Office Graph
153 TopicsGetting delta change for files from team and its channels
We are processing delta changes from onedrive data and teams data. We are using delta api so if someone share the current file with any user we got the file details in delta api for onedrive item. But in case of teams and channle data it won't. So is there any way to get delta for the files from team if shared with some othe user or team. We also want api to know files shared with team as we are also fetching data shared with user by using insight api10Views0likes0CommentsAuthentication issue while using Client Credential through Oauth2.0
Hi Community Hope you are doing well. I am unable to authenticate to our registered app in azure. I am looking to test the get/users graph api using insomnia (similar tool as postman). During Token generation we are getting 401 error. we are provide correct Client ID and Secret with right scope url. I created the app, added the necessary permissions and the client credentials. Do I need to add a redirect uri to the app? Does the app need to be registered account types as "accounts in any organization directory"? I am getting a 401 unauthorized error Can you please assist what I'm what is missing here? I will really do appreciate your help. Thanks Vatan32Views0likes1CommentError getting new token
Hi, i want to add a new member to a private channel. I follow the authentication flow as follows: a) starting with url" b) my redirect_uri will open and i am getting a new code c) this new code will be used to get a new token with this url &client_secret=#client_secret# &scope=offline_access%20TeamMember.ReadWrite.All,ChannelMessage.Send%20User.Read%20Mail.Read%20ChannelMember.ReadWrite.All' &code=#code# &redirect_uri= &grant_type=authorization_code But when getting the new token, i am getting this error: "{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '640a5194-77b1-40cf-b774-fc9eb9a6d128' named 'dashandwerk-teams'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource. Trace ID: 34a8ea64-b664-448c-9b7c-b4c9a92e0300 Correlation ID: 77e80082-9e58-4da9-8752-2d7bc75d7262 Timestamp: 2025-03-03 11:11:08Z","error_codes":[65001],"timestamp":"2025-03-03 11:11:08Z","trace_id":"34a8ea64-b664-448c-9b7c-b4c9a92e0300","correlation_id":"77e80082-9e58-4da9-8752-2d7bc75d7262","suberror":"consent_required"} Searching on google shows this: Make sure you have followed the steps to grant admin consent. You can do this under Application > API permissions > Grant admin consent. But all grants have admin consent in the office admin center for intra at the app registration. Any ideas to solve this issue ?16Views0likes1Commentget SharePoint site items ID
I'm trying to extract all SharePoint News articles from my tenant. I'm almost there but struggling with the last step. My initial graph call is this; It returns all the news posts in a site{SiteID}/pages/microsoft.graph.sitePage?$filter=createdDateTime gt 2025-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z and promotionKind eq 'newsPost' but there is no way of identifying if a post is published from that call, So I need to do a second call{SiteID}/lists/{ListID}/items/{ItemID}/?expand=fields($select=*,FirstPublishedDate) this expands a field 'FirstPublishedDate'. If it doesn't exist, the article has never been published. My problem is I dont get the {ItemID} from the first call. this is the Id visible in the sharepoint list, e.g. 1,2,3 etc. not a GUID. the output of my first graph call looks like this. How can I get the list item ID? "value": [ { "@odata.etag": "\"{404E5AC9-E35D-4895-8E89-E10BBA93B522},25\"", "createdDateTime": "2024-12-16T15:37:08Z", "description": "Hello everyone…", "eTag": "\"{404E5AC9-E35D-4895-8E89-E10BBA93B522},25\"", "id": "404e5ac9-e35d-4895-8e89-e10bba93b522", "lastModifiedDateTime": "2024-12-16T15:43:50Z", "name": "News-Article(4).aspx", "webUrl": "", "title": "Merry Christmas - A message from ", "pageLayout": "article", "promotionKind": "newsPost", "showComments": true,26Views0likes0CommentsApprovals Not updating
I'm having a problem when retrieving the approvals created. Until 2024-12-26 at 13:16:48 UTC, when I created an approval, either through the application or through the API, it immediately appeared when I used get in the endpoint: Now I'm only able to see the approvals from before 2024-12-26 at 13:16:48 UTC, there is no record of the new approvals. I also noticed that, in the application, it's not showing the name of the person to whom the approval request was sent, only the name of the person who approved it, both for the new requests and for the old requests that have already been completed.19Views0likes0CommentsGet-MgProfile : The term 'Get-MgProfile' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script
Hi everyone, The cmdlet Get-MgProfile is no longer available after updating to v2.1.0 Even the link is no longer available: What is the replacement Graph SDK cmdlet to get the existing Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK connection profile name? Thanks in advance.14KViews1like5CommentsFacing issue for Outlook calendar Sync with PHP
When using Microsoft Graph Explorer, and making request, it’s returning the events data correctly. But when in code we generate access token, it’s not able to make request and there is some permission issue, So, the access token we are generating through code as per the official Microsoft documentation, isn’t having the required permission, even though we are specifying the required permission array as scope when making request for access token. Below is the code, I am using public function authorize() { $auth_url = $this->Microsoft_calendar_model->createAuthUrl(); redirect($auth_url); } public function createAuthUrl() { $authorize_url = "{$this->auth_base_url}/{$this->tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize"; $queryParams = http_build_query([ 'client_id' => $this->client_id, 'response_type' => 'code', 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirect_uri, 'scope' => implode(' ', $this->scopes), 'response_mode' => 'query', 'prompt' => 'consent' ]); return "{$authorize_url}?{$queryParams}"; } // User is getting prompt for permission consent and even though accepting all permissions isn't working public function callback() { $code = $this->input->get('code'); // I am getting the code here. $access_token = $this->microsoft_calendar_model->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code); } Issue occurs in the below function public function fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code) { $token_url = "{$this->auth_base_url}/{$this->tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token"; $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); $response = $client->post($token_url, [ 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ], 'form_params' => [ 'client_id' => $this->client_id, 'client_secret' => $this->client_secret_value, 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirect_uri, 'code' => $code, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'scope' => 'offline_access Calendars.ReadWrite' ] ]); $tokenData = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); $tokenContext = new AuthorizationCodeContext( $this->tenant_id, $this->client_id, $this->client_secret_value, $tokenData['access_token'], $this->redirect_uri ); $graphClient = new GraphServiceClient($tokenContext, $this->scopes); $events = $graphClient->me()->calendars()->byCalendarId('primary')->events()->get()->wait(); pre($events); } What I'm doing wrong, I can't figure it out anywhere?45Views0likes0Comments500 Internal Server Error when trying to access the Microsoft Graph API for Viva Engage
I am experiencing an issue when trying to access the Microsoft Graph API for Viva Engage: Every time I make an API request, I receive a 500 Internal Server Error response. Here are the steps I have taken so far: Created an App Registration in Azure AD. Assigned the Community.ReadWrite.All permission as per the documentation. Ensured that the token we are using includes the correct and valid permissions. Despite completing these steps, the error persists. Below is a screenshot of the error encountered when testing the API using Postman: Are there any steps I might have missed, or is the API currently experiencing issues?115Views0likes0CommentsCorrelation between Microsoft Graph Events and bookingBusiness Appointments
Hi everyone, I'm struggling with getting complete attendee information from calendar events. I can successfully get event details from the /events endpoint, but it lacks full attendee information and other details compared to the bookingBusiness/account-id/appointments endpoint. The problem is, I can't find a way to correlate and event and its various ID's and a booking appointment ID. Is there a recommended way to get full attendee details while working with calendar events? Any help would be appreciated!41Views0likes0CommentsReorder Teams Channel tabs, move a 3rd tab to be the last tab?
I have an automate power automate flow which Create a Teams site, channels & tabs. now inside the General channel, we add the following custom tabs (Active DashBoard, Incident -12: Tasks and Template & training), as follow:- but i will get those 3 built-in tabs; Posts, Files and Notes.. now how i can move the Notes tab to be last tab ? using Graph API? Thanks66Views0likes0Comments