15 TopicsActive Directory on-premise, basic rules.
Hello everyone! Not sure this is correct place to ask but i didn't found more suitable group. I want to ask a question regarding Active Directory groups basics. Everyone remember the rule: if we have two AD domains (in one tree), and we want to add some user from first domain into the group in the second, we need to create a group in the first domain add the user into it and add this group into the group in the other domain. But not the other way: to add a user directly from the first domain into the group in the second domain. I want to ask everyone, is this rule actual in 2020? This rule basically based on the technical limitations or this is just the best practice?Solved2.9KViews1like3CommentsReceiving replies from emails processed in Public Folder
Dear community, Im trying to do someting and I hope that i can get the answer here! Me and my colleague are responsible for replying to emails in a shared Outlook folder. I want to be able to read my colleague's replies to some of the emails for training purposes. I want to be notified or have my colleague's replies sent to a specific folder. I am open to different methods of selecting which emails answer's I want to read, such as assigning a category. Essentially, I am seeking a way to monitor and access my colleague's replies to certain emails in the shared Outlook folder for training purposes without having to keep in mind which email's replies I want to read. How can this be done?397Views0likes0CommentsFast Microsoft recommended driver block rules update with automatic scheduled task
Microsoft recommended driver block rules in Windows are automatically updated starting with Windows 11 22H2, twice per year, but the list itself is updated more often. Microsoft provides ways to update them faster and out of the schedule. I've created a PowerShell script that does this automatically and you only need to run the script once, then it will create a scheduled task in Windows that runs every 7 days and renews the recommended drivers block list. # create a scheduled task that runs every 7 days if (-NOT (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "MSFT Driver Block list update" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute 'Powershell.exe' ` -Argument '-NoProfile -WindowStyle Hidden -command "& {Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile;Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath "VulnerableDriverBlockList" -Force;Rename-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList\SiPolicy_Enforced.p7b -NewName "SiPolicy.p7b" -Force;Copy-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList\SiPolicy.p7b -Destination "C:\Windows\System32\CodeIntegrity";$job = Start-Job -Name "Job1" -ScriptBlock { CiTool.exe -r };Start-Sleep -s 15;Stop-Job $job;Remove-Item .\VulnerableDriverBlockList -Recurse -Force;Remove-Item .\ -Force;}"' $TaskPrincipal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -LogonType S4U -UserId $env:USERNAME -RunLevel Highest # trigger $Time = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger ` -Once -At (Get-Date).AddHours(3) ` -RepetitionInterval (New-TimeSpan -Days 7) ` # register the task Register-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $Time -Principal $TaskPrincipal -TaskPath "MSFT Driver Block list update" -TaskName "MSFT Driver Block list update" -Description "Microsoft Recommended Driver Block List update" # define advanced settings for the task $TaskSettings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries -Compatibility Win8 -StartWhenAvailable -ExecutionTimeLimit (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 3) # add advanced settings we defined to the task Set-ScheduledTask -TaskPath "MSFT Driver Block list update" -TaskName "MSFT Driver Block list update" -Settings $TaskSettings } Moderator roles in Distribution list
Hello, in our company we use all() email address in distribution list. We want to manage emails which can be published and which is not. We have employees who will responsible of that. How we can use this option in MS Exchange ? Thank you.964Views0likes2CommentsApplying S/MIME sign/encryption based on email rules
Hi, on the latest version of Outlook for Windows is it possible to apply S/MIME signature or encryption based on email rules? For example, create a sending email rule that sign the mail if the recipient matches a specific domain or email address.1.5KViews0likes3CommentsSharePoint Rule for Date Field
I have been looking for an answer to this but haven't been able to find any. I'm hoping this group can help. I have a field called "Desired Start Date." I am trying to set up a rule that warns the user when they select a date that is less than 7 days in the future. I've tried using the condition where "Desired Start Date" is less than now()+7 but that displays the message with every date selected. Even those greater than 7 days in the future. Any ideas? All assistance is appreciated.2.9KViews0likes4CommentsCategorise mail based on an address in the cc field when sending and receiving mail in Outlook 365
Hi, I'd like to know if this is possible please. I send many emails directly (to) and indirectly (cc) to someone and would like to group them all together for reference in a category. I can't figure out how to apply a rule to a cc field, is this possible? I'd also like to add mail received indirectly (cc) from this person to the same category. If there is another way to achieve this result then please let me know.1.4KViews0likes2CommentsEmbedded Attachment Extraction?
Hello All, I'm trying to setup some email rules and Microsoft Automate to save pdfs. My problem is that the pdf is embedded in an email attachment, inside another email attachment setup like this: Email --> email --> pdf My supplier sends these from their system so there's no way to have them change. Does anyone have any idea of how to extract the pdf automatically? The rules and Automate run off the first email attachment, not 2nd embedded attachment (pdf). Therefore it doesn't work. Thanks, See picture.666Views0likes0Commentsdefender rules/definitions
Is it possible to get(read) the list of active defender rules/definitions? For example, the list of all file hashes that defender checks for? Or all the malware/virus samples defender already has protection for. We basically want to know if there are currently any definitions for this new Pheonix Ransomeware.Solved1.2KViews0likes1Comment