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1703 TopicsPowerView Multiples : Greyed out => not available
While giving a Training related to PowerView I couldn't explain the option Multiples, because they were greyed out. When selecting fields, Power View itself decides to place the field in the multiples. That I can accept, but it was impossible to move the field, delete the field, ar place another field in the option Remark: it was op the classroom PC not on my personal PC Someone got an idea?2.2KViews4likes2CommentsGeneral Mail Failure when trying to share as pdf in Excel 2013
Hello Can anyone help to resolve this issue? We can still successfully email files in xlsx format. I can still save as pdf. The only problem is to share as pdf from Excel ( it works in Word) We have Excel 2013 installed on Windows 10. I have already tried: checking that Outlook 2013 is default reinstalling Office restore point to the date when everything worked was corrupted and was deleted by the system running Mapifix15KViews3likes7CommentsFormula or function for IF statement based on cell color
I don't know how to code in VBA but am trying to automate an if/then calculation based on cell color. As shown in the picture, if the colors of the cells in column B are the same as those in Column G across the row, I want to subtract the values in columns F and K in the same row to return the absolute value of the subtraction in column L. If the colors of the cells are different, I want to add the values in columns F and K and return the value in column L. I will have multiple tables of varying numbers of rows where I need to perform this operation. Any help is greatly appreciated.Solved1.6MViews2likes33CommentsPower Query Table.Group Doesn't Keep Sort
I'm new to Power BI, so any help would be appreciated. I've gotten pretty far in my query building, but I'm stuck. Essentially I wanted to create a unique Index based on "PHN Combo" (i.e. PHN Combo A 1,2,3, PHN Combo B 1,2, etc.). However I wanted it to be sorted by "Birth Date." Unfortunately when you create the it ignores the previous sort. So I tried to add a "Each Table.Sort" to my query, and it didn't work. I know I did something wrong (because I have no idea what i'm doing). Can someone help me please? Thanks Here's my formula: "= Table.Group(#"Sorted Rows1", {"PHN Combo"}, each Table.Sort(_,"Birth Date", Order.Ascending), {{"Count", each Table.AddIndexColumn(_, "Index", 1,1), type table}})"Solved18KViews2likes5CommentsAnalysis Services connector ruined in 1707? Crashes every time
After updating to Version 1707 (8326.2052) today Excel crashes when trying to connect to OLAP cubes (SSAS - Analysis Services). We have tried creating new connections with no luck. Excel crashes every time. We have tested on several lenovo models, 450s, X1 Carbon, X1 Yoga. All crashes. Anyone else experienced or able to confirm the existance of this bug?Solved8.9KViews1like26CommentsIFS statement using concat
I have a sheet I am trying to combine values into one cell based on 2 cells. For example: Member 1 Drug1 Flag1 Member1 Drug2 Flag1 Member1 Drug3 Flag1 Member2 Drug1 Flag1 Member2 Drug1 Flag2 Member2 Drug2 Flag2 I am trying to say if Member 1=Member1 and Flag1=Flag1 then concatenate the drugs for those flags into a column. Ideally I would like to have Member1 Drug1, Drug2, Drug3 Flag1 Does anyone have any ideas on how to present this? Thanks so much!5.5KViews1like6CommentsHow can I stop Excel from changing the colors of my chart ?
I have a chart with past and forecasted figures for several series of data. I set the colors of each serie in order to have something nice and meaningful : 1 color per serie, dotted for forecast. Each time I filter my data to see a particular serie, Excel destroys my work to put back its automated layout which are ugly and meaningless. How can I prevent this ? I'm using excel professional plus 2013 Thanks a lot !Solved382KViews1like33CommentsConnect to PostgreSQL with Get & Transform in Excel 2016 (Npgsql)
Hello Folks :) As recomended by the Office Support page (link), I'd like to start a new conversation on how to ingegrate PostgreSQL in this forum as I cant find (after 2 hours of searching) any simple sollutions out there. Am tyring to get Excel (2016 Professional 32 Bit) comunicating with a PostgreSQL Server and what is recomended to consider by the official Support Page to this topic is not enough. Here where I got stuck running in circles. Once you click, learn more you get back to the Suport page. As recomended by the Support page, I installed Npgsql, restarted Excel *(and even the PC), ... made sure that the Npgsql is at "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL" and still am not getting any further and when searching for more info online I always only get referenced back to the same suport page (link). Does anybody know: 1.) Is connecting to PostgreSQL a 365 only feature & if yes, shouldnt that work with Get & Transform 2016 as well ? 2.) Anybody Ideas on where I could research further into that ? Edit 21/06 - a lot of info this problem can also be found at following page -> link5.9KViews1like3CommentsAveraging only Subtotals in a column
I am trying to average only subtotals in a column. The column includes the data for the subtotals also. I want to be able to only average the subtotals that have a value greater than zero. I came up with a formula that comes close to what I want, except it will average zeros also. =IFERROR(SUBTOTAL(9,O160:O195)/(COUNT(O160:O195)-SUBTOTAL(3,O160:O195)),0) Is there a way to accomplish only averaging subtotals. When writing this, I need to be able to add additional lines and subtotals in the column occasionally and have the formula include those when averaging.8.3KViews1like6CommentsWriting a formula to return a blank if no data is in an adjacent cell
I've forgoten how to how to write a simple formula that will keep the cell blank if there isn't any data in an adjacent otherwise it should do the calculation. This is how I wrote it. =IF((E7=" "," "),(F6+E7)) Thank you171KViews1like5Comments