8 TopicsSmart 💡 Idea: use Automatic Profile Switching in Edge to create a Container like experience
The description for containers or multi-containers in Firefox is this: Multi-Account Containers is a Firefox add-on that lets you separate your work, shopping or personal browsing without having to clear your history, log in and out, or use multiple browsers. It's an improved version of the Containers feature built into Firefox Nightly and the completed Firefox Containers Test Pilot experiment. What are Containers? Container tabs are like normal tabs except that the sites you visit will have access to a separate slice of the browser's storage. This means your site preferences, logged in sessions, and advertising tracking data won't carry over to the new container. Likewise, any browsing you do within the new container will not affect your logged in sessions, or tracking data of your other containers. Back to the Microsoft, in Edge browser, we have profiles, we can create multiple profiles and give them custom names we can create offline profiles or we can connect those profiles to online Microsoft accounts (free or work accounts) Edge also has other features (in Canary and Dev channels at the moment of writing this) Automatic profile switching Multiple profile preferences the description text says: Automatic profile switching feature detects links being opened in incorrect Microsoft account profiles and guides users to correct work, school or personal profile by showing a prompt that lets user switch to correct profile. So, now consider all that's been said above, there is an opportunity here. Microsoft Edge already has the base and fundamental features to have a container experience, the only things left to be done are some tweaking. How? Container/multi-container in Firefox is basically an add-on. I've been testing Firefox nightly in the past few months as my default browser and used containers extensively, I've also been using Edge browser and multiple profiles and I'm 100% sure this can happen. Microsoft (i.e Edge browser team) kindly need to improve the Automatic profile switching. so what I mean is, this feature that can already detect links and switch/open them in a different/correct profile, now it needs to Also be able to switch/open links that the user manually specifies. Edge team need to simplify the profiles that are going to be used for container. the profiles used for containers need to share the same installed extensions, favorites, history etc but when it comes to cookies, site cache etc they should be isolated. So for Example, I want all of the links coming from domain to be opened in a profile that's named "Facebook". I want all of the links coming from domain to be opened in a profile called "Twitter" and so on. this is Exactly how multi-container in Firefox works, users specifies a list of addresses and websites and they are automatically opened in their own container, separate from the other containers and the main browsing session, but still in the same window. each container is opened as a tab, next to other tabs, Not in a separate window. so one of the tweaks that I mentioned that need to happen is that Edge should let us open links from different profiles in the same window. currently it can't and each profile is opened in a separate window. so once Edge is able to open Tabs belonging to different profiles in the same window (next to other tabs), those tabs can be colored and marked with a feature that is already available in Edge, called "Tab Groups", the job of which is to put different tabs together and give them a specific color and name. in the screenshot above, I'm showing the end goal and what I hope to happen. so the group "Facebook" with the Cyan color means those tabs belong to a Different profile in Edge that is called "Facebook, but are in the same Edge window next to other tabs that belong to other profiles. I really believe this is totally possible and achievable. let me know what you think and if there is something that can improve this in case I missed it, please comment down below. thank you Deleted MissyQ please review and let the team know? 🙏16KViews15likes15CommentsTer uma senha diferente para acessar as senhas
O edge poderia colocar um segunda senha para ver as senhas, não a do dispositivo; pois se por algum motivo a senha de desbloqueio do sistema for descoberta, todas as senhas salvas no edge ficam vulneráveis. Deveria ter uma senha para desbloquear um sofre próprio de senhas do egde. O Firefox já tem esse recurso.1.8KViews0likes6CommentsSS43: new buttons overlay to go to the right/left - toolbar in firefox style
Suggestion (SS): 43 Classification: BUTTON AND TOOLBAR PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 2-3 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) About go to next tabs i already reported you different other alternatives (example via smart <> buttons), and yes i know the ctrl tab way too. I know about km and bbt combination in macos too, like i know about a similar option in macos for trackpad (which i hate at all). About the <> i want to ask edge devs to add ability to move such buttons on the right (where i have my extension). So extensions and buttons should be available on both left and right, like we can do in Firefox. This especially once you implemented my suggestion of smart button, where reload, home, <, > are able to do a lot more compared to what they do now. If you don't implement smart buttons, i don't have the need to move such buttons to the right. Now about go next tabs, Edge could think to implement something like few extensions are able to do (but doesn't work really good) and google offers too (google search, not chrome). This means once we move the mouse to the right, you show us the same like google does (this small button <>). Same for the left part. Do you want to add smart features to such buttons too? Perfect, add a way to click cmd + > and we go to the last tab to the right. Same for cmd + <. Or other combination, if users don't like cmd...1KViews0likes1CommentVery Impressive Edge insider Canary Results in HTML5 Test (Plus other browsers) Comparison
Here is the the score of browsers to see how much of HTML5 technologies and features they support. In order of highest to lowest. Edge insider Canary Version (Official build) canary (64-bit) Highest Score Google Chrome Canary Version 79.0.3924.0 (Official Build) canary (64-bit) FireFox version 71.0a1 (2019-09-26) (64-bit) Edge classic (EdgeHTML) Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.18990 Microsoft Edge 44.18990.1.0 Internet explorer 11 version 11.1.18990 Internet Explorer 11 (latest version) obviously has the worst score, but it's the only browser that can manage to get the perfect 100/100 score from Acid3 test among all these browsers tested. the rest of the browsers can only get 97/100. By the way, Acid3 is an old test. Comment down below what you think. I for one am hella impressed by Microsoft Edge insider's score!18KViews3likes11CommentsRSS preview in Edge
Hello. This may be more suited as an idea for a separate browser add-on, but I'll write about a problem that bothers me. Chrome-based browsers don't have built-in rss preview support. There are a lot of add-ons, but personally I don't like the way rss looks. In my opinion the most convenient preview of rss was when in firefox. But it was cut out, too. Maybe someone will write an add-on that will make rss tapes look like the outside of what is depicted in the picture. Thank you.3.4KViews0likes7CommentsWhat were the main reason(s) Microsoft chose Chromium over Firefox?
I just saw a post on my Twitter from EdgeDev and they said they contributed so much to the project. with hashtag #Opensource Open source is good but Chromium is not the only open source engine, There is Firefox, fully open source and it uses Gecko layout engine. it's been around way longer than Chromium, in fact it is one of the first engines that was ever created. So I'm both curious and really interested to know the logic and reason that why Microsoft chose Chromium instead of Firefox. hopefully we will see some official responses here too in addition to others 🙂Solved14KViews3likes27CommentsFunny story of Browser Wars from the Beginning of the Time - User Agent Confusion
Just a background, Google at some points tried to deny their services to the new Microsoft Edge using browser UA detection. it was the most useless way because nowadays websites use feature detection instead of User agent detection. but all of these date back to a very long time ago... In the beginning there was NCSA Mosaic, and Mosaic called itself NCSA_Mosaic/2.0 (Windows 3.1), and Mosaic displayed pictures along with text, and there was much rejoicing. And behold, then came a new web browser known as “Mozilla”, being short for “Mosaic Killer,” but Mosaic was not amused, so the public name was changed to Netscape, and Netscape called itself Mozilla/1.0 (Win3.1), and there was more rejoicing. And Netscape supported frames, and frames became popular among the people, but Mosaic did not support frames, and so came “user agent sniffing” and to “Mozilla” webmasters sent frames, but to other browsers they sent not frames. And Netscape said, let us make fun of Microsoft and refer to Windows as “poorly debugged device drivers,” and Microsoft was angry. And so Microsoft made their own web browser, which they called Internet Explorer, hoping for it to be a “Netscape Killer”. And Internet Explorer supported frames, and yet was not Mozilla, and so was not given frames. And Microsoft grew impatient, and did not wish to wait for webmasters to learn of IE and begin to send it frames, and so Internet Explorer declared that it was “Mozilla compatible” and began to impersonate Netscape, and called itself Mozilla/1.22 (compatible; MSIE 2.0; Windows 95), and Internet Explorer received frames, and all of Microsoft was happy, but webmasters were confused. And Microsoft sold IE with Windows, and made it better than Netscape, and the first browser war raged upon the face of the land. And behold, Netscape was killed, and there was much rejoicing at Microsoft. But Netscape was reborn as Mozilla, and Mozilla built Gecko, and called itself Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826, and Gecko was the rendering engine, and Gecko was good. And Mozilla became Firefox, and called itself Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041108 Firefox/1.0, and Firefox was very good. And Gecko began to multiply, and other browsers were born that used its code, and they called themselves Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7.2) Gecko/20040825 Camino/0.8.1 the one, and Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20071008 SeaMonkey/1.0 another, each pretending to be Mozilla, and all of them powered by Gecko. And Gecko was good, and IE was not, and sniffing was reborn, and Gecko was given good web code, and other browsers were not. And the followers of Linux were much sorrowed, because they had built Konqueror, whose engine was KHTML, which they thought was as good as Gecko, but it was not Gecko, and so was not given the good pages, and so Konquerer began to pretend to be “like Gecko” to get the good pages, and called itself Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.2; FreeBSD) (KHTML, like Gecko) and there was much confusion. Then cometh Opera and said, “surely we should allow our users to decide which browser we should impersonate,” and so Opera created a menu item, and Opera called itself Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; en) Opera 9.51, or Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061208 Firefox/2.0.0 Opera 9.51, or Opera/9.51 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) depending on which option the user selected. And Apple built Safari, and used KHTML, but added many features, and forked the project, and called it WebKit, but wanted pages written for KHTML, and so Safari called itself Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/85.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/85.5, and it got worse. And Microsoft feared Firefox greatly, and Internet Explorer returned, and called itself Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0) and it rendered good code, but only if webmasters commanded it to do so. And then Google built Chrome, and Chrome used Webkit, and it was like Safari, and wanted pages built for Safari, and so pretended to be Safari. And thus Chrome used WebKit, and pretended to be Safari, and WebKit pretended to be KHTML, and KHTML pretended to be Gecko, and all browsers pretended to be Mozilla, and Chrome called itself Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13, and the user agent string was a complete mess, and near useless, and everyone pretended to be everyone else, and confusion abounded. Source34KViews2likes0Comments