1 TopicFacing issues while using ImportExcel PowerShell module
Hi All, I am trying to export Azure AD group member details to a single excel workbook where every group member details should be mentioned in a separate worksheet. For example, group1 worksheet should contains members of one AAD group and group2 worksheet contains members of another AAD group and so on so forth. For this I am using two PowerShell modules: Microsoft.Graph and ImportExcel. The issue is that once 34 worksheets are added to the excel workbook, I get this error : InvocationInfo : MyCommand : Add-ExcelTable ScriptLineNumber : 428 OffsetInLine : 39 HistoryId : 122 ScriptName : C:\Users\ashish\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\ImportExcel\7.8.4\Public\Export-Excel.ps1 Line : Add-ExcelTable -Range $ws.Cells[$dataRange] -TableName $TableName -TableStyle $TableStyle -TableTotalSettings $TableTotalSettings PositionMessage : At C:\Users\ashish\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\ImportExcel\7.8.4\Public\Export-Excel.ps1:428 char:39 + Add-ExcelTable -Range $ws.Cells[$dataRange] -TableNam … + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============================== Below is my code for reference. param( [Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage = "Enter the pattern for filtering groups" )] $Pattern ) # Excel file path $ExcelFilePath = "$($PSScriptroot)\GroupMembers.xlsx" # Azure AD App details $ApplicationId = $Env:Azure_CLIENT_ID $TenantID = $Env:Azure_TENANT_ID $ClientSecret = $Env:Azure_CLIENT_SECRET | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $ClientSecretCredential = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -ArgumentList $ApplicationId, $ClientSecret # Connecting to Microsoft Graph Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $TenantID -ClientSecretCredential $ClientSecretCredential | Out-Null # Getting all the groups with displayname starting with the provided pattern $Groups = Get-MgGroup -filter "startswith(displayname,'$Pattern')" -Top 2000 # Looping through all the filtered groups and exporting their members to the csv files $Count = 0 foreach ($Group in $Groups) { $Count += 1 $WorkSheetName = "Group$($Count)" Try{ (Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $ -Top 150).AdditionalProperties | ` Select-Object @{n = "DisplayName"; e = { $_.displayName } }, @{n = "UserprincipalName"; e = { $_.userPrincipalName } } |` Export-Excel -path $ExcelFilePath -WorksheetName $WorkSheetName -Append -TableStyle 'Medium16' ` -Title $Group.Displayname -TitleSize 14 -TitleBold } Catch { Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor 'Red' Break } } Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Ashish Arya3.4KViews0likes1Comment