Microsoft Graph SDK
2 TopicsUploading app icons for manage apps in intune using microsoft graph SDK Powershell
hi all, I am creating a script to add apps to intune and assign them. currently, all is working well apart from uploading the icon. Here is the portion of the body parameters $appBody = @{ '@odata.type' = "#microsoft.graph.winGetApp" description = $appInfo.ShortDescription developer = $appInfo.Publisher displayName = "$($appInfo.packageName) ($($runAsScope))" informationUrl = $appInfo.PublisherSupportUrl largeIcon = @{ "@odata.type"= "#microsoft.graph.mimeContent" "type" = "image/jpeg" "value" = $base64string } installExperience = @{ runAsAccount = $runAsScope } isFeatured = $True packageIdentifier = $appId privacyInformationUrl = $appInfo.PrivacyUrl publisher = $appInfo.publisher repositoryType = "microsoftStore" roleScopeTagIds = @() } There are no errors i have tried type "image/png" as well, but again no errors. I am using the New-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementMobileApp command. I will try to manually use graph explorer to see if I can do it post app creation. Any pointers and examples welcomed2.3KViews0likes6CommentsMicrosoft Graph PowerShell SDK Module OneDrive Folder Permissions Assignment
As an M365 Global Admin, I have been tasked with creating a new folder in other users OneDrive root folder (Documents) we can call that folder 'myFolder', then I need to assign a Microsoft Azure Security group ('myGroup') to that folder with read/write permissions. I have a list of users (taking input from txt file of UPNs), and am able to loop through the users and create the folder, so step one is possible, but where I am failing is the assignment of the permissions, am using PowerShell 7 and the MS Graph PowerShell Mod, actually for the folder creation I used the API and invoke-method, but I am running into problems since OneDrive is on top of SharePoint, I am not sure how to accomplish this task. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Original Post: