Online meeting
3 Topicsasked for scope 'OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All' that doesn't exist on the resource
I'm trying to get Auth. code for OnlineMeetingsReadWrite.All scope. But it returns an error said: "The application 'HSR Teams Integration' asked for scope 'OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All' that doesn't exist on the resource '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'. Contact the app vendor.". I checked everthing triple times and I can't still figure out where is the problem. Here is my request: Here is my api permissions: We also have application access policy for this application. Why I'm getting this error ? I checked that client id is correctSolved3.5KViews0likes8CommentsI want to make my online meeting event provider Skype For Business.
Greetings, I used graph api to create event and set the online meeting provider option to skypeForBusiness. var @event = new Event { Subject = "test", Body = new ItemBody { ContentType = BodyType.Html, Content = "test" }, Start = new DateTimeTimeZone { DateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }, End = new DateTimeTimeZone { DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }, AllowNewTimeProposals = true, IsOnlineMeeting = true, OnlineMeetingProvider = OnlineMeetingProviderType.SkypeForBusiness, }; var result_event = await graphClient.Me.Events .Request() .AddAsync(@event); The event was successfully created, but the isOnlineMeeting option in response was false and did not return OnlineMeeting joinUrl. So when I searched, it said that to interact with Skype For Business, I had to create a meeting using the UCWA API. Can I create a meeting with Skype for Business if I set it up UCWA settings on the Azure server ?909Views0likes1CommentMS graph API - How can I send the generated events as a message ?
I want to make an online meeting event and send a message to the channel. I made an online meeting event and checked that all mail and notifications work properly. The important thing is that I want to send the event as a message to the channel. When I create event, var @event = new Event { Subject = subject, Body = new ItemBody { ContentType = BodyType.Html, Content = subject }, Start = new DateTimeTimeZone { DateTime = "2020-09-22T14:30:00", TimeZone = "Korea Standard Time" }, End = new DateTimeTimeZone { DateTime = "2020-09-22T14:35:00", TimeZone = "Korea Standard Time" }, Organizer = new Recipient() { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = groupInfo.Mail, Name = groupInfo.DisplayName } } , Attendees = new List<Attendee>() { new Attendee { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = ownMail, Name = "name", }, Type = AttendeeType.Required, Status = new ResponseStatus { Response = ResponseType.Accepted } } , new Attendee { EmailAddress = new EmailAddress { Address = groupInfo.Mail, Name = groupInfo.DisplayName }, Type = AttendeeType.Required } }, AllowNewTimeProposals = true, IsOnlineMeeting = true, OnlineMeetingProvider = OnlineMeetingProviderType.TeamsForBusiness, IsOrganizer = false, ResponseStatus = new ResponseStatus() { Response = ResponseType.Organizer } }; result2 = await graphClient.Groups[pGroupId].Events .Request() .Header("Prefer", "outlook.timezone=\"Korea Standard Time\"") .AddAsync(@event); For now, i'm sending back an online meeting url as a message at channel. like this, var chatMessage = new ChatMessage { Subject = result2.Subject, Body = new ItemBody { ContentType = result2.Body.ContentType, Content = result2.Body.Content } }; await graphClient.Teams[pGroupId].Channels[channel.Id].Messages .Request() .AddAsync(chatMessage); I tried this doc, but my events don't have attachments. Please let me know if you have a way. I've been looking all day, but I don't know. Thank you for any help.1.7KViews0likes1Comment