Exchange 2013
214 TopicsWant more control over Sent Items when using shared mailboxes?
Edit 6/15/2015: We are starting to make this feature available again in Office 365. Note that the new shared mailbox Sent Items behavior is disabled by default. If you want to enable it for your users, you can do so by using cmdlets mentioned below. Additionally, we are still on track to ship this to our on-premises customers in Exchange 2013 CU9, as mentioned before. Whether a mailbox is used by multiple users as a collaborative tool or a communication gateway to customers, retaining a record of emails sent from a shared mailbox remains an important business requirement. In Exchange 2010, there was a way to configure this behavior, but we did not have this feature starting with Exchange 2013. Our customers have told us that a shared mailbox should keep a copy of emails sent from the mailbox by all members of the mailbox in its own Sent Items folder. We have taken that feedback and decided to make some changes to how sent mails are handled for shared mailboxes. We are excited to announce that once this feature is enabled for you (see below), by default all shared mailboxes will retain a copy of emails sent from the mailbox. You will no longer have to figure out which mailbox member sent an email as the shared mailbox or on behalf of it. How does it work? Emails can be sent as the shared mailbox itself or on behalf of it by member(s) of the mailbox, assuming proper permissions have been granted. This feature is designed to retain a copy of an email sent from the shared mailbox in the Sent Items folder of the shared mailbox. The same behavior can be expected for emails sent on behalf of the shared mailbox, when configured to do so. A copy of the sent mail will also reside in the Sent Items folder of the member’s personal mailbox. Note: If the user has used the Outlook 2013 feature to change the folder that Sent Items are saved to, the messages will be copied to that folder instead of the user’s Sent Items folder. Users can reconfigure this by clicking the “Save Sent Items To” button on the Email Options tab. Administrators have control over this feature for either mails Sent As or Sent on Behalf of a shared mailbox. The table below summarizes where sent mails reside when members of a shared mailbox send mail from the shared mailbox. User Mailbox Shared Mailbox Sent Items Exchange 2010 Exchange 2010 Controlled through settings in KB2632409 Exchange 2010 Exchange 2013 (any version) Controlled through settings in KB2632409 Exchange 2013 CU9 (or newer) Office 365 Exchange 2010 The sent mail will be delivered to both the Inbox of the shared mailbox as an email attachment* and to the user mailbox' sent items Exchange 2013 CU9 (or newer) Office 365 Exchange 2013 CU9 (or newer) Office 365 The sent mail will be delivered to the Sent Items folder of shared mailbox and to the user mailbox' sent items *In a scenario where the user’s mailbox is on an Exchange 2013 CU9 server (or an Exchange 2013 without CU9 installed) and the shared mailbox is on an Exchange 2010 server, the shared mailbox will get an email message that looks like the following: This behavior will continue until the shared mailbox is moved to an Exchange 2013 CU9 server. Because this can happen even between Exchange 2013 servers (pre-CU9 and CU9), you might want to wait in turning the feature on for your on-premises deployment until you have completely rolled out Exchange 2013 CU9 to all of your servers. Who can use this feature? The feature is going to be available to all customers with shared mailboxes in Office 365 (phased rollout starting on 6/15/2015), as well as our on-premises customers (starting with Exchange 2013 CU9). Note: if after installation of Exchange 2013 CU9 in an on-premises environment you do not see the new CMDlet parameters, you should run /preparead explicitly with CU9 setup. How do I enable/disable this feature? In Office 365 and Exchange 2013 CU9, this feature is disabled by default. Enable the feature In Office 365, using the Admin portal, you can select your shared mailbox by going to Groups > Shared mailboxes first: Then Edit the Sent items copy status of the mailbox: Using PowerShell, for emails Sent As the shared mailbox: set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $True For emails Sent On Behalf of the shared mailbox: set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled $True Disable the feature For messages Sent As the shared mailbox: set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSentAsEnabled $False For emails Sent On Behalf of the shared mailbox: set-mailbox <mailbox name> -MessageCopyForSendOnBehalfEnabled $False What else do I need to know? The administrator for your organization has to create the shared mailbox and add you to it as an user, before you can use it. If you are an Office 365 Small Business administrator, see Create and use shared mailboxes. If you are an administrator for a different version of Office 365 or an on-premises Exchange administrator, see the TechNet article Create a Shared Mailbox. If you are currently using a client registry key to duplicate messages sent from a shared mailbox to a sent items folder of the sender, you should remember to remove client registry keys if you enable this feature server side. If you do not remove client registry keys, you could see duplicate messages in Sent Items folders (one created by client registry keys and one by the server). If one of the transport rules prevents messages larger than certain size and the message being sent is over that size, then the message will not be delivered to the its original recipient and will also not be copied to the sent items of the shared mailbox. Philip Loh602KViews4likes70CommentsExchange Server TLS guidance Part 2: Enabling TLS 1.2 and Identifying Clients Not Using It
Update: please see our official documentation which is now available on this subject: Exchange Server TLS configuration best practices. Overview In part 2 of our Exchange Server TLS Guidance series we focus on enabling and confirming TLS 1.2 can be used by your Exchange Servers for incoming and outgoing connections, as well as identifying any incoming connection which is not utilizing TLS 1.2. The ability to identify these incoming connections will vary by Windows Server OS version and other factors. Part 2 will not cover disabling TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1, nor disabling older cipher suites from being used. Part 3 of the TLS guidance series will go into detail on those topics. Assumption For Part 2 of our TLS guidance series we assume you have already audited your on-premises Exchange Servers and applied all updates called out in Part 1: Getting Ready for TLS 1.2. Please perform the activities called out in part 1 if you have not prior to moving forward with any configurations outlined in part 2. Enabling TLS 1.2 The method used to enable TLS 1.2 varies by the version of the Windows Server operating system. Some versions of Windows Server have TLS 1.2 enabled by default while others do not. Our steps will, regardless of the OS’ default state, configure TLS 1.2 so it is enabled and available for incoming (Server) connections and outgoing (Client) connections. From part 1 you should be familiar with the various components Exchange Server relies on such as Schannel, WinHTTP and .NET. Unless stated otherwise the same registry paths are used across all supported Windows Server operating systems. Enable TLS 1.2 for Schannel All Windows Server versions TLS protocols are enabled or disabled in Windows Schannel by editing the Windows Registry. Each protocol version can be enabled or disabled independently. You don't need to enable or disable one protocol version to enable or disable another protocol version. The Enabled DWORD registry value defines whether the protocol version can be used. If the value is set to 0, the protocol version cannot be used, even if it is enabled by default or if the application explicitly requests that protocol version. If the value is set to 1, the protocol version can be used if enabled by default or if the application explicitly requests that protocol version. If the value is not defined, the operating system’s default value will be used. We recommend configuring the value to have a consistent state across your servers. The DisabledByDefault DWORD registry value defines whether the protocol version is used by default. This setting only applies when the application doesn't explicitly request the protocol versions to be used. If the value is set to 0, the protocol version will be available for use by default. If the value is set to 1, the protocol version will not be available for use by default. If the value is not defined, the operating system’s default value will be used. We recommend configuring the value to have a consistent state across your servers. For example; consider what would happen if TLS 1.2’s values were set to a combination of Enabled and DisabledByDefault both set to a value of 1. In this example an application could only use TLS 1.2 if the application specifically called for TLS 1.2. If the application did not specifically call for TLS 1.2, then it would not be able to use TLS 1.2 as even though the protocol is enabled, it is not in the default list of available protocols. To enable TLS 1.2 for both server (inbound) and client (outbound) connections on an Exchange Server please perform the following. From Notepad.exe, create a text file named TLS12-Enable.reg. Copy and paste the following text into the file. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Client] "DisabledByDefault"=dword:00000000 "Enabled"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\TLS 1.2\Server] "DisabledByDefault"=dword:00000000 "Enabled"=dword:00000001 Save TLS12-Enable.reg. Double-click the TLS12-Enable.reg file. Click Yes to update your Windows Registry with these changes. Restart the machine for the changes to take effect. Enable TLS 1.2 for .NET 3.5 This step is only required for Exchange Server 2010 installations where .NET 3.5 is relied upon. Exchange Server 2013 or later installations may skip this step unless you have additional applications on the server utilizing .NET 3.5 which must be able to use TLS 1.2. The SystemDefaultTlsVersions registry value defines which security protocol version defaults will be used by .NET Framework 3.5. If the value is set to 0, then .NET Framework 3.5 will default to using SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0. If the value is set to 1, then .NET Framework 3.5 will inherit its defaults from the Windows Schannel DisabledByDefault registry values. If the value is undefined, it will behave as if the value is set to 0. By configuring .NET Framework 3.5 to inherit its values from Schannel we gain the ability to use TLS 1.2. From Notepad.exe, create a text file named NET35-UseSchannelDefaults.reg. Copy, and then paste the following text. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727] "SystemDefaultTlsVersions"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v2.0.50727] "SystemDefaultTlsVersions"=dword:00000001 Save the NET35-UseSchannelDefaults.reg file. Double-click the NET35-UseSchannelDefaults.reg file. Click Yes to update your Windows Registry with these changes. Restart your computer for the change to take effect. Enable TLS 1.2 for .NET 4.x This step is only required for Exchange Server 2013 or later installations where .NET 4.x is relied upon. The SystemDefaultTlsVersions registry value defines which security protocol version defaults will be used by .NET Framework 4.x. If the value is set to 1, then .NET Framework 4.x will inherit its defaults from the Windows Schannel DisabledByDefault registry values. If the value is undefined, it will behave as if the value is set to 0. By configuring .NET Framework 4.x to inherit its values from Schannel we gain the ability to use the latest versions of TLS supported by the OS, including TLS 1.2. From Notepad.exe, create a text file named NET4X-UseSchannelDefaults.reg. Copy, and then paste the following text. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319] "SystemDefaultTlsVersions"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319] "SystemDefaultTlsVersions"=dword:00000001 Save the NET4X-UseSchannelDefaults.reg file. Double-click the NET4X-UseSchannelDefaults.reg file. Click Yes to update your Windows Registry with these changes. Restart your computer for the change to take effect. Note: When configuring a system for TLS 1.2, you can make the Schannel and .NET registry keys at the same time and reboot the server once. Validating TLS 1.2 is in use and identifying older incoming connections. Once TLS 1.2 has been enabled it may be helpful to validate your work was successful and the system is able to negotiate TLS 1.2 for inbound (server) connections and outbound (client) connections. We will provide a few methods for validating this. HTTP Based Protocols Many protocols used in Exchange Server are HTTP based, and therefore traverse the IIS processes on the Exchange server. MAPI/HTTP, Outlook Anywhere, Exchange Web Services, Exchange ActiveSync, REST, OWA & EAC, Offline Address Book downloads, and Autodiscover are examples of HTTP based protocols used by Exchange Server. Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2 The IIS team has added capabilities to Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2 to log custom fields related to encryption protocol versions and ciphers. We recommend reviewing the following blog for documentation on how to enable these custom fields and begin parsing logs for information on incoming connections in your environment related to HTTP based protocols. Windows Server 2008 through 2012 Unfortunately, the IIS custom fields mentioned above do not exist for Windows Server 2008 SP2 through Windows Server 2012. You may have to rely on alternate methods to validate TLS 1.2 is in use on these versions of Windows Server for HTTP based protocols. Your load balancer or firewall logs may be able to provide this information. Please request guidance from your vendors to determine if their logs may provide this information. Message Headers (Exchange Server 2016 Only) Message header data in Exchange Server 2016 provides the protocol negotiated and used when the sending and receiving host exchanged a piece of mail. While this is a more manual method of checking how mail arrived it can be used for testing between specific systems in a pinch. Example when viewing message header data via Message Header Analyzer at Note: There is one known exception to the message headers example. When a client sends a message by connecting to a server using authenticated SMTP (also known as the SMTP client submission protocol), the TLS version in the messages headers does not show the correct TLS version used by a customer’s client or device. Microsoft is investigating the possibility of adding this information in a future update. Mail Flow via SMTP Logging SMTP Logs in Exchange 2010 through Exchange 2016 will contain the encryption protocol and other encryption related information used during the exchange of email between two systems. When the server is the SMTP receiving system, the following strings exist in the log depending on the version of TLS used. TLS protocol SP_PROT_TLS1_0_SERVER TLS protocol SP_PROT_TLS1_1_SERVER TLS protocol SP_PROT_TLS1_2_SERVER When the server is the SMTP sending system, the following strings exist in the log depending on the version of TLS used. TLS protocol SP_PROT-TLS1_0_CLIENT TLS protocol SP_PROT-TLS1_1_CLIENT TLS protocol SP_PROT-TLS1_2_CLIENT Example entries from Exchange Server 2010 A server sending mail to another system using TLS 1.2: 2018-02-22T13:53:10.494Z,<CONNECTORNAME>,08D578EB9C3F6C39,28,,,*,,"TLS protocol SP_PROT_TLS1_2_CLIENT negotiation succeeded using bulk encryption algorithm CALG_AES_256 with strength 256 bits, MAC hash algorithm CALG_SHA_384 with strength 384 bits and key exchange algorithm CALG_ECDHE with strength 384 bits" A server receiving mail from another system using TLS 1.2: 2018-02-22T13:50:37.681Z,SERVERNAME\CONNECTORNAME Internet,07C578BB0E912319,22,,,*,,"TLS protocol SP_PROT_TLS1_2_SERVER negotiation succeeded using bulk encryption algorithm CALG_AES_256 with strength 256 bits, MAC hash algorithm CALG_SHA_384 with strength 384 bits and key exchange algorithm CALG_ECDHE with strength 256 bits" POP/IMAP No logging exists which will expose the encryption protocol version used for POP & IMAP clients. To capture this information, you may need to capture netmon logs from your server or inspect traffic as it flows through your load balancer or firewall where HTTPS bridging is taking place. Source IP Obfuscation and identifying clients using older TLS protocol versions. In many deployments by the time client connections reach the Exchange Server, the source IP of the incoming client connection has been replaced with the IP address of your load balancer or firewall. While you are still able to identify if TLS 1.2 is being used by these connections and validate your servers are operating properly, you may be unable to identify exactly what machine is responsible for the incoming client connection if it is still using older TLS protocol versions. In this scenario you may need to request guidance from the vendor of your load balancer of firewall to be able to parse the logs of those devices to find the true IP of the incoming connection, so you may ensure those machines are also properly updated and configured. Additional Considerations There are many more considerations beyond Exchange Server when making any changes to cryptography settings within an environment. Considerations such as (but not limited to): Do your Domain Controllers and Global Catalog servers support TLS 1.2? Do partner applications (such as, but not limited to, SharePoint, Lync, Skype, etc...) support TLS 1.2? Have you updated older Windows 7 desktops using Outlook to support TLS 1.2 over WinHTTP? Do your load balancers support TLS 1.2 being used? Do your desktop, mobile, and browser applications support TLS 1.2? Do devices such as multi-function printers support TLS 1.2? Do your third-party or custom in-house applications that integrate with Exchange Server or Office 356 support TLS 1.2? The point to take home here is while we can provide guidance for interacting with Office 365, Exchange Server, and other Microsoft products - we cannot guarantee everything in your environment will be unaffected. As such we strongly recommend any steps you take to transition to TLS 1.2 and away from older security protocols are first performed in labs which simulate your production environments before you slowly start rolling them out in production. Action Items Configure your Exchange Servers so they can use TLS 1.2 for incoming and outgoing connections using the steps provided and validate the protocol is actively being used. Start identifying incoming connections using older versions of TLS after TLS 1.2 has been enabled and make plans for those clients if you intend to disable older TLS protocol versions. Remember, a “client” in these terms could be another server device but when we see it as an incoming connection to an Exchange Server we consider the host initiating the connection to be operating in the role of a client. Deploy the latest releases for Exchange 2010, Exchange 2013, and Exchange 2016 released in March 2018. These releases are the first to support turning off TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. Guidance on how to do this will be made available in Part 3 of this blog post series. Review With proper execution, you will be able to enable the TLS 1.2 protocol on any Exchange Server running an Exchange Server Cumulative or Update Rollup released after September 1, 2017 installed on OS’es as far back as Windows Server 2008 SP2. With all your Exchange Servers able to use TLS 1.2 for incoming and outgoing connections you should be well prepared for the eventual sunsetting of older TLS protocols. Equally important is understanding what incoming connections in your environment are not utilizing TLS 1.2 now that it is available and building a plan for each of those systems if you intend to disable the older TLS protocols. Brian Day Senior Program Manager Office 365 Customer Experience589KViews6likes18CommentsLog Parser Studio 2.0 is now available
Since the initial release of Log Parser Studio (LPS) there have been over 30,000 downloads and thousands of customers use the tool on a daily basis. In Exchange support many of our engineers use the tool to solve real world issues every day and in turn share with our customers, empowering them to solve the same issues themselves moving forward. LPS is still an active work in progress; based on both engineer and customer feedback many improvements have been made with multiple features added during the last year. Below is a short list of new features: Improved import/export functionality For those who create their own queries this is a real time-saver. We can now import from multiple XML files simultaneously only choosing the queries we wish to import from multiple query libraries or XML files. Search Query Results The existing feature allowing searching of queries in the library is now context aware meaning if you have a completed query in the query window, the search option searches that query. If you are in the library it searches the library and so on. This allows drilling down into existing query results without having to run a new query if all you want to do is narrow down existing result sets. Input/Output Format Support All LP 2.2 Input and Output formats contain preliminary support in LPS. Each format has its own property window containing all known LP 2.2 settings which can be modified to your liking. Exchange Extensible Logging Support Custom parser support was added for most all Exchange logs. These are covered by the EEL and EELX log formats included in LPS which cover Exchange logs from Exchange 2003 through Exchange 2013. Query Logging I can't tell you how many times myself or another engineer spent lots of time creating the perfect query for a particular issue we were troubleshooting, forgetting to save the query in the heat of the moment and losing all that work. No longer! We now have the capability to log every query that is executed to a text file (Query.log). What makes this so valuable is if you ran it, you can retrieve it. Queries There are now over 170 queries in the library including new sample queries for Exchange 2013. PowerShell Export You can now export any query as a standalone PowerShell script. The only requirement of course is that Log Parser 2.2 is installed on the machine you run it on but LPS is not required. There are some limitations but you can essentially use LPS as a query editor/test bed for PowerShell scripts that run Log Parser queries for you! Query Cancellation The ability to submit a request to cancel a running query has been added which will allow you to cancel a running query in many cases. Keyboard Shortcuts There are now 23 Keyboard shortcuts. Be sure to check these out as they will save you lots of time. To display the short cuts use CTRL+K or Help > Keyboard Shortcuts. There are literally hundreds of improvements and features; far too many to list here so be sure and check out our blog series with existing and upcoming tutorials, deep dives and more. If you are installing LPS for the first time you'll surely want to review the getting started series: Getting started with Log Parser Studio Getting started with Log Parser Studio, part 2 Getting started with Log Parser Studio, part 3 If you are already familiar with LPS and are installing this latest version, you'll want to check out the upgrade blog post here: Log Parser Studio: upgrading from v1 to v2 Additional LPS articles can be found here: LPS doesn't require an install so just extract to the folder of your choice and run LPS.EXE. If you have the previous version of LPS and you have added your own custom queries to the library, be sure to export those queries as a backup before running the newest version. See the "Upgrading to LPS V2" blog post above when upgrading. Kary Wall574KViews4likes18CommentsExchange Server TLS guidance, part 1: Getting Ready for TLS 1.2
Update: please see our official documentation which is now available on this subject: Exchange Server TLS configuration best practices. Overview As the realm of security in technology continues to evolve over time, every so often we say hello to newer and more competent versions of technologies while saying goodbye to their older siblings. By the time you are reading this article you may have learned Office 365 intends to stop accepting inbound network connections if they are using TLS protocol versions prior to TLS 1.2, and started to wonder how this may affect your on-premises deployments of Exchange Server. For clarity, this does not mean your on-premises deployments must disable TLS 1.0/1.1 by the time Office 365’s change takes place. It only means TLS 1.2 must be enabled and used when communicating with Office 365. Today, in part 1 of this series we will provide you with the information required to prepare your environments for using TLS 1.2, as well as, what our plans are during the next few weeks. Part 1: This blog. What you need to be ready for TLS 1.2 being enabled. ETA: The present, which is now the past Part 2: Enabling and confirming TLS 1.2 is operational in supported Exchange Server deployments. ETA: Published on 4/2/2018 Part 3: Disabling TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 as well as how to run a TLS 1.2-only Exchange Server deployment aligned with Office 365’s configuration. ETA: Published on 5/23/2018 In addition to the Office 365 announcement, we know there are customers interested in this topic due to the PCI DSS 3.1 that currently has an effective date of June 30 th , 2018. We are seeing an uptick in requests for guidance related to this date and want to assure you we have the guidance underway. Protocols and Components TLS versus SSL Before going further, let us take a moment to clarify TLS and SSL in case they are unfamiliar terms. In the world of Exchange Servers, it isn’t uncommon to think of the TLS protocol (Transport Layer Security) as being involved only in mail delivery processes ("Transport" kind of indicates that). For the SSL protocol (Secure Socket Layer), we most often speak to it when planning for client namespaces and ensuring we’re able to use HTTPS for a secure HTTP session. For example, during the deployment of a new Exchange organization you may hear, “Did you already get the SSL certificate for the new Exchange namespace?” The S in HTTPS does not stand for SSL, it stands for Secure. What really should be asked in the SSL example above is “Did you already get the certificate to enable HTTPS for the new Exchange namespace?” as HTTPS can (and should) be using a TLS based protocol these days rather than an older SSL protocol. TLS can be thought of as the successor to SSL and can be used anywhere two systems must exchange information over an encrypted network session. The Windows Dev Center does a nice job of summarizing this for us here and here. Additional Components In addition to the TLS and SSL protocols, there are many other terms that may be useful to cover, which will become more important in later segments of this blog series. Schannel Microsoft Exchange Server relies on the Secure Channel (Schannel) security support provider, which is a Windows component used to provide identity repudiation and in some instances authentication to enable secure, private communications through encryption. One of the roles of Schannel is to implement versions of SSL/TLS protocols to be used during client/server information exchanges. Schannel also plays a part in determining what cipher suite to be used. Cipher Suites Cipher Suite selection, in addition to the encryption protocol (TLS/SSL) used to carry out information exchanges, is another significant piece of the overall puzzle. Cipher suites are a collection of algorithms used to determine how information exchanged between two systems will be encrypted for key exchange, bulk encryption, and message authentication. As one may expect, different versions of Windows have supported an ever-evolving list of cipher suites made up of different strengths throughout the course of release. If you are a customer accustomed to configuring applications to only use Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) compliant algorithms, then cipher suites are nothing new to you. WinHTTP Some components of Microsoft Exchange Server rely on Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP). WinHTTP provides a server-supported, high-level interface to the HTTP/1.1 Internet Protocol. WinHTTP enables Exchange to retrieve enabled encryption levels, specify the security protocol, and interact with server and client certificates when establishing an HTTPS connection. .NET Last, but certainly not least, is the Microsoft .NET Framework. .NET is a managed execution environment that includes a common language runtime (CLR) that is used as an execution engine and class library which provides reusable code; a vast majority of the code that makes up Exchange Server is written for the .NET Framework. With the release of Exchange Server 2013, our references to the Information Store now being “managed code” or “managed store” were due to its complete rewrite using .NET Framework. Settings for .NET itself can have an impact on how different protocols are used when applications exchange information with other systems. There are many components Exchange Server depends on to properly implement all its encryption capabilities. Understanding what those components are, and how every component should align when adjusting cryptography settings will help you better understand the impact to Exchange Server when those changes are carried out. With those clarifications out of the way let us keep moving on. How to Prepare If you would like to prepare your Exchange environments for the upcoming TLS 1.2 configuration guidance, please align yourself by auditing your current deployment against the below set of requirements. No guidance will be provided for versions of Exchange or Windows earlier than what is listed below. By ensuring you are ready for the TLS 1.2 configuration guidance you will minimize the amount of work to enable TLS 1.2 in your environment. Any update called out as ‘current’ is as of the publishing of this article and may not remain true in the future. Exchange Server versions Exchange Server 2016 Install Cumulative Update (CU) 8 in production for TLS 1.2 support and be ready to upgrade to CU9 after its release if you need to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. Install the newest version of .NET and associated patches supported by your CU (currently 4.7.1). Exchange Server 2013 Install CU19 in production for TLS 1.2 support and be ready to upgrade to CU20 after its release if you need to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. Install the newest version of .NET and associated patches supported by your CU (currently 4.7.1). Exchange Server 2010 Install SP3 RU19 in production today for TLS 1.2 support and be ready to upgrade to SP3 RU20 in production after its release if you need to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. Install the latest version of .NET 3.5.1 and patches. Exchange Server versions older than 2010 Out of support. There is no path forward and you should be planning a migration to Exchange Online or a modern version of Exchange Server on-premises. As always you may refer to the Exchange Supportability Matrix if you need information related to what combinations of Exchange, Windows, and .NET Framework are supported operating together. Windows Server versions You cannot have an Exchange server without Windows Server, so don't forget to make sure you're in a good place at the operating system level to support using TLS 1.2. Many of the Schannel, WinHTTP, and. NET Framework updates require registry changes to become effective. After confirming the updates below are installed, please do not make any registry changes unless you already have custom settings you must use. We will cover registry changes for these updates in the next part of this series. Windows Server 2016 TLS 1.2 is the default security protocol for Schannel and consumable by WinHTTP. Ensure you have installed the most recent Monthly Quality Update along with any other offered Windows updates. Windows Server 2012 R2 TLS 1.2 is the default security protocol for Schannel and consumable by WinHTTP Ensure your server is current on Windows Updates. This should include security update KB3161949 for the current version of WinHTTP. If you rely on SHA512 certificates; please see KB2973337. Windows Server 2012 TLS 1.2 is the default security protocol for Schannel. Ensure your server is current on Windows Updates. This should include security update KB3161949 for the current version of WinHTTP. If you rely on SHA512 certificates; please see KB2973337. Exchange 2010 Installs Only: Install 3154519 for .NET Framework 3.5.1. Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 TLS 1.2 is supported by the OS but is disabled by default. Ensure your server is current on Windows updates. This should include security update KB3161949 for the current version of WinHTTP. This should include optional recommended update KB3080079 which adds TLS 1.2 capability to Remote Desktop Services if you intend to connect to 2008 R2 SP1 based Exchange Servers via Remote Desktop. Also install this update on any Windows 7 machines you intend to connect from. If you rely on SHA512 certificates; please see KB2973337. Exchange 2010 Installs Only: Install 3154518 for .NET Framework 3.5.1. Windows Server 2008 SP2 TLS 1.2 is not supported by default. Ensure your server is current on Windows updates. This should include optional recommended update KB4019276. This update adds TLS 1.2 capability as a default secure protocol for Schannel. This should include security update KB3161949 for the current version of WinHTTP. If you rely on SHA512 certificates; please see KB2973337. Exchange 2010 Installs Only: Install 3154517 for .NET Framework 3.5.1. Why is having current updates helpful? It may normally go without saying, but by being on a current update you will minimize the risk of encountering any issues while applying a new update as these update paths are tested and well-known prior to the release of the new update. We would like to help you avoid any delay in deploying TLS configuration changes which could arise from battling upgrades from very old Exchange or Windows updates. In addition, with our December 2017 releases for Exchange Server, we’ve already been making underlying changes to prepare for this eventual moment in TLS' history. Starting with those releases, Exchange setup no longer overwrites the current cryptography settings of the server you're upgrading. If you have previously configured certain cryptography ciphers and their order of presentation, we will no longer reset them to our desired default configuration. For any new server installations (not an upgrade of an existing server to a new update), Exchange setup will still configure the recommended configuration as of the time the update was originally published. This will also happen if setup is run with /M:RecoverServer as we assume this is the first time Exchange is being installed on the server. If customers prefer a configuration other than our recommended out-of-the-box configuration, then you will still have to apply those updates after installing Exchange Server for the first time on a server. However, once Exchange is installed your custom cryptography config should remain in place after any future Exchange Server update. The Exchange team will continue to publish guidance on which cryptography settings we believe customers should use to optimally configure an Exchange server. What else have we been up to? Historically there were many areas within the Exchange codebase where specific cryptography protocols were hard-coded. Over the last few years we have been systematically updating all these areas and slowly converting components over to use protocols and ciphers as dictated by the underlying operating system and .NET. Progress in making these changes was intentionally done in a slow controlled manner over time to ensure stability of the product was not affected. We believe these changes should make administrators' lives easier by reducing where and how you need to configure cryptography settings for an Exchange Server. Am I a Server or a Client? Believe it or not even with Exchange 2016 the acceptance of inbound connections to the Mailbox Server role and the Edge Transport role are not the only purposes a server can have. Exchange Server is often playing the role of a client. Any time Exchange is initiating contact to another system it is effectively a client. Sending mail to another Exchange Server in your org? Client. Contacting O365 for a cross-premises F/B request? Client. Sending mail to a partner organization? Client. Doing a CRL lookup against a CDP so it can show S/MIME certificate status in OWA? Client. Proxying a client request from one Exchange Server to another? Client. Exchange obviously can also play the role of a server, as defined as the party answering a request from another system. Examples include receiving client connections, receiving inbound e-mail via SMTP, or accepting cross-forest requests from another Exchange org. Why does this matter? As you move forward with your configuration changes you must take caution to not move too quickly. Stop and take stock of not only what talks to Exchange, but what Exchange talks to as well. This may mean you have to coordinate changes across multiple environments to ensure you do not suffer any impact to service availability. In the next part of the series you will see configuration changes that refer to both Client and Server aspects of the machine. If you miss one setting you may find yourself with a system making outbound connections on older TLS protocols even though it allows incoming connections to only use TLS 1.2. In part 2 of this series we will discuss how to introduce TLS 1.2 into your environment safely while other servers may still be using TLS 1.0 or 1.1. Call to Action and Review Should you be preparing to act? Yes, we recommend all Exchange Server on-premises customers begin the transition towards using TLS 1.2. Action Items If you have not already, then please audit your systems for any updates we’ve outlined above as necessary and begin deploying them to prepare yourself for configuring TLS 1.2. Review Keep watching this space for additional information on configuring TLS 1.2, and then additional future guidance on deprecating TLS 1.0 and 1.1 from Exchange Servers. We're continuing to work with our partner teams across Microsoft to provide you with the best set of guidance and you'll continue to hear more from us to help guide you through this transition. We hope this first post is helpful in your planning and look forward to releasing the other upcoming parts! A huge debt of gratitude goes to Scott Landry, Brent Alinger, Chris Schrimsher and others for combining numerous efforts of work into this series of postings. Brian Day Senior Program Manager Office 365 Customer Experience471KViews4likes10CommentsOutlook Connectivity with MAPI over HTTP
Among the many new features delivered in Exchange 2013 SP1 is a new method of connectivity to Outlook we refer to as MAPI over HTTP (or MAPI/HTTP for short). We’ve seen a lot of interest about this new connection method and today we’ll give you a full explanation of what it is, what it provides, where it will take us in the future, and finally some tips of how and where to get started enabling this for your users. What is MAPI over HTTP? MAPI over HTTP is a new transport used to connect Outlook and Exchange. MAPI/HTTP was first delivered with Exchange 2013 SP1 and Outlook 2013 SP1 and begins gradually rolling out in Office 365 in May. It is the long term replacement for RPC over HTTP connectivity (commonly referred to as Outlook Anywhere). MAPI/HTTP removes the complexity of Outlook Anywhere’s dependency on the legacy RPC technology. Let’s compare the architectures. MAPI/HTTP moves connectivity to a true HTTP request/response pattern and no longer requires two long-lived TCP connections to be open for each session between Outlook and Exchange. Gone are the twin RPC_DATA_IN and RPC_DATA_OUT connections required in the past for each RPC/HTTP session. This change will reduce the number of concurrent TCP connections established between the client and server. MAPI/HTTP will generate a maximum of 2 current connections generating one long lived connection and an additional on-demand short-lived connection. Outlook Anywhere also essentially double wrapped all of the communications with Exchange adding to the complexity. MAPI/HTTP removes the RPC encapsulation within HTTP packets sent across the network making MAPI/HTTP a more well understood and predictable HTTP payload. An additional network level change is that MAPI/HTTP decouples the client/server session from the underlying network connection. With Outlook Anywhere connectivity, if a network connection was lost between client and server, the session was invalidated and had to be reestablished all over again, which is a time-consuming and expensive operation. In MAPI/HTTP when a network connection is lost the session itself is not reset for 15 minutes and the client can simply reconnect and continue where it left off before the network level interruption took place. This is extremely helpful for users who might be connecting from low quality networks. Additionally in the past, an unexpected server-side network blip would result in all client sessions being invalidated and a surge of reconnections being made to a mailbox server. Depending on the number of Outlook clients reconnecting, the re-establishing of so many RPC/HTTP connections might strain the resources of the mailbox server, and possibly extend the outage in scope (to Outlook clients connected to multiple servers) and time, caused by a single server-side network blip. Why MAPI over HTTP? You are probably asking yourself why the Exchange team would create a complete replacement for something so well-known and used. Let us explain. The original Outlook Anywhere architecture wasn’t designed for today’s reality of clients connecting from a wide variety of network types – many of these are not as fast or reliable as what was originally expected when Outlook Anywhere was designed. Consider connections from cellular networks, home networks, or in-flight wireless networks as a few examples. The team determined the best way to meet current connection needs and also put Exchange in the position to innovate more quickly was to start with a new simplified architecture. The primary goal of MAPI/HTTP is provide a better user experience across all types of connections by providing faster connection times to Exchange – yes, getting email to users faster. Additionally MAPI/HTTP will improve the connection resiliency when the network drops packets in transit. Let’s quantify a few of these improvements your users can expect. These results represent what we have seen in our own internal Microsoft user testing. When starting Outlook users often see the message “Connecting to Outlook” in the Outlook Status bar. MAPI/HTTP can reduce the amount of time a user waits for this connection. In the scenario when a user first launches Outlook the time to start synchronization improved to 30 seconds vs. 90 seconds for Outlook Anywhere for 70% of the monitored clients. Improvements are also delivered when clients are resuming from hibernation or simply re-connecting to a new network. Testing showed that 80% of the clients using MAPI/HTTP started syncing in less than 30 seconds vs. over 40 seconds for Outlook Anywhere clients when resuming from hibernation. This improvement was made possible as MAPI/HTTP implements a pause/resume feature enabling clients to resume using an existing connection rather than negotiating a new connection each time. Current sessions for MAPI/HTTP are valid for 15 minutes, but as we fine tune and expand this duration, these improvements will be even more noticeable. Improvements aren’t limited to end users. IT administrators will gain greater protocol visibility allowing them to identify and remediate situations faster and with more confidence. Due to MAPI/HTTP moving to a more traditional HTTP protocol payload, the ability to utilize already known tools common to HTTP debugging is a reality. IIS and HttpProxy logs will now contain information similar to other HTTP based protocols like Outlook Web App and be able to pass information via headers. At times in the past, certain debug procedures for RPC/HTTP were only available via proprietary internal Microsoft tools. This move should put all customers on the same level playing field as far as what tools are available for debug purposes. Exchange administrators also will find response returned by Autodiscover for MAPI/HTTP to Outlook is greatly simplified. The settings returned are just protocol version and endpoint URLs for Outlook to connect to Exchange mailbox and directory fr om inside or outside the customer’s corporate network. Outlook treats the URLs returned as opaque and uses as-is, minimizing the risk of connectivity breaking with future endpoint changes. Since MAPI/HTTP, like any other web protocol, simply sends an anonymous HTTP request to Exchange and gets back the authentication settings, there is no need for Autodiscover to advertise the authentication settings. This makes it easier to roll out changes in authentication settings for Outlook. The future MAPI/HTTP puts the Exchange team in position to innovate more quickly. It simplifies the architecture removing dependency on the RPC technologies which are no longer evolving as quickly as the customers demand. It provides the path for extensibility of the connection capabilities. A new capability that is on the roadmap for Outlook is to enable multi-factor authentication for users in Office 365. This capability is made possible with the use of MAPI/HTTP and is targeted to be delivered later this year. For a deeper look at this upcoming feature you can review the recent Multi-Factor Authentication for Office 365 blog post. This won’t stop with Office 365 MFA, but provides the extensibility foundation for 3 rd party identity providers. How does MAPI/HTTP work? Let’s walk through the scenario of an Outlook 2013 SP1 client connecting to Exchange Server 2013 SP1 after MAPI/HTTP has been enabled. The Outlook client begins with an Autodiscover POST request. In this request Outlook includes a new attribute that advertises the client is MAPI/HTTP capable with the attribute X-MapiHTTPCapability = 1. The Exchange server sees the request is coming from a MAPI/HTTP capable client and responds with the MAPI/HTTP information including the settings on how to connect to the mailbox using MAPI/HTTP. This assumes the MAPI/HTTP has been configured and enabled on the server. The Outlook client detects the new connection path and prompts the user to restart Outlook to switch to use the new connection. While the restart is pending Outlook will continue using Outlook Anywhere. We recommend you deploy the latest Office client updates to provide the best user experience. The updates remove the prompt and clients are allowed to make the transition at the next unprompted restart of Outlook. After the restart, Outlook now uses MAPI/HTTP to communicate with Exchange. What’s required? So now we have a clear set of advantages you can offer users, let’s review the requirements to enable MAPI/HTTP. Server Requirements: Use of MAPI/HTTP requires all Exchange 2013 Client Access Servers to be updated to Exchange Server 2013 SP1 (or later). The feature is disabled by default in SP1 so you can get the servers updated without anyone noticing any changes. If you are an Office 365 Exchange Online customer you won’t have anything to worry about on the service side of deployment. Client Requirements: Outlook clients must be updated to use MAPI/HTTP. Office 2013 SP1 or Office 365 ProPlus February update (SP1 equivalent for ProPlus) are required for MAPI/HTTP. It is recommend you deploy the May Office 2013 public update or the April update for Office 365 ProPlus to eliminate the restart prompt when MAPI/HTTP is enabled for users. Outlook 2010 was updated to support MAPI/HTTP in the January 2015 Public Update, and additional fixes for it were released in the April 2015 Public Update. Prior version clients will continue to work as-is using Outlook Anywhere. Outlook Anywhere is the supported connection method for those clients. We will not be backporting MAPI/HTTP to Outlook 2007 or earlier versions. How to get ready Part one of getting ready is to get the required updates to your servers and clients as described in the prior section. Part two of getting ready is evaluating potential impacts MAPI/HTTP might have on your on-premises servers. Again if you an Office 365 customer you can ignore this bit. When you implement MAPI/HTTP in your organization, it will have an impact on your Exchange server resources. Before you go any further you need to review the impacts to your server resources. The Exchange 2013 Server Role Requirements Calculatorhas been updated to factor in use of MAPI/HTTP. You need to use the most recent version of the calculator (v6.3 or later) before you proceed. MAPI/HTTP increases the CPU load in the Exchange Client Access Servers. This is a 50% increase over Exchange 2013 RTM, however it is still lower than Exchange 2010 requirements. As you plan be mindful that deploying in a multi-role configuration will minimize the impact to your sizing. Again use the calculator to review potential impacts this may have in your environment. This higher CPU use is due to the higher request rate with several short-lived connections, with each request taking care of authentication and proxying. To provide the best MAPI/HTTP performance you need to install .NET 4.5.1 on your Exchange 2013 servers. Installing .NET 4.5.1 will avoid long wait times for users thanks to a fix to ensure the notification channel remains asynchronous to avoid queued requests. The change in communication between Exchange and Outlook has a small impact on the bytes sent over the wire. The header content in MAPI/HTTP is responsible for an increase in bytes transferred. In a typical message communications we have observed an average packet size increase of 1.2% versus Outlook Anywhere for a 50 KB average packet. In scenarios of data transfers over 10 MB the increase in bytes over the wire is 5-10%. These increases assumes an ideal network where connections are not dropped or resumed. If you consider real world conditions you may actually find MAPI/HTTP data on the wire may be lower than Outlook Anywhere. Outlook Anywhere lacks the ability to resume connections and the cost of re-syncing items can quickly outweigh the increase from the MAPI/HTTP header information. Now deploy MAPI/HTTP Now that you have prepared your servers with SP1, updated your clients, and reviewed potential sizing impacts you are ready to get on with implementing MAPI/HTTP. It is disabled by default in SP1 and you must take explicit actions to configure and enable it. These steps are well covered in the MAPI over HTTPTechNet article. A few important things to remember in your deployment. Namespace: MAPI/HTTP is a new endpoint on CAS and can utilize both an internal namespace and an external namespace. For more information on how to properly plan your namespace design, see Namespace Planning in Exchange 2013 and Load Balancing in Exchange 2013. Certificates: The certificate used in Exchange will need to include both the internal and external MAPI/HTTP virtual directories to avoid any user certificate prompts, thus consider if the names exist on your certificates. Refer to the certificate planning post for additional help planning. MAPI/HTTP Configuration: Enabling MAPI/HTTP is an organizational configuration in Exchange, you won’t have the ability configure this for a subset of servers. If you require more specific control you can control the client behavior with a registry key. NOTE: If you require more specific control you can control the client behavior with a registry key on each client machine. This is not recommended or required but included if your situation demands this level of control. This registry entry prevents Outlook from sending the MAPI/HTTP capable flag to Exchange in the Autodiscover request. When you change the registry key on a client it will not take effect until the next time the client performs an Autodiscover query against Exchange. To disallow MAPI/HTTP and force RPC/HTTP to be used. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange] “MapiHttpDisabled”=dword:00000001 To allow MAPI/HTTP simply delete the MapiHttpDisabled DWORD, or set it to a value of 0 as below. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange] “MapiHttpDisabled”=dword:00000000 Connectivity: An important final consideration is to verify load balancers, reverse proxies, and firewalls are configured to allow access to the MAPI/HTTP virtual directories. At this time ForeFront Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2010 SP4 is not compatible with MAPI/HTTP. The UAG team has committed to deliver support for MAPI/HTTP in a future update. How do I know it is working? There are a few quick ways to verify your configuration is working as expected. 1. Test with the Test-OutlookConnectivity cmdlet Use this command to test MAPI/HTTP connectivity: Test-OutlookConnectivity -RunFromServerId Contoso -ProbeIdentity OutlookMapiHttpSelfTestProbe This test is detailed in the MAPI over HTTPTechNet Article. 2. Inspect MAPI/HTTP server logs Administrators can review the following MAPI/HTTP log files to validate how the configuration is operating: Location Path CAS: %ExchangeInstallPath%Logging\HttpProxy\Mapi\HTTP Mailbox: %ExchangeInstallPath%Logging\MAPI Client Access\ Mailbox: %ExchangeInstallPath%Logging\MAPI Address Book Service\ 3. Check Outlook connection status on clients You can also quickly verify that the client is connected using MAPI/HTTP. The Outlook Connection status dialog can be launch by CTRL-right clicking the Outlook icon in the notification area and selecting Connection Status. Here are the few key fields to quickly confirm the connection is using MAPI/HTTP. Field Value Protocol HTTP (v/s RPC/HTTP for Outlook Anywhere) Proxy Server Empty Server name Actual server name (v/s GUID for Outlook Anywhere connections) Summary MAPI/HTTP provides a simplified transport and resulting architecture for Outlook to connect with Exchange. It enables improved user experiences to allow them faster access to mail and improves the resilience of their Outlook connections. These investments are the foundation for future capabilities such as multi-factor authentication in Outlook. It also helps IT support and troubleshoot client connection issues using standard HTTP protocol tools. As with all things new you must properly plan your implementation. Use the deployment guidanceavailable on TechNet and the updated sizing recommendations in the calculator before you start your deployment. With proper use it will guide you to a smooth deployment of MAPI/HTTP. Special thanks to Brian Day and Abdel Bahgat for extensive contributions to this blog post. Brian Shiers | Technical Product Manager MAPI/HTTP FAQ We collected a number of questions which frequently came up during the development, internal dogfooding, and customer TAPtesting of MAPI/HTTP. We hope these answer most of the questions you may have about MAPI/HTTP. Can MAPI/HTTP be enabled/disabled on a per-server basis? No, it is an organization-wide Exchange setting. The user experience mentioned during database failovers when one server is not yet MAPI/HTTP capable made the functionality to turn MAPI/HTTP on and off per server not a viable solution. Can MAPI/HTTP be enabled/disabled on a per-mailbox basis? No, there is not currently a Set-CasMailbox parameter to enable/disable MAPI/HTTP for a single mailbox. I updated the registry key to disable MAPI/HTTP on a client but the connection didn’t change? The registry entry simply controls what Outlook sends to Exchange about its MAPI/HTTP capability during an Autodiscover request. It does not immediately change the connection method Outlook is using nor will it change it with a simple restart of Outlook. Remember, the Autodiscover response Outlook gets only has MAPI/HTTP or RPC/HTTP settings in it so it has no way to immediately switch types. You must allow Outlook to perform its next Autodiscover request and get a response from Exchange after setting this registry entry before the change will take place. If you must attempt to speed along this process, there are two options. Set the registry entry as you wish, close Outlook, delete the Outlook profile, and then restart Outlook and go through the profile wizard. This should result in an immediate switch, but any settings stored in the Outlook profile are lost. Set the registry entry as you wish, close Outlook, delete the hidden Autodiscover response XML files in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Outlook, and restart Outlook. Restart Outlook once more to complete the switch. What happens if a user’s mailbox database is mounted on a MAPI/HTTP capable server and then a database failover happens to a non-MAPI/HTTP capable server? E.g. When not all mailbox servers in a DAG are MAPI/HTTP capable and MAPI/HTTP has already been enabled in the organization, and then a mailbox failover takes place between the SP1 (or later) and pre-SP1 servers. Additionally this could happen if you move a mailbox from a MAPI/HTTP capable mailbox server to a server that is not MAPI/HTTP capable. In the above example Outlook would fail to connect and when Autodiscover next ran the user would get an Outlook restart notification warning because MAPI/HTTP is no longer a viable connection method due to the mailbox being mounted on a pre-SP1 server. After the client restart the client profile would be back to utilizing RPC/HTTP. Note: While a mix of MAPI/HTTP capable and non-capable mailbox Exchange servers in the same DAG are supported in an environment with MAPI/HTTP enabled, it is very strongly not recommended due to the possible user experience outlined above. It is suggested the entire organization be upgraded to SP1 or later before enabling MAPI/HTTP in the organization. What if a user accesses additional mailboxes where MAPI/HTTP is not yet available? Outlook profiles can continue access additional resources using non-MAPI/HTTP connectivity methods even if the user’s primary mailbox utilizes MAPI/HTTP. For example a user can continue to access Legacy Public Folders or Shared Mailboxes on other Exchange servers not utilizing MAPI/HTTP. During the Autodiscover process Exchange will determine and hand back to Outlook the proper connectivity method necessary for each resource being accessed. If MAPI/HTTP becomes unreachable will a client fallback to RPC/HTTP? No, a user’s profile will never attempt to use RPC/HTTP if MAPI/HTTP becomes unavailable because the original Autodiscover response only contained one connection method to use. There is no fallback from MAPI/HTTP to RPC/HTTP or vice versa. Normal high availability design considerations should ensure the MAPI/HTTP endpoint remain accessible in the event of server or service failures. Is MAPI/HTTP replacing Exchange Web Services (EWS)? No, MAPI/HTTP is not a replacement for EWS and there are no plans to move current EWS clients to MAPI/HTTP. Is RPC/HTTP being deprecated as an available connection method? Over time this may take place as non-MAPI/HTTP capable Outlook versions age out of their product support lifecycle, but there are no immediate plans to remove RPC/HTTP as a valid connection method. What authentication methods does MAPI/HTTP support? A huge architectural improvement by moving to MAPI/HTTP is that MAPI/HTTP is abstracted from authentication. In short authentication is done at the HTTP layer, so whatever HTTP can do, MAPI/HTTP can use. Does moving the MAPI/HTTP negatively affect the Lync client at all? No, the Lync client uses the same profile as configured by Outlook and will connect via whatever connectivity method is in use by Outlook. Is there any kind of SDK/API for third party application usage of MAPI/HTTP? The MAPI/HTTP protocol is publically documented (PDF download) and has the same level of documentation support as RPC/HTTP. There are no plans to update the MAPI CDO library for MAPI/HTTP and third party companies are still encouraged to utilize Exchange Web Services as the long-term protocol for interaction with Exchange as discussed in Exchange 2013 Client Access Server Rolearticle. What are the client requirements for MAPI/HTTP? Use of MAPI/HTTP requires Outlook 2013 clients to obtain Office 2013 Service Pack 1 or the February update for Office 365 ProPlus clients. Outlook 2010 was updated to support MAPI/HTTP in the January 2015 Public Update, and additional fixes for it were released in the April 2015 Public Update. How does this affect publishing Exchange 2013 via ARR, WAP, TMG, UAG, B2M, ABC, BBD … Publishing Exchange 2013 with MAPI/HTTP in use does not change very much. You will need to ensure devices in front of Exchange handling user access to CAS are allowing access to the Default Web Site’s /mapi/ virtual directory. At this time UAG SP3 is not compatible with MAPI/HTTP even with all filtering options disabled. UAG plans to add support for MAPI/HTTP in a future update. Learn More Still want more information? Review the following sessions on this topic from Microsoft Exchange Conference 2014 Outlook Connectivity: Current and FutureOutlook Connectivity: Current and FutureOutlook Connectivity: Current and Future What's New in Outlook 2013 and Beyond What's New in Authentication for Outlook 2013440KViews1like31CommentsReleased: June 2019 Quarterly Exchange Updates
Today we are announcing the availability of quarterly servicing cumulative updates for Exchange Server 2013, 2016 and 2019. These updates include fixes for customer reported issues as well as all previously released security updates...400KViews7likes58CommentsReleased: Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1
Download What's new Release notes Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1) is now available for download! Please make sure to read the release notesbefore installing SP1. The final build number for Exchange Server 2013 SP1 is 15.00.0847.032. SP1 has already been deployed to thousands of production mailboxes in customer environments via the Exchange Server Technology Adoption Program (TAP). In addition to including fixes, SP1 provides enhancements to improve the Exchange 2013 experience. These include enhancements in security and compliance, architecture and administration, and user experiences. These key enhancements are introduced below. Note: Some of the documentation referenced may not be fully available at the time of publishing of this post. Security and Compliance SP1 provides enhancements improving security and compliance capabilities in Exchange Server 2013. This includes improvements in the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) feature and the return of S/MIME encryption for Outlook Web App users. DLP Policy Tips in Outlook Web App – DLP Policy Tips are now enabled for Outlook Web App (OWA) and OWA for Devices. These are the same Policy Tips available in Outlook 2013. DLP Policy Tips appear when a user attempts to send a message containing sensitive data that matches a DLP policy. Learn more about DLP Policy Tips. DLP Document Fingerprinting – DLP policies already allow you to detect sensitive information such as financial or personal data. DLP Document Fingerprinting expands this capability to detect forms used in your organization. For example, you can create a document fingerprint based on your organization’s patent request form to identify when users are sending that form, and then use DLP actions to properly control dissemination of the content. Learn more about DLP Document Fingerprinting. DLP sensitive information types for new regions – SP1 provides an expanded set of standard DLP sensitive information types covering an increased set of regions. SP1 adds region support for Poland, Finland and Taiwan. Learn more about the DLP sensitive information types available. S/MIME support for OWA – SP1 also reintroduces the S/MIME feature in OWA, enabling OWA users to send and receive signed and encrypted email. Signed messages allow the recipient to verify that the message came from the specified sender and contains the only the content from the sender. This capability is supported when using OWA with Internet Explorer 9 or later. Learn more about S/MIME in Exchange 2013. Architecture & Administration These improvements help Exchange meet our customer requirements and stay in step with the latest platforms. Windows Server 2012 R2 support – Exchange 2013 SP1 adds Windows Server 2012 R2 as a supported operating system and Active Directory environment for both domain and forest functional levels. For the complete configuration support information refer to the Exchange Server Supportability Matrix. This matrix includes details regarding Windows Server 2012 R2 support information about earlier versions of Exchange. Exchange Admin Center Cmdlet Logging – The Exchange 2010 Management Console includes PowerShell cmdlet logging functionality. Listening to your feedback, we’re happy to announce that this functionality is now included in the Exchange Admin Center (EAC). The logging feature enables you to capture and review the recent (up to 500) commands executed in the EAC user interface while the logging window is open. Logging is invoked from the EAC help menu and continues logging while the logging window remains open. ADFS for OWA – Also new for Outlook Web App in SP1 is claims-based authentication for organizations using Active Directory Federation Services. Learn more about the scenario. Edge Transport server role – SP1 also reintroduces the Edge Transport server role. If you have deployed Exchange 2013 with a supported legacy Exchange Edge Transport role, you don’t need to upgrade. That configuration is still supported. But we do recommend that future deployments use the Exchange 2013 Edge Transport role. Learn more about Edge Transport in Exchange 2013. New communication method for Exchange and Outlook – SP1 introduces a new communication method for Exchange Server and Microsoft Outlook called MAPI over HTTP(MAPI/HTTP). This communication method simplifies connectivity troubleshooting and improves the user connection experience with resuming from hibernate or switching networks. MAPI/HTTP is disabled by default, allowing you to decide when to enable it for your organization. MAPI/HTTP can be used in place of RPC/HTTP (Outlook Anywhere) for your Outlook 2013 SP1 clients while Outlook 2013 RTM and older clients continue to use RPC/HTTP. Learn more about deploying MAPI/HTTP. DAGs without Cluster Administrative Access Points - Windows Server 2012 R2 introduces failover clusters that can operate without an administrative access point: no IP addresses or IP address resource, no network name resource, and no cluster name object. SP1 enables you to create a DAG without an administrative access point on Windows Server 2012 R2 from EAC or PowerShell. This is an optional DAG configuration for SP1 and requires Windows Server 2012 R2. DAGs with administrative access points continue to be supported. Learn more about creating a DAG without an administrative access point here and here. SSL offloading – SP1 now supports SSL offloading, allowing you to terminate incoming SSL connections in front of your CAS servers and move the SSL workload (encryption & decryption tasks) to a load balancer device. Learn how to configure SSL offloading in Exchange 2013. User Experience We know the user experience is crucial to running a great messaging platform. SP1 provides continued enhancements to help your users work smarter. Enhanced text editor for OWA - OWA now uses the same rich text editor as SharePoint, thereby improving the user experience, and enabling several new formatting and composition capabilities that you expect from modern Web application - more pasting options, rich previews to linked content, and the ability to create and modify tables. Apps for Office in Compose – Mail apps are now available for use during the creation of new mail messages. This allows developers to build and users to leverage apps that can help them while they are composing mails. The compose apps leverage the Apps for Office platform and can be added via the existing Office store or corporate catalogs. Learn more about Apps for Office. Upgrading to SP1/Deploying SP1 As with all cumulative updates (CUs), SP1 is a full build of Exchange, and the deployment of SP1 is just like the deployment of a cumulative update. Active Directory Preparation Prior to or concurrent with upgrading or deploying SP1 onto a server, you must update Active Directory. These are the required actions to perform prior to installing SP1 on a server. 1. Exchange 2013 SP1 includes schema changes. Therefore, you will need to execute the following command to apply the schema changes. setup.exe /PrepareSchema /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms 2. Exchange 2013 SP1 includes enterprise Active Directory changes (e.g., RBAC roles have been updated to support new cmdlets and/or properties). Therefore, you will need to execute the following command. setup.exe /PrepareAD /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms Server Deployment Once the above preparatory steps are completed, you can install SP1 on your servers. Of course, as always, if you don’t separately perform the above steps, they will be performed by Setup when you install your first Exchange 2013 SP1 server. If this is your first Exchange 2013 server deployment, you will need to deploy both Client Access Server and Mailbox Server roles in your organization. If you already deployed Exchange 2013 RTM code and want to upgrade to SP1, you will run the following command from a command line. setup.exe /m:upgrade /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms Alternatively you can start the installation through the GUI installer. Hybrid deployments and EOA Customers in hybrid deployments where Exchange is deployed on-premises and in the cloud, or who are using Exchange Online Archiving (EOA) with their on-premises Exchange deployment are required to deploy the most current (e.g., SP1) or the prior (e.g., CU3) Cumulative Update release. Note: We have learned some customers using 3rd party or custom transport agents may experience issues after installation of SP1. If you experience installation issues consult KB 2938053 to resolve this issue with transport agents. Looking Ahead Our next update for Exchange 2013 will be released as Exchange 2013 Cumulative Update 5. This CU release will continue the Exchange Server 2013 release process. If you want to learn more about Exchange Server 2013 SP1 and have the opportunity to ask questions to the Exchange team in person, come join us at the Microsoft Exchange Conference. Brian Shiers Technical Product Manager, Exchange317KViews0likes214Comments