Key Results
26 TopicsFilter sub-OKRs and sub-key results without hiding the main OKRs
I use Viva Goals to monitor goals and key results for team with multiple OKR- and key result owners. I have got three levels: Main OKRs Sub OKRs Sub key results The OKRs on level 1 and 2 applies for all the entire team, but the key results on level 3 are assigned to each of the team members/key result owners. When a team member add the "owner" filter, to list his key results only, all the member's key results are listed without the OKR hierarchy / OKRs on level 1 and 2 showing. This happens because the OKRs on leven 1 and 2 are not assigned to the team member, which makes sense. I thought that the solution would be to assign the OKRs on leven 1 and 2 to the team member, but when I do that, all team members's key results on level 3 are listed because they belong to a level 1 and 2 OKR that is assigned to the specific team member in the "owner" filter. The same problem appears when assigning and filtering with teams and tags. In other words, I want a list of one team member's key results, that also shows the level 1 and 2 OKRs that they belong to. Any suggestions how to make that happen?11Views0likes0CommentsViva Goals Power BI Integration Errors
My organization has several key results with Power BI connections that have integration errors. These key results use integration connections and are connected to Power BI reports that are behaving as expected for other key results. Viva Goals gives me an error message that it could not find the file. The issue appears to happen randomly. Has anyone else encountered this issue?24Views0likes0CommentsHow do I create a Gantt Chart of all my Key Results under an organisation OKR in Viva Goals?
Im trying to set up all my organisations OKRs and Key Projects and every functionality is great... except when it comes to Visualisation. Im trying to play around with the dashboards and what I want to create is a Gantt Chart for an OKR displaying in a Gantt Chart (By month) the different Key Results and when during the project period they are supposed to happen. The start and due date is written in so it should be able to make it? I just cant figure it out.. please help. Best Sebastian135Views0likes3CommentsPower BI Extract Viva Goals Data - Suggestion
It would be great if we could query Viva Goals data using Power BI. This would enable much more flexible reporting of our organization performance and would enable a consistent user experience for our users using other Power BI dashboards.116Views2likes1CommentBest practice for permanent KPI tracking in Viva Goals
Hello, We adopted OKR and Viva Goals for annual and quartely objective tracking. However, we would like to integrate our general/permanent KPIs into Viva Goals (KPIs that may or may not curently be tied to an OKR). I saw the feature allowing a Key Result to be pinned to the KPI dashboard, not all my KPIs already exist as a Key Result, or maybe the Key Result is for a specific period (quartely) and the KPI is permanent/annuel. Also I need a view of my KPI for "all company" and the "pin to KPI" doesn't work for multi-teams views. How is everyone managing company-wide, permanant KPI/scorecard ? I tested creating an objective named "Permanent KPIs" within the root "company" team, and KPI under it as Key Results, but this feels/looks a bit weird. I also tested setting the root "company" team as an additionnal owner of Key Results located elsewhere in Viva Goals, so they appear with the "company" view.431Views0likes3CommentsUnderstanding OKR permissions and privacy: not obvious parent-child logic!
Hi, Wanted to share our experience and evolving understanding of OKR permissions and privacy to see if it matches with what others see and need. Step 1 - Viva Goals provides a feature to make Objectives or Key Results "private" by setting the permissions to "Only selected people can view and align". Given we have some Key Results that expose sensitive financial results, for those KR we set the permissions to just a limited set of people. This all feels good as a little "lock" appears beside the KR. Step 2 - Some of those private KRs are grouped under a parent Objective that we also make "Private" as everything under the Objective is private. However, some of the private KRs are grouped under Objectives that also have KRs that are public, so those parent objectives are kept "public". Outcome: we assumed that all the KRs that we made private are indeed private. But to our surprise, this does not seem to be the case. When the private KR is child to a public Objective, then people who are NOT in the permission list can this see the KR and its result. Exactly what we wanted to avoid! In the case of private KRs that are child to a private Objective, the general public can see the private Objective but they can not open it and see any of its child: which is good! (even though we thought they would not even see the private objective!). So our conclusion is that to make KRs truly private they NEED to be grouped under a Private objective, not a public one. And it needs to be clear that this private Objective is actually visible to all. This is a relatively acceptable workaround once one is aware of it. However the User Interface of Viva Goals is deceptive in the way that it lets the KR creator think that its KR is private, when it actually is not. Have others used the OKR privacy settings and see similar outcomes? Other experiences or recommendations on how to make sure private OKRs are truly private?243Views0likes1CommentKR going to 3 decimal places when source does not?
Hi folks, first time posting here! Has anyone noticed with Power BI as a source for a KR that Viva Goals uses 3 decimal places, even if the source (in this case a Power BI report) has 0 decimal places. This is what I see in Viva Goals: Compared to Power BI:264Views1like3CommentsRegarding Tableau integration and key result target updates
Hello! Does anyody have a solution share for the following two problems: 1. When connecting to Tableau the units of the metric seem to show billion times larger. Why so? 2. Can the OKR import Excel be used to efficiently update only metric targets that already exist in Goals and have Tableau integrations set up.237Views0likes1CommentUnable to invite external users to Microsoft Viva Goals
I need to share the dashboard with external users and have tried adding guest users to the Viva Goals OKRs, but they are unable to access the organization. Has anyone else encountered this issue, or can someone confirm if this feature is unavailable in Viva Goals?273Views0likes1Comment