8 TopicsEdge not receiving notifications when closed
This has been going on for months, it actually never worked and despite many posts from other users, it wasn't put on the feedback list to be fixed. I tried sending several feedbacks through browser as well in the last months. I hope someone manually give this a higher priority. here is the Chrome article about this: "Push messaging lets developers engage users by providing timely and customized content outside the context of the web page. It is one of the most critical APIs to come to the web, giving users the ability to engage with web experiences even when the browser is closed, without the need for a native app install." Currently Edge canary is Version 81.0.406.0 (Official build) canary (64-bit) all the related flags (native notifications etc etc) are all tested and they have no effects.Solved12KViews6likes29CommentsNotification badges for PWAs pinned to the taskbar
If possible, it would be good to see notification badges on taskbar for the pinned website like Twitter and other social media platforms we already get some sort of hint when there is notification available on Twitter on Edge favorites toolbar, (using Edge canary 83 at the moment) notice the small red dot. it disappears when I go to Twitter and check my notifications or mark them as read. i think this is great and needs to be visible on the Taskbar pinned items too.8.8KViews5likes9CommentsPP3: deactivated extensions manager - notifications
PROBLEM (PP): 3 Classification: EXTENSIONS PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) 1) Today i talk about a problem that i already reported to Google **1137157&hotlist_id=10394 and i see frequently in Edge too. I search i search and i search extension in the toolbar or extension box and i never find it. Since i have over 250 profiles, sometimes is difficult to remember if i installed it or not. So i try to reinstall the extension, and then i get such message. So Edge deactivated my extension. Like i asked to Google, i wish you could add a new panel for deactivated extensions and a way to reactivate at once all extensions. 2) Similar problem is ***1134182&hotlist_id=10394 about deactivated extension after sync activation which i have never seen until now in Edge (hope i will never see too). In case this happens in Edge too, add ability to approve all extensions at once, instead of showing me 20+ notifications for each edge profile. If you implement the deactivate panel like 1) we would fix this problem too. 3) since we are talking about extensions, i report you *1144126&hotlist_id=10394 another problem i noted recently in chrome, in the hope that edge dev can fix it, if this problem is available in edge too. i noted this problem even with 360chrome. 8+ minutes where you simply showed me 200 notifications about extensions crash. Please check that you avoid to show me 1000 messages if there is a total crash. At least in google was automatically, in 360chrome i needed to approve each crash one by one; after 20 i relaunched the browser (much faster). 4) about google chrome removed extension topic ***1143025&hotlist_id=10394 i haven't tested this in edge until now (or i have never seen such message), but would be cool that edge is able to sync deleted extensions (marked as malware by google) from chrome store (extensions, that are not available in edge store). Or to sync manual added extensions. we all know that google delete extensions in batch, would be cool that we can still use such extensions, that worked fine for months. Maybe you are already able to do that, or maybe not. I will test this in future. There are other problem with chrome, but not related to the topic extensions, so i prefer to report such problems only once i see in edge too.1.5KViews1like2CommentsFeature Suggestion: receive push notifications when an update is ready for Edge
I'd like to receive a push notification in Windows 10 whenever Edge has an update ready for it available. this way I don't need to have Edge open to see the update notification. it is possible to do this, Edge has a background process that runs in the background for updating purposes, so it'll be great if it shows us a push notification whenever an update is ready. Thanks1KViews1like0Comments