Feature Request
22 TopicsPlease provide the means to hide default Fullscreen UI (black exit button)
So I am building an extension that essentially leverages power of chrome.windows API. I am Windows user, common sense, my browser of choice to test the extension is everyone's beloved Microsoft Edge (hereinafter – MS Edge). The purpose of extension is to provide Window controls overlay when user is in Fullscreen mode. As you can see in the demo, my extension duplicates with default-provided Fullscreen mode UI such as the black exit ( X ) button, the one that I'd like to hide – for that I can consider at least two possible scenarios : as a developer I could achieve this via edge://flags/#edge-enable-shy-ui as an end-user I would like to have ability control Shy UI over MS Edge Settings/Appearance Worth to mention that I enter a Fullscreen via aforementioned chrome.windows API, not via Fullscreen API, so the following is effortless : .requestFullscreen({ navigationUI: "hide" }) We all want to make Microsoft Edge better: just like any software which comes with defaults also should provide means to customize, not most of it, but every aspect of its UI. Thank you.Solved1.1KViews0likes2CommentsEdge is better than Arc?
I recently tried "The ARC browser" (windows build) and I believe that apart from some visual elements and hype, edge is better or at least at par with it. Although the new tab opening style and the space changing way is better there, with a few improvements and more importantly with better publicity, Edge could be and should be the most popular browser out there. Thoughts?1.1KViews0likes1CommentFeature Request - Collections & Etc.
I would like the ability to add all open tabs in a window to a collection instead of having to individually add them one by one. And also maybe some extra customization/tweaks like what Vivaldi has (Different methods of grouping; Stacked, Two Level, or Compact Fitted to single tab width, Tab Tiling; Multi-Window tabs in a single browser window, Lots more UI customization/configuration; completely custom theme(s), and a Toolbar Editor). I know this isnt stuff that can just be added on a whim, but i would like to see if any Edge devs see this post. My main request so far is just the collections one i mentioned. Thank you561Views1like0CommentsFeature Request - Add Sidebar to Microsoft Edge Apps
I find the new sidebar mobile sites feature very useful. I am a Windows 11 user, so I could previously always just use Windows 11 snap layouts to drag one site to the left and one to the right. But with sidebar mobile sites, as seen in the image, the two sites are now a "locked pair" that can be moved around and resized independently. I also like the Edge "apps" feature that opens a site in a dedicated window. It helps me organize my window layout better and sometimes helps me keep focus better. However, it appears that the sidebar cannot be activated in Edge apps. I can hit Ctrl + Shift + E to open sidebar search, but I can't activate any of the other sidebar apps.475Views0likes0CommentsNew Features for Collections
Collections are such an amazing feature. I hope you guys will make it complete by adding some features that are really needed for using collections on a daily basis. Some things I believe would help to achieve it's full potential: - Add a website to a collection through it's url (without having to open it and then add current page) - Add groups of tabs to collections - Add window to collection - Move tabs between collections - Search all collections, search in collection - Sub-collections for better organization - Export collections to bookmarks - UI option to change view type inside of collections (make them smaller, show only website icon instead of huge thumbnail) It would be amazing if basically the same features we have for tabs and bookmarks (group, transfer between groups, save window to group, etc) could be in collections. The potential for session management is amazing: sort and manage current sessions, save groups and tabs for later, archive for future reference, restore previous session (all tabs of a similar category), bookmark for easy use. Sessions could eventually be merged with bookmarks given enough development. The workflow would be amazing. There are a lot of other posts talking about features for collections, I'll link some here: Collections Feature Request: Adding Multiple Tabs To Existing Collection - Microsoft Community Hub Edge Collections Feature - Signs of Decline vs. Untapped Potential - Microsoft Community Hub Thanks so much and great work! This will make using edge so amazing.799Views1like0CommentsFeature Request: Add an optional user-defined description field to bookmarks
Hello! I'm constantly re-naming and re-organizing my bookmarks (favorites) so that they make the most sense to my future self when I have to circle back to some resource I might not have even thought about in quite some time. But it can be difficult to put enough information in the 'Name' field to remind me if it's really the location I want to be opening. One feature that I think would be really beneficial is to add an additional 'Description' field that can be defined when creating/editing a bookmark (favorite). If this field is populated with some text, then it should be displayed in the bookmark's tooltip when hovering over it. I see no issue having this field be character limited to some number of characters, as long as it can contain a couple of sentences. I think this would be a really neat feature that would enable users to have much simpler 'file structures' for their bookmarks (favorites), while also making their bookmarks more reliable over time. Sometimes users will make multiple links to various sub-pages that all exist within the same website. But with this extra information available, one could more easily just link to the higher-level URL of a website; because the bookmark (favorite) description could contain just enough info to help them find what they need from the one access point. Often, websites re-organize their pages in ways that could break old bookmarks, but higher-level URLs of a website change much less frequently. So this feature wouldn't just make navigating your bookmarks easier; in practice, it would also allow the user to make useful bookmarks that would be more reliable over time. Please let me know what you think! Cheers, -Dan656Views1like0CommentsFeature request: Notify users when their physical address is listed in people search databases.
Since Edge does store addresses you enter for AutoComplete fields, I was wondering if this were a feature that could be added. There's a feature that lets you know if your stored password for a given site has been leaked, so I'm wondering if something along these lines could be done as well. It would still be up to the user to do something about it, like perhaps to go for a service that attempts to remove all these or else go through manual removal processes, but it's something I think is important. A lot of people don't know this whole mess is going on until they get the wrong kind of attention, they wind up with their real name linked to a username and posted on some seedy part of the Internet where bad actors will use a people search to get their real home address and them post it so others can harass them, etc. In general, random people online being able to find out exactly where you live by simply entering your real name is pretty bad.547Views0likes0CommentsFeature Request : Mouse Gesture feature.
I searched everywhere in Edge settings to find the Gesture feature but didn't find a clue. But browsers like Opera does have a feature call "mouse gesture" and it is amazing. I know Edge have bunch of third party extensions to do the same thing. But I don't like to use third party extensions because of some privacy issues. So it there any chance that Edge will give this feature in near future or we have to use third party extenstion forever...? Opera browser mouse gestures ↑729Views0likes1Comment[Feature Request] Advanced search engine control
There's a chromium fork called Cent Browser, which have a feature that allow users to search for selected text in non-default search engines, by right-clicking and choose "Search other engines for" submenu. I used to use this browser and changed to edge for a year, and every time I have to copy.the text and paste into the address bar to search with a specific SE. It'll make Edge more powerful if there's such a submenu in Edge, and a selector on the search sidebar, and if possible, a SE selector in address bar just like Firefox, as not everybody can memorize all SEs in their browser. It'll be even better if there's a hide option to hide some of the SEs from the submenu and selectors (still can be used by abbr. + Tab key).981Views1like2Comments