2992 TopicsImporting JSON as a list in SharePoint Online via pnp
I'm trying to import a JSON list file to my Sharepoint online website. But it seems impossible to import it directly. Does anyone know a possibility via pnp because I saw a method on pnp named "fromJson" but I don't know how to use it to import my files to my SharePoint website. Thanks in advance!17Views0likes0CommentsSharePoint List Rule to send email not allowing shared mailbox email address
Hi I have tried to search for an answer to this to no avail. We have a SharePoint list and want to create a rule that sends an email when a new list item is created. Sounds simple but I can't seem to add a SharedMailbox email address only UserMailbox email addresses. We do have a work around where we have created a rule in outlook instead that when the email arrives to the UserMailbox forward it to the correct SharedMailbox but it seems a bit silly that I can't directly add a SharedMailbox to the SharePoint list directly from the below. See below the screenshot of where I am trying to insert the SharedMailbox email address. It doesn't find it and if I add it in manually the create rule button doesn't activate. Am I missing something? Thank you!122Views0likes3CommentsAutomatic Version History in SharePoint Online
Hi, I want to turn on Automatic Version History to reduce storage. Has anyone implemented this on existing Large Libraries? What I want to know is, does it use the current meta data and delete versions straight away and free up space quickly? Or will it only start analysing from when you change the setting and i'll have to wait a longer time to reduce versions? Many thanks! Chris101Views0likes2CommentsSharepoint List - IF Statements
Hi All, I have a the following formula in a list column outputting a value based on another field 'Days to Test'. =IF([Days to Test]<0,"OUT OF TEST","")&IF([Days to Test]<=180,"CHECK TEST DATE","")&IF([Days to Test]>180,"CLEAR TO USE","") Only issue I am having is if a value is <0, it is returning 'OUT OF TESTCHECK TEST DATE'. What do I need to do to this formula so it it only return OUT OF TEST if the value is <0. And to return CHECK TEST DATE if the value is <180 but >0? Thanks55Views0likes1CommentSharePoint List - 3 way IF statement
Hi, I have the following IF statement working returning statues based on the value of a calculated field 'Days to Test'. The days to test field calculates the number of days remaining compared to todays date. =IF([Days to Test]<0,"OUT OF TEST","")&IF([Days to Test]<=180,"CHECK TEST DATE","")&IF([Days to Test]>180,"CLEAR TO USE","") Statement works fine, except if I have a value which is <0, It shows both OUT OF TEST and CHECK TEST DATE. Anyone have a solution to stop this from happening, so if the value is <0, it just feeds back OUT OF TEST?40Views0likes1CommentIs Microsoft List and SharePoint lists the same thing
I always create SharePoint sites and add SharePoint list. inside the SharePoint lists i add custom content types , create power apps and power automate to automate the lists. now today i came across the Microsoft lists, where from my Office 365 page >> i click on "Lists" >> create a new list >> and chose an existing SharePoint site, as follow:- and what i get is exactly the same as the SharePoint list.. so can i say that Microsoft lists and SharePoint lists are the same thing? or there are differences between them? Thanks19KViews0likes12CommentsSharepoint List - Multiple IF AND function in calculated column
Hi, I'm trying to create a column that will calculate a value based on a risk matrix; I have come up with the formula below, but it's not working. I've also tried a switch formula without success. I've played around with swapping commas out for semicolons and removing line breaks but this also did not work. Can anyone assist with a solution please? So the calculation is based on a restricted list of values in Column [Likelihood] and a restricted list of values in Column [Consequence]. Thank you! =IF(AND([Likelihood]="Rare (1)",[Consequence]="Insignificant (1)"),"Low", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Rare (1)",[Consequence]="Minor (1)"),"Low", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Rare (1)",[Consequence]="Medium (3)"),"Low", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Rare (1)",[Consequence]="Major (4)"),"Moderate", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Rare (1)",[Consequence]="Critical (5)"),"High", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Unlikely (2)",[Consequence]="Insignificant (1)"),"Low", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Unlikely (2)",[Consequence]="Minor (1)"),"Low", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Unlikely (2)",[Consequence]="Medium (3)"),"Moderate", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Unlikely (2)",[Consequence]="Major (4)"),"Moderate", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Unlikely (2)",[Consequence]="Critical (5)"),"High", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Possible (3)",[Consequence]="Insignificant (1)"),"Low", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Possible (3)",[Consequence]="Minor (1)"),"Moderate", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Possible (3)",[Consequence]="Medium (3)"),"Moderate", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Possible (3)",[Consequence]="Major (4)"),"High", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Possible (3)",[Consequence]="Critical (5)"),"High", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Likely (4)",[Consequence]="Insignificant (1)"),"Moderate", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Likely (4)",[Consequence]="Minor (1)"),"Moderate", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Likely (4)",[Consequence]="Medium (3)"),"High", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Likely (4)",[Consequence]="Major (4)"),"High", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Likely (4)",[Consequence]="Critical (5)"),"Extreme", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Almost Certain (5)",[Consequence]="Insignificant (1)"),"Moderate", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Almost Certain (5)",[Consequence]="Minor (1)"),"Moderate", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Almost Certain (5)",[Consequence]="Medium (3)"),"High", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Almost Certain (5)",[Consequence]="Major (4)"),"Extreme", IF(AND([Likelihood]="Almost Certain (5)",[Consequence]="Critical (5)"),"Extreme",""))))))))))))))))))))))))Solved9.6KViews0likes4CommentsSharePoint Board view bucket limited to 9 or 10 items
Hi everyone, I have recently started using SharePoint list Board view which is perfect for my needs, however my buckets seem to be limited to a maximum of 10 items. When I drag the 10th item into the bucket I get a red circle with a cross appearing at the top of the bucket and the card I tried to move to that bucket is put back where i dragged it from. Screen shot below of the bucket heading and the icon I'm talking about. Can anyone tell me what is going on here and how I can fix this? Thanks in advance!14Views0likes0CommentsUnable to cast object Error
Hi Team, I'm facing an issue in a sharepoint list which has a calendar view in it, at the time we edit an item to update some values we got below error: Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldChoice' to type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldNumber'. What would be the issue?, and as per the message it seems to be that one of the columns is causing the issue, but the thing is that it was working fine for long time without any changes to the columns or any action being done in the configurations until 2 days ago we got to see this message. Thanks279Views0likes1Comment