working for screen recordings published directly in browser
Hello, Video playback is not working when publishing a screen recording directly in the browser. The video just has a spinning circle on it after being published. If the video is downloaded during review, then uploaded, it works. It appears to be an issue with screen recordings more than a minute long. This is an issue for multiple users, and we've tried both Chrome and Edge browsers. Thanks, CharlesSolved