PowerBI Templates
1 TopicViva Insights - Advanced Insights forum
Hi community members! Please use this board for discussions on the below topics: Queries: This forum can be used for questions about queries - how to set up custom queries, when/why to run certain queries, and how to access/share query results. PowerBI Templates: Questions about PowerBI Templates can be asked on this forum as well. Questions such as how to set up templates, how to read results, steps that can be taken from the results, etc. Metrics: You can also use this forum to post questions about confusing metrics, clarity on definitions or general metric questions. If you are a Viva Insights customer currently undergoing transition from the old to the new advanced insights platform, please join the support group here Advance Insights Platform Transition Support - Microsoft Community Hub Please remember to review the general guidelines before posting. Note that this community is to share experiences and general questions only, please open a support ticket for specific questions on your organization's support issues.809Views1like0Comments