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1703 TopicsExcel Table Appears to Automatically Expand but drop down list doesn't update
I used Excel 2013. I created a drop-down list that is based on an Excel Table via the Data Validation button on the Data ribbon. If I add or delete a row from the middle of the table, my associated drop-downs are updated automatically. However, if I insert a row of data at the very top or bottom of the list (range), even though the table appears to have expanded, the drop-down list does not update automatically. The Auto Correct options "Include new rows and columns in table" and "Fill formulas in tables to create calculated columns" are checked. None of the sheets on my workbook are protected.63KViews0likes11CommentsWriting a formula to return a blank if no data is in an adjacent cell
I've forgoten how to how to write a simple formula that will keep the cell blank if there isn't any data in an adjacent otherwise it should do the calculation. This is how I wrote it. =IF((E7=" "," "),(F6+E7)) Thank you171KViews1like5CommentsFormula or function for IF statement based on cell color
I don't know how to code in VBA but am trying to automate an if/then calculation based on cell color. As shown in the picture, if the colors of the cells in column B are the same as those in Column G across the row, I want to subtract the values in columns F and K in the same row to return the absolute value of the subtraction in column L. If the colors of the cells are different, I want to add the values in columns F and K and return the value in column L. I will have multiple tables of varying numbers of rows where I need to perform this operation. Any help is greatly appreciated.Solved1.6MViews2likes33CommentsVBA Macro and wookbook transfer
I created multiple Macros and a detailed workbook on my personal computer and I now need to move them to another computer. I transferred the XLSTART but I am getting errors, I can't modify the code on the new computer. Can someone help with the process. I am not sure if I got the right XLSTART object.989Views0likes3CommentsDevon, UK does not show on Excel Maps
i. I am plotting counties of the UK - specifically the South West of England. This includes Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and Dorset. Excel maps WILL NOT plot Devon, no matter what I call it. I have tried: Devon UK, Devon Devon, UK Devon, United Kingdom Devon, GB Devon, GB, United Kingdom On Bing maps, Devon comes up absolutely fine. What is the problem please?Solved13KViews0likes11CommentsMultiplying time (for wage calculations).
Hi. I’m new to the community (and a bit of an excel amateur). Just joined as I have an issue which I think is quite simple, but to which I can’t find a solution. Basically I’m trying to add up hours worked, and then multiply those hours by an hourly wage. In order to make Excel tot-up the hours worked beyond 24, I’m using the custom cell format, [h]:mm. This is giving me the correct total hours and minutes worked (minutes are being rounded to the nearest 15 prior to input). However, when I try to multiply this total by the hourly wage, I’m getting an inaccurate (way too low) result. So, even though excel is displaying the time correctly, it is still considering it as a fraction. After some online research, I managed to get the right result by using the formula =TEXT(V5, "[h]")*100. V5 is the cell with the total hours worked, in [h]:mm format, and 100 is the hourly wage. However, this is only giving me the correct result to the nearest hour. So for example if the total (in V5) is 10:00 (ten hours), then the wage total is being correctly given as 1000. However, it the total is 10:30 (ten and a half hours), the total is still being given as 1000, instead of 1050. I assumed this is because I am using just “[h]” in the formula, but if I try using “[h]:mm” (so, =TEXT(V5, "[h]:mm")*100), then I am just getting the same fraction-based incorrect result (with 10 and a half hours and 100 per hour, the result is coming out at 43.75, not 1050). So, now I’m stuck. I’ve tried several things but haven’t found a solution. I imagine there’s a simple way to solve this that I’m just unaware of. Apologies for the long explanation, and thanks in advance for your advice. SimonSolved119KViews1like10CommentsTrouble loading JSON to Excel
I have a JSON file that I would like to import into Excel I have Office 365 I am using the following: Use Excel's Get & Transform (Power Query) experience to connect to a JSON file. Click the Data tab, then Get Data > From File > From JSON. Browse to your JSON file location, select it, and click Open. Once the Query Editor has loaded your data, click Convert > Into Table, then Close & Load. I only receive two rows in my excel spreadsheet but there is quite a bit of data. Help appreciated. -JP26KViews0likes3Commentscalculating water rates on a per thousand/tier
I am trying to calculate a water table that I could change the rates in B12-B23 in order to get a monthly bill about for water consumption. I have found several issues. Even if 0 qty is used there still is a charge of 7.50 I need to know what to put in the formula to have 7.50 put in even if 0 qty of water is used. Qtys 0-3 do not have a monthly 7.50 charge so all other amounts above that need to have 7.50 added to the bill. I need my equation to charge the monthly fee if applicable, and the cost per thousand. example in B13 the qty used was 2 (2000 gallons of water) that water is charged at 7.50 flat. Because 0-3 qty has a flat rate of 7.50. But on B14 the formula should show that the customer is being billed 7.50 for the 1st 3k gallons of water, and then needs to be billed 3.19 for the extra thousand gallons of water. Each thousand gallons of water used needs to be billed based on the water sales. Does this make sense? attached is my spread sheet. Please HELP!!2.9KViews0likes2Comments