Office Scripts
447 TopicsExcel Office Script "Performance API"?
I was working on an Office Script and trying to improve the performance. I typed "Performance" into the code editor, and I was suprised to see the Intellisene kick in. My question is how to find and understand the relevant documentation for Typescript applicable to Excel Office Scripts. I could not find this object/API in official MSFT Office Script documentation. Icing on the cake would be a suggestion for a more sophisticated way of measuring performance bottlenecks on an Office Script. I have attached a screenshot of the object and Intellisense. TIA!Solved90Views0likes3CommentsIssue in Days Function
Hello there, I am Balaji, I hope you are all doing well. I am using Windows 10 in Dell Latitude 7480 Laptop. I am facing an issue using the "Days" Function. DAYS Function Explanation and Description mentioned in Excel Software: DAYS FUNCTION This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the DAYS function in Microsoft Excel. For information about the DAY function, see DAY Function. Description: Returns the number of days between two dates. DAY function This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the DAY function in Microsoft Excel. For information about the DAYS function, see DAYS Function. Description: Returns the day of a date, represented by a serial number. The day is given as an integer ranging from 1 to 31. Now, If I am using the "DAYS" Function to calculate the number of days between two dates. Suggest me Which Function should I use to get the correct answer. I am Looking forward to your guidance. Thank you.45Views0likes1CommentKPI dax logic not giving correct counts but table visual does
Hi Team, I have below dax for the Doors open kpi: Doors Open = VAR _count = CALCULATE( MAX( BMSDoorStoreJoin[CreatedOn] ), BMSDoorStoreJoin[Status] = "Open" ) VAR _siteid = MAX(BMSDoorStoreJoin[SiteId]) RETURN CALCULATE( COUNT( BMSDoorStoreJoin[CreatedOn] ), BMSDoorStoreJoin[Status] = "Open"&& BMSDoorStoreJoin[CreatedOn] = _count && BMSDoorStoreJoin[SiteId] = _siteid ) Now, this returns the value of 1 which is wrong according to filtered SiteId(StoreName). My expected output from this logic is I want to find unique count of Doors Open(Site[Sitecode]) for the max of createdon date. For example, the data below for Sitecode 472 we have Status as closed and we don't have open. So it should retun nil. but in this case it returns 1. My table visual also shows correctly that it has only closed status. When i use my kpi logic in that visual it gives correct count. Please advise! PFA file here BMS Chillers Insights.pbix Thanks in advance! SergeiBaklan29Views0likes2CommentsCopy and paste/append values along with formatting within workbooks
Hi folks, We have a requirement where all the excel files from a particular document library in SharePoint and all the content in each sheet of each files (Source) need be populated in a specific sheet of different excel file (Target) along with all the formatting in source. Is there any way to automate this? Thanks in advance.29Views0likes2CommentsUsing a master list on one sheet for trackers on other sheets.
I'm sure I can accomplish the following using VBA, but I'm looking for a solution that will work in both the desktop and the web app. I'm not familiar yet with script code or using Power Automate, so if it is possible using these tools, I'd appreciate guidance towards tutorials that will get me started. Situation: Sheet 1 of a workbook contains a list of clients. Over time, columns have been added to track various items, tasks and processes pertaining to the clients; it has gotten to be a jumbled, cumbersome mess. I want to start separating out these various columns to separate worksheets so that each worksheet is a separate tracker for specific related data. For this to work, I need certain data for each client (e.g. Client ID #, Last name, First name) to be copied from the master list to a table on the pertinent tracking worksheet when a client's status is changed on the master list. For example, if I change Bob Smith's status on the master list from "Application" to "Pending", Bob Smith's data is copied from the master list to the first few columns of a new row on the "Pending" table of the Pending worksheet. The "Pending" table will have additional columns be where the pending process is tracked. Thank you for any advice offered!74Views0likes5CommentsConverter, VBA to Office Script.
A converter VBA to Office Script is a challenging task, but with VBA and regular expressions, many common VBA constructs can be converted to Office Scripts. This converter is intended to create an approach in Office Script and then the user can extend it with his knowledge. Since VBA and Office Scripts have different syntax and APIs, this converter will convert simple elements such as loops, conditions, and cell operations. A more complex VBA to Office Scripts converter requires advanced logic to analyze and convert the different syntax and commands of the two languages. The attached file tries to convert the VBA code into Office Script in a simple way. A lot of things are not taken into account, but it can be a useful tool to get started. I hope it works for you too and if you discover any problems or errors, I would be happy to hear your feedback.393Views1like3CommentsErreur référence cellule MACRO/VBA
Bonjour à tous, Je travaille actuellement sur un projet de récapitulatif des congés pris par mes salariés. J'ai utilisé des formules et macro pour automatiser mes calculs, cependant, si les "périodes de congés" sont vides, une erreur s'affiche et bloque toutes les autres formules. Le tableau est mit à jour tout au long de l'année et j'ai besoin qu'il soit utilisable sans cette vilaine erreur "#REF!". Pourriez-vous m'aider ? Voici les infos techniques : 2 feuilles : "Contrat Initial" : feuille du tableau "MACRO" : feuille de données, calendriers des jours fériés etc. Formules utilisées : Total des jours hors jours fériés J'ai besoin d'afficher le nombre de jours ouvrables (lundi à samedi) hors jours fériés Calcul des samedis sur la période J'ai besoin d'afficher le nombre de samedis sur la période de congés saisie. Samedi est défini comme le 6ème jour de ma semaine, selon le système européen. Le calendrier J'ai saisi les données des jours fériés sur la feuille "MACRO" sur la plage A12:F22 Merci d'avance de votre aide !Solved28Views0likes2CommentsAutomate tab not appearing even though I meet the requirements in the Learn article
The account I'm using Microsoft Office with is part of a Microsoft 365 Family subscription, and according to this page, signing up to the Microsoft 365 Insider program and enabling connected experiences should be enough for me to start being able to use Office Scripts, but sadly the Automate tab still won't show up for me. I've enabled the option for it in the Customize Ribbons category of the Options menu, and have tried reinstalling Office and using both the Preview and Beta channels, to no avail. Has anyone else had issues with the Automate tab not showing up while using a Family Subscription? If so, did you manage to fix them? Thank you!34Views0likes1CommentSinlge ddown - full row movement - seperate sheets
Thank you all for your assistance with this. I've spent a lot of hours trying to determine which formula to use I apologize as this seems so simple and I thought I've figured it out multiple times now but no luck. I build custom homes, I want to provide my clients with a spreadsheet to add their selections of finishes, this will allow the designers and coordinators to purchase and organize what is required for each project. Excel 365 My intention is to have sheet 1 ( "Selections" ) as the full list of all finishing selections from the client / Designer. In column C - I have added a drop-down list showing the different types of selections I want to separate this info into. ( Flooring, plumbing, tiles, etc. ) Sheet 2 ("Sorted by Category") will have a ddown list of the same types of finishes found in the dropdown list on Sheet 1 The Goal is to select "Tiles" from the ddown list on sheet 2 and have all rows that include "tiles" in the Category column to populate the table. Example - On sheet 2 - I select "Tiles" from the ddown list - Sheet 2 will then populate all rows from Sheet 1 with "Tiles" in the Category column - also filling out the other information on the same row. On sheet 1 is a table called "Selections" - B9-L100 is the data - filled with the clients requested items. There are additional rows at the bottom for adding items as the project continues that also need to be added to sheet 2 as they are inserted onto Sheet 1 with the proper ddown selection. Cell A8 Panel Freeze On sheet 2 is a table called "Category" - Same table as Selections but all selection data is removed - Ddown box in Cell G4 - List of ddown box items on Sheet 3 in table called List. Cell A8 Panel Freeze Sheet 3 is a table called "List" Ive tried Vlookup, Xlookup, match, unique, index and indirect, - at this point, I've watched so many Youtube videos / read so many Reddit/TechCommunity posts I'm now lost as to how to get this to work. Hope this Dropbox link works of the Excel file Thank you, thank you, thank you!Solved131Views0likes3Comments