Graph API
34 TopicsGraph API: create a PSTN call and invite a PSTN participant
Hello everybody, We are using the MS Graph API within a C# project. After successful creating a PSTN call from our bot like described here we run into the next problem: We want to invite another PSTN participant to this existing call like described here: But we receive following event: { "value": [ { "changeType": "Deleted", "resourceUrl": "/communications/calls/981f6100-cb65-42d9-af3c-1390c68cac8b/operations/5fedb136-cff9-446d-a8bc-4166db960e19", "resource": "/app/calls/981f6100-cb65-42d9-af3c-1390c68cac8b/operations/5fedb136-cff9-446d-a8bc-4166db960e19", "resourceData": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.inviteParticipantsOperation", "participants": [ { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.invitationParticipantInfo", "identity": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identitySet", "phone": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identity", "id": "+49175********" } } } ], "status": "failed", "resultInfo": { "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.resultInfo", "code": 403, "subcode": 9999, "message": "addParticipants failed for participant 4:+49175******. Underlying reason: Call does not contain the metadata required for making this PSTN dial out.. DiagCode: 403#10151" }, "id": "5fedb136-cff9-446d-a8bc-4166db960e19" }, "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.commsNotification" } ], "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.commsNotifications" } Any idea why we can not invite another PSTN participant to an existing call from the bot to a PSTN number? Thanks. Regards Gerd10KViews2likes39CommentsPowershell alternative to allow applications to access online meetings on behalf of a user
Hello , I'm trying to use Microsoft graph API in my applications to allow users to create online meeting using the application token. I followed this tutorial where it is mentioned that is required to create an application access policy and grant it to a user. It's working perfectly using powershell. My problem and my question : is there any other way to grant a user the access to create online meeting without passing by windows powershell ( like using microsoft graph api, admin dashboard ) because i can't ask my clients to execute commands on powershell to give onlineMeetings to a user. Thank you ,Solved1.2KViews2likes3CommentsProblem when trying to join a meeting created using the MS Graph API via desktop application
We have an application that creates meetings using the MS Graph API with the onlineMeeting method. We have been using this method for over 5 months and a short time ago we noticed a bug. When trying to join one of these meetings through the desktop application (with deep link) the screen stopped in "connecting" and the users are unable to access the meeting. However, when trying to access the same meeting through the link on the web (browser) you normally access it. Below are examples of the API we consume: API onlineMeeting POST Content-Type: application/json { "startDateTime":"2019-07-12T14:30:34.2444915-07:00", "endDateTime":"2019-07-12T15:00:34.2464912-07:00", "subject":"Teste Meeting", "participants": { "organizer": { "identity": { "user": { "id": "oid of user teams", }, }, }, }, } And here's how we use it on sdk Pernille-Eskebo/teams-js: const joinWebUrl = const joinUrl = microsoftTeams.initialize(); microsoftTeams.getContext((context => { if (context.hostClientType === "web") {, "_blank") return; } const joinUrl = encodeURI(joinUrl); microsoftTeams.executeDeepLink(joinUrl); })); Is anyone having the same problem or can they help us with solutions to work around it? Thanks,1.9KViews2likes3CommentsallowMeetingChat is not set according to its meetingChatMode in graph api patch request
When setting the allowMeetingChat and its meetingChatMode (enabled, disabled, limited, unknownFutureValue) it is not set on the meeting object. This is both for v1 and beta version of the api. Other values in the same call are changed like allowAttendeeToEnableMic and allowAttendeeToEnableCamera. PATCH /..../meeting/id { property: change } REsponse: 200 GET /.../meeting/id { property: old value }Solved1.6KViews1like9CommentsGraph API: Get video recording link for a meeting
Hi, I am trying to get video recording link of a meeting which I created using Graph API. I can't find anything in the documentation which points me to the right direction. I have searched the internet too. But could not find anything. Can someone provide me documentation link or an example for; 1. How to get video recording link of a meeting? 2. How I can download it? Thanks4.1KViews1like3CommentsWhat happened to the group/teams photo endpoint in graph api? Not fetching photos
Hi Guys! I have developed a solution that lists groups and teams with their basic information and photo. This has worked for years in different forms against the graph api endpoint:{id}/photo/$value However: Before I have been able to fetch the photo for all groups and teams regardless of membership in the team. But then, One week ago I started to notice that all the teams that was defined as private and I was not a member of resulted in a 404 error: { "error": { "code": "ErrorItemNotFound", "message": "The photo wasn't found.", "innerError": { "request-id": "e36d0132-aa37-4f7f-a110-03bc4e6b71d0", "date": "2020-02-19T09:15:28" } } } The behaviour is reproduced in several tenants and the permission level for API is Groups.ReadWrite.All I have tried to find any information about this change, have Microsoft done changes for this API endpoint? And if so, why? If someone has any similar experiences and/or some information that I have missed out on you are more than welcome to help me out 🙂 Thank you, Johan2.2KViews1like5Comments