5 TopicsMicrosoft Graph API - How can I use 'skiptoken' in c#
Greetings. It is bringing messages and replies to certain team's channel ID. use this,{teamId}/channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/replies?$top=50 If we get more than 50 results, it returns @odata.nextLink contains 'skiptoken' like this..{teamId}/channels/{channelId}/messages/{messageId}/replies?$top=50&$skiptoken=ABCDEFG1234 But What I want to do is to use 'skiptoken' in c# code. I tried, var replies = await graphClient.Teams[teamId].Channels[channel.Id].Messages[chatId].Replies .Request() .Top(50) .Skiptoken(skiptoken) .GetAsync(); This code returns an error. - IChatMessageRepliesCollectionRequest does not include a definition of 'skiptoken'. How can I use 'skiptoken'? Please help me. Thanks.Solved6.5KViews0likes4CommentsEdit / Delete Message options disappeared
I think yesterday they were there in the ... thingy and today they're gone. Nothing in manage team> settings > member permissions either. Tried creating a test team from scratch and they don't show up there as well, not even via browser. Coworkers report the same problem.55KViews0likes6CommentsTeamsChannelMessage
Hi , Basically we are migrating Teams to Teams using below API permissions For Read & Write of Teams. earlier we were suppose to create new project add this api permission and submit protected api form for approval ,after that our teams to teams migrations was done properly , but after microsoft new update of no longer need to submit protected api forms we are facing issue while writing TeamsChannelMessage we are using Teamwork.Migrate.All api to write TeamsChannelMessage using below method While processing messages we are getting exception of( Requested API is not Supported) or (Unkonwn Error). we are not able to migrate a single TeamsChannelMessage . We need an efficient solution for issue as soon as possible.We would greatly appreciate it if you could spare some time to look into this matter and help us out with the resolution. Please be in touch at your earliest convenience so that we can figure out how to best solve this problem. Thank you for your help!514Views0likes1CommentMS graph API - How can I send the generated events as a message ?
I want to make an online meeting event and send a message to the channel. I made an online meeting event and checked that all mail and notifications work properly. The important thing is that I want to send the event as a message to the channel. When I create event, var @event = new Event { Subject = subject, Body = new ItemBody { ContentType = BodyType.Html, Content = subject }, Start = new DateTimeTimeZone { DateTime = "2020-09-22T14:30:00", TimeZone = "Korea Standard Time" }, End = new DateTimeTimeZone { DateTime = "2020-09-22T14:35:00", TimeZone = "Korea Standard Time" }, Organizer = new Recipient() { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = groupInfo.Mail, Name = groupInfo.DisplayName } } , Attendees = new List<Attendee>() { new Attendee { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = ownMail, Name = "name", }, Type = AttendeeType.Required, Status = new ResponseStatus { Response = ResponseType.Accepted } } , new Attendee { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = groupInfo.Mail, Name = groupInfo.DisplayName }, Type = AttendeeType.Required } }, AllowNewTimeProposals = true, IsOnlineMeeting = true, OnlineMeetingProvider = OnlineMeetingProviderType.TeamsForBusiness, IsOrganizer = false, ResponseStatus = new ResponseStatus() { Response = ResponseType.Organizer } }; result2 = await graphClient.Groups[pGroupId].Events .Request() .Header("Prefer", "outlook.timezone=\"Korea Standard Time\"") .AddAsync(@event); For now, i'm sending back an online meeting url as a message at channel. like this, var chatMessage = new ChatMessage { Subject = result2.Subject, Body = new ItemBody { ContentType = result2.Body.ContentType, Content = result2.Body.Content } }; await graphClient.Teams[pGroupId].Channels[channel.Id].Messages .Request() .AddAsync(chatMessage); I tried this doc, but my events don't have attachments. Please let me know if you have a way. I've been looking all day, but I don't know. Thank you for any help.1.7KViews0likes1CommentHow to have app send message to channel without configuring connector
I know it is possible as and Smartsheet integrations both do this. You can configure the app by allowing `adminconsent` and then selecting (on the web-service not in teams) which team & channel to have the service post to. Then the web application is able to make posts into that channel without the user configuring a connector/webhook. In addition when I look into the channel that was mapped, there is no connector configured. These apps have the exact functionality I'm looking for, and so far the only way to do this that I know of is to use the /messages graph api found here or to configure a connector. The /messages api cannot be used by the application as far as I can tell. Though appears to have a disclaimer that they are utilizing the beta features of the graph api. So how can I have my Teams app send a message to a specific channel within an organization without having to have the user configure a connector?Solved9.9KViews0likes5Comments