Microsoft Viva
2 TopicsDet nya arbetslivet
I det här avsnittet pratar vi med Nina Rapp om hur arbetslivet och kontorets roll har ändrats över tid, där pandemin blev en accelerator för stora förändringar i hur vi jobbar. Vi försöker reda ut hur man har bra möten, oavsett var deltagarna befinner sig. Och det är nästan omöjligt att låta bli att prata om Viva och Copilot när man har Nina i rummet. Lyssna på avsnittet härRegister now: Microsoft Employee Experience - Optimising the Employee Experience in the Age of AI
We're excited to announce our upcoming Employee Experience event, which will explore how emerging technologies are shaping the future of work. During the event, we will delve into the latest technological trends, including artificial intelligence, that can help companies streamline workflows, enhance creativity, and improve employee collaboration. We'll have the pleasure of being joined by notable figures such as bestselling author Bruce Daisley and Microsoft's Alexia Cambon and Nick Hedderman. In addition, we will have Microsoft Viva customers like Carlsberg Group and EDP among others. Whether you're a Communications leader, an HR professional, a business leader, or a tech enthusiast, this event offers a fantastic opportunity to learn about creating a more engaging and productive workplace. The event will be held on May 25 at 13:30 CET, and you can secure your virtual seat and learn more about the event by clicking on the link below. Register now!