How To
2 TopicsSorry we couldn't remove the app - SharePoint Online
Some time you try to remove some installed apps from SharePoint and it removes approx. all the time but some apps says "sorry we couldn't remove the app". To remove these kind of apps, You have to use PowerShell Scripts. So there are some steps : 1. Install PnP PowerShell (Click Here) 2. Now run the following PnP command with URL and App Name changes : Connect-PnPOnline –Url <Your_Site_Collection_URL> –Credentials (Get-Credential) $instances = Get-PnPApp $instance = $instances | where {$_.Title -eq '<My_App_Name'} #Uninstall-PnPApp -Identity $instance.Id Remove-PnPApp -Identity $instance.Id1.7KViews0likes0CommentsDeploy SPFx production solution files in specific folder with in container on Azure CDN
When we creates SPFx solution and deploying the build files on Azure CDN, it deploys all the files in a container which you mentioned in "deploy-azure-storage.json" file. This is bit messy to see. Because you can deploy multiple solution on the same container. But what if you want to manage solutions by Solutions or By versions. Here is the way. I will show you how to deploy SPFx production deployment files in a specific folder in the Container on Azure CDN. First you have to deploy some gulp task packages in dev-dependencies npm install gulp-util gulp-deploy-azure-cdn --save-dev Now you need to make following changes in the "gulpfile.js" file : const deployCdn = require('gulp-deploy-azure-cdn'); const gutil = require('gulp-util'); gulp.task('deploy-azure-storage-folder', function () { return gulp.src('temp/deploy/**/*', {}).pipe(deployCdn({ containerName: '<<Your Container Name>>', // Container created in StorageAccount serviceOptions: ['<<blobstoragename>>', '<<MyLongSecretStringFromAzureConfigPanel>>'], // custom arguments to azure BlobService folder: '<<Folder Name To Store>>', // path within container deleteExistingBlobs: false, // true means recursively deleting anything under folder concurrentUploadThreads: 20, // number of concurrent uploads, choose best for your network condition metadata: { cacheControl: 'public, max-age=1', // cache in browser cacheControlHeader: 'public, max-age=1' // cache in azure CDN. }, testRun: false // test run - means no blobs will be actually deleted or uploaded, see log messages for details })).on('error', gutil.log); }); At last just call the gulp task "deploy-azure-storage-folder" with command gulp deploy-azure-storage-folder. So gulp command sequence should be like : gulp clean gulp bundle --ship gulp deploy-azure-storage-folder gulp package-solution --ship642Views0likes0Comments