Microsoft Graph Api
55 TopicsBook Appointment - MS Bookings Graph API
Hi, I can create appointments using the MS Bookings API, for particular staff/customers and services in my configured booking business. However I've noticed that the API call does not stop double bookings of staff from being created (same start/end, same staff/service etc). The MS Bookings user interface does seem to detect duplicate bookings (informing the user that they are too late as the staff member is now busy), whether the appointment is occurring at exactly the same points in time, or starts mid-way through an appointment. (I have tested this via multiple browser tabs at the booking page, booking the same appointment in each.) Inspecting the response in the web browser for the bookings UI shows an API response payload with "error": "Status(StatusCode="FailedPrecondition", Detail="Staff not available" Looking at for the documentation of the API I've noticed that there is very little in regards non-success responses / error codes / oDataError documentation. In fact nothing at all. The only way around this I can see is that on booking an appointment you have to first check availability, but even that seems to be subject to a potential race condition - given that often the API call takes a few seconds to create the appointment and respond with the details. Does anybody know of a better work-around please, or is there some documentation I am missing, seems like a really important part is missing in the book appointment API -namely it should not proceed and should return an appropriate error message/response if the staff member is not available? Or perhaps, this is by design and the app programmer does need to re-check availability ;0 Thanks in advance for any help 🙂974Views0likes2CommentsCorrelation between Microsoft Graph Events and bookingBusiness Appointments
Hi everyone, I'm struggling with getting complete attendee information from calendar events. I can successfully get event details from the /events endpoint, but it lacks full attendee information and other details compared to the bookingBusiness/account-id/appointments endpoint. The problem is, I can't find a way to correlate and event and its various ID's and a booking appointment ID. Is there a recommended way to get full attendee details while working with calendar events? Any help would be appreciated!41Views0likes0CommentsGraph API permission issue to update Office 365 group settings via Application user(ClientId/Secret)
Hello Everyone, I'm facing an issue updating the allowExternalSenders setting for a Microsoft 365 Group. I've tried various methods, including granting permissions of App to Groups and Directories, adding an App role, in the App and even assigning my App to the Azure Global Admin Security role, but nothing seems to be working. Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions for this problem? below is the error. Failed to update group settings: {"error":{"code":"ErrorGroupsAccessDenied","message":"User does not have permissions to execute this action.405Views0likes4CommentsGraph API for accessing Mail Info
Hi PowerShell Community, I need to access the info below Total Numbers of email by each mailbox Total Attachments per email by each mailbox Type of attachments (PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, Image, Etc..) Total email, each mailbox Last access For which i need to know which Graph API I need for the info mentioned above. Can someone please help us in finding this.138Views0likes0CommentsSend adaptive card via Graph Mail
Dear community A third-party monitoring application creates static adaptive cards when an alert is triggered. This application calls a PowerShell script and provides a couple parameters including the adaptive card json. I have now tried to pack this adaptive card into a html email and send it via Graph API. Sadly I cannot get it to render the adaptive card for example in Outlook. HTML message <html> <head> <metahttp-equiv="Content-Type"content="text /html;charset=utf-8"> <scripttype='application /adaptivecard+json'> {"type":"AdaptiveCard","version":"1.4","hideOriginalBody":true,"body":[{...}]} </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> Graph Mail $emailRecipients = @( 'email address removed for privacy reasons' ) [array]$toRecipients = ConvertTo-IMicrosoftGraphRecipient -SmtpAddresses $emailRecipients $emailSender = 'email address removed for privacy reasons' $emailSubject = "Sample Email AdaptiveCard" $emailBody = @{ ContentType = 'html' Content = Get-Content -Path 'C:\...\adaptivecard.html' } $body += @{subject = $emailSubject} $body += @{toRecipients = $toRecipients} $body += @{body = $emailBody} $bodyParameter += @{'message' = $body} $bodyParameter += @{'saveToSentItems' = $false} Send-MgUserMail -UserId $emailSender -BodyParameter $bodyParameter I am grateful for any advice or help with this problem. Many thanks Simon189Views0likes0CommentsBooking Appointment Graph API Update No Longer Updates Service Name
The service name property of an appointment was previously editable per docs and testing. Now when an update occurs via API, the service name completely resets to the default service name of the appointments service ID. You can still pass the service name when creating and appointment via the API, but any updates will break it. Anyone else experiencing this issue?227Views0likes0CommentsHow to Implement OAuth for a Bot-Based Message Extension App in Microsoft Teams for Graph API?
I have created a bot-based message extension app using the Teams Toolkit and need to call the Microsoft Graph API, which requires OAuth implementation. So far, I have created the app in the Teams Developer Portal, registered the app in Azure App registration, and registered the bot in the Bot Framework Developer Portal ( However, I am unclear about the OAuth flow and the specific configurations required. Can someone provide a detailed guide on how the OAuth flow works for a bot-based message extension in Microsoft Teams, the specific configurations needed in the Azure app registration, how to configure permissions and consent for accessing the Microsoft Graph API, and any additional settings required in the Teams Developer Portal or Bot Framework Developer Portal? Any guidance, code examples, or references to detailed documentation would be highly beneficial.324Views0likes0CommentsListing tabs in a channel encounters "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'stringToUnescape')" error
Hi, We use the List tabs in channel API in our product, and it works fine for all cases, except one. We notice that when sending this API with one of our customer's channel, we will get the following response: { "error": { "code": "BadRequest", "message": "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'stringToUnescape')", "innerError": { "code": "InvalidRequest", "message": "Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'stringToUnescape')", "details": [], "date": "2024-05-10T01:38:38", "request-id": "10e6b074-a2dc-4950-aae5-8bbe68d838b8", "client-request-id": "10e6b074-a2dc-4950-aae5-8bbe68d838b8" } } } No matter we tried how many times, this error persists. For comparison, if we send the same API on another channel, we can get correct response. Do anyone also encounter this error? We hope Microsoft could help us figure out why and how we can handle this case. Thank you.596Views0likes2CommentsIs there are way to set an appoinment as "All Day" via the API
The bookings API has come a long way, but it still appears to be missing basic things that are available via the Calendar API. Is there a documented (or undocumented) way to get and set the Bookings appointment item as "All Day" from the API? This option exists in the web interface, so it has to be available in the backend somewhere.401Views0likes2Comments