Formulas & Functions
1719 Topicspre-1900 dates
I can find no help on how to tell Excel to properly format and calculate dates before 1900. I want to calculate age at death and have birth and death dates in columns. But Excel does not recognize March 30, 1894. It calls is YYYY = 3794. And subtracting death date from birth date returns "#VALUE!" How do I use the DATE(YYYY,MM,DD) function or format March 30, 1894 so Excel will understand and I can have it calculate the age at death correctly? TIA. Also I've seen #1 shown in Excel Help in different posts as BOTH Dec 31, 1899 AND as Jan 1, 1900. Which is it?62KViews0likes19CommentsMatch names between two sheets and return value of a cell in the row
Hi I am looking for a way to match a name between two sheets and then return a date value which is in a different cell in the same row. So in sheet 2 if a site name in coulomb B matches a site name in sheet 1 coulomb A, return the value from a specific cell in the same row as where the names matched. The data is sorted on dates which may change and I need to be able to show the updated date value in sheet 2 when date and order changes in sheet 1 for a specific site name.Solved160KViews0likes11CommentsExcel Table Appears to Automatically Expand but drop down list doesn't update
I used Excel 2013. I created a drop-down list that is based on an Excel Table via the Data Validation button on the Data ribbon. If I add or delete a row from the middle of the table, my associated drop-downs are updated automatically. However, if I insert a row of data at the very top or bottom of the list (range), even though the table appears to have expanded, the drop-down list does not update automatically. The Auto Correct options "Include new rows and columns in table" and "Fill formulas in tables to create calculated columns" are checked. None of the sheets on my workbook are protected.63KViews0likes11CommentsWriting a formula to return a blank if no data is in an adjacent cell
I've forgoten how to how to write a simple formula that will keep the cell blank if there isn't any data in an adjacent otherwise it should do the calculation. This is how I wrote it. =IF((E7=" "," "),(F6+E7)) Thank you171KViews1like5CommentsChange month only in a column containing several rows of dates
Apologize if this has been solved previously. I am attempting to change the month only in a column of already entered dates in a column. For example I have 1/2/2018, 1/5/2018, 1/17/2018, 1/20/18 etc. and want to only change the month from Jan to Feb like this: 2/2/18, 2/5/2018 etc. Any ideas?Solved57KViews0likes14CommentsFormula or function for IF statement based on cell color
I don't know how to code in VBA but am trying to automate an if/then calculation based on cell color. As shown in the picture, if the colors of the cells in column B are the same as those in Column G across the row, I want to subtract the values in columns F and K in the same row to return the absolute value of the subtraction in column L. If the colors of the cells are different, I want to add the values in columns F and K and return the value in column L. I will have multiple tables of varying numbers of rows where I need to perform this operation. Any help is greatly appreciated.Solved1.6MViews2likes33Comments