195 TopicsTable
Hello everyone, I have a problem. Our products are dimension-dependent (width / height) and the prices are stored in a table [Costinformation]. The grid table is in the Pricetable column. Rows are separated with CRLF and the individual columns with Tab. Table [Costinformation] Mandant Code Text Category Pricetable 1 4711 Product Table 1 Window 1 4712 Product Table 2 Door Example Pricetable-Column W / H 100 200 300 400 100 10,00 20,00 30,00 40,00 200 20,00 30,00 40,00 50,00 300 30,00 40,00 50,00 60,00 400 40,00 50,00 60,00 70,00 Now it is so that there are always price adjustments. In 100% of cases, this is in percentage terms. This means that the prices in the grid table have to be extrapolated. I need a solution so that I no longer have to do this manually. Can it be done directly via an SQL statement? Example: Product Table 1 --> price + 5% Produkt Table 2 --> price + 3 % I hope it is understandable. My English is not so good. I can also provide an example table. Thank you very much for you help. Greetings from Germany CharlyStella79Views0likes3CommentsCreating LinkedServer between On-Prem SQL to Azure SQL MI
Hi, is it possible to use security option (Be made using the login's current security context )with lnikedserver from on-prem SQL to MI ? Our MI is enabled for windows auth and we are successfully connect MI in SSMS using windows auth from on-prem client. when I use this option in linkedserver and try to access linked server with windows auth I get following error. Login failed for user '<token-identified principal>'. Reason: Could not find a user matching the name provided14Views0likes0CommentsTechnical Walkthrough: Deploying a SQL DB like it's Terraform
Introduction This post will be a union of multiple topics. It is part of the SQL CI/CD series and as such will build upon Deploying .dacpacs to Multiple Environments via ADO Pipelines | Microsoft Community Hub and Managed SQL Deployments Like Terraform | Microsoft Community Hub while also crossing over with the YAML Pipeline series This is an advanced topic in regard to both Azure DevOps YAML and SQL CI/CD. If both of these concepts are newer to you, please refer to the links above as this is not designed to be a beginner's approach in either one of these domains. Assumptions To get the most out of this and follow along we are going to assume that you are 1.) On board with templating your Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines. By doing this we will see the benefit of quickly onboarding new pipelines, standardizing our deployment steps, and increasing our security. We also are going to assume you are on board with Managed SQL Deployments Like Terraform | Microsoft Community Hub for deploying your SQL Projects. By adopting this we can increase our data security, confidence in source control, and speed our time to deployment. For this post we will continue to leverage the example cicd-adventureWorks repository for the source of our SQL Project and where the pipeline definition will live. Road mapping the Templates Just like my other YAML posts let's outline the pieces required in this stage and we will then break down each job Build Stage Build .dacpac job run `dotnet build` and pass in appropriate arguments execute a Deploy Report from the dacpac produced by the build and the target environment copy the Deploy Report to the build output directory publish the pipeline artifact Deploy Stage Deploy .dacpac job run Deploy Report from dacpac artifact (optional) deploy dacpac, including pre/postscripts Build Stage For the purposes of this stage, we should think of building our .dacpac similar to a terraform or single page application build. What I am referring to is we will produce an artifact per environment, and this will be generated from the same codebase. Additionally, we will run a 'plan' which will be the proposed result of deploying our dacpac file. Build Job We will have one instance of the build job for each environment. Each instance will produce a different artifact as they will be passing different build configurations which in turn will result in a different .dacpac per environment. If you are familiar with YAML templating, then feel free to jump to the finish job template. One of the key differences with this job structure, as opposed to the one outlined in Deploying .dacpacs to Multiple Environments via ADO Pipelines is the need for a Deploy Report. This is the key to unlocking the CI/CD approach which aligns with Terraform. This Deploy Report detects our changes on build, similar to running a terraform plan. Creating a Deploy Report is achieved by setting the DeployAction attribute in the SQLAzureDacpacDeployment@1 action to 'DeployReport' Now there is one minor "bug" in the Microsoft SQLAzureDacpacDeployment task, which I have raised with the ADO task. It appears the output path for the Deploy Report as well as the Drift Report are hardcoded to the same location. To get around this I had to find out where the Deploy Report was being published and, for our purposes, have a task to copy the Deploy Report to the same location as the .dacpac and then publish them both as a single folder. Here is the code for the for a single environment to build the associated .dacpac and produce the Deploy Repo stages: - stage: adventureworksentra_build variables: - name: solutionPath value: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)// jobs: - job: build_publish_sql_sqlmoveme_dev_dev steps: - task: UseDotNet@2 displayName: Use .NET SDK vlatest inputs: packageType: 'sdk' version: '' includePreviewVersions: true - task: NuGetAuthenticate@1 displayName: 'NuGet Authenticate' - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: dotnet build inputs: command: build projects: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/*.sqlproj arguments: --configuration dev /p:NetCoreBuild=true /p:DacVersion=1.0.1 - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 displayName: DeployReport sqlmoveme on sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net inputs: DeploymentAction: DeployReport azureSubscription: AzureDevServiceConnection AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal ServerName: sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net DatabaseName: sqlmoveme deployType: DacpacTask DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\s/src/sqlmoveme/bin/dev/sqlmoveme.dacpac AdditionalArguments: '' DeleteFirewallRule: True - task: CopyFiles@2 inputs: SourceFolder: GeneratedOutputFiles Contents: '**' TargetFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/bin/dev/cus - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1 displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact sqlmoveme_dev_dev ' inputs: targetPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/bin/dev artifact: sqlmoveme_dev_dev properties: '' The end result will be similar to: (I have two environments in the screenshot below) One can see I have configured this to run a Deploy Report across each regional instance, thus the `cus` folder, of a SQL DB I do this is to identify and catch any potential schema and data issues. The Deploy Reports are the keys to tie this to the thought of deploying and managing SQL Databases like Terraform. These reports will execute when a pull request is created as part of the Build and again at Deployment to ensure changes from PR to deployment that may have occurred. For the purposes of this blog here is a deployment report indicating a schema change: This is an important artifact for organizations whose auditing policy requires documentation around deployments. This information is also available in the ADO job logs: This experience should feel similar to Terraform CI/CD...THAT'S A GOOD THING! It means we are working on developing and refining practices and principals across our tech stacks when it comes to SDLC. If this feels new to you then please read Terraform, CI/CD, Azure DevOps, and YAML Templates - John Folberth Deploy Stage We will have a deploy stage for each environment and within that stage will be a job for each region and/or database we are deploying our dacpac to. This job can be a template because, in theory, our deploying process across environments is identical. We will run a deployment report and deploy the .dacpac which was built for the specific environment and will include any and all associated pre/post scripts. Again this process has already been walked through in Deploying .dacpacs to Multiple Environments via ADO Pipelines | Microsoft Community Hub Deploy Job The deploy job will take what we built in the deployment process in Deploying .dacpacs to Multiple Environments via ADO Pipelines | Microsoft Community Hub and we will add a perquisite job to create a second Deployment Report. This process is to ensure we are aware of any changes in the deployed SQL Database that may have occurred after the original dacpac and Deployment Report were created at the time of the Pull Request. By doing this we now have a tight log identifying any changes that were being made right before we deployed the code. Next, we need to make a few changes to override the default arguments of the .dacpac publish command in order to automatically deploy changes that may result in data loss. Here is a complete list of all the available properties SqlPackage Publish - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn. The ones we are most interested in are DropObjectsNotInSource and BlockOnPossibleDataLoss. DropObjectsNotInSource is defined as: Specifies whether objects that do not exist in the database snapshot (.dacpac) file will be dropped from the target database when you publish to a database. This value takes precedence over DropExtendedProperties. This is important as it will drop and delete objects that are not defined in our source code. As I've written about previously this will drop all those instances of "Shadow Data" or copies of tables we were storing. This value, by default, is set to false as a safeguard from a destructive data action. Our intention though is to ensure our deployed database objects match our definitions in source control, as such we want to enable this. BlockOnPossibleDataLoss is defined as: Specifies that the operation will be terminated during the schema validation step if the resulting schema changes could incur a loss of data, including due to data precision reduction or a data type change that requires a cast operation. The default (True) value causes the operation to terminate regardless if the target database contains data. An execution with a False value for BlockOnPossibleDataLoss can still fail during deployment plan execution if data is present on the target that cannot be converted to the new column type. This is another safeguard that has been put in place to ensure data isn't lost in the situation of type conversion or schema changes such as dropping a column. We want this set to `true` so that our deployment will actually deploy in an automated fashion. If this is set to `false` and we are wanting to update schemas/columns then we would be creating an anti-pattern of a manual deployment to accommodate. When possible, we want to automate our deployments and in this specific case we have already taken the steps of mitigating unintentional data loss through our implementation of a Deploy Report. Again, we should have confidence in our deployment and if we have this then we should be able to automate it. Here is that same deployment process, including now the Deploy Report steps: - stage: adventureworksentra_dev_cus_dacpac_deploy jobs: - deployment: adventureworksentra_app_dev_cus environment: name: dev dependsOn: [] strategy: runOnce: deploy: steps: - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 displayName: DeployReport sqlmoveme on sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net inputs: DeploymentAction: DeployReport azureSubscription: AzureDevServiceConnection AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal ServerName: sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net DatabaseName: sqlmoveme deployType: DacpacTask DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\sqlmoveme_dev_dev\**\*.dacpac AdditionalArguments: '' DeleteFirewallRule: False - task: CopyFiles@2 inputs: SourceFolder: GeneratedOutputFiles Contents: '**' TargetFolder: postDeploy/sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net/sqlmoveme - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 displayName: Publish sqlmoveme on sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net inputs: DeploymentAction: Publish azureSubscription: AzureDevServiceConnection AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal ServerName: sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net DatabaseName: sqlmoveme deployType: DacpacTask DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\sqlmoveme_dev_dev\**\*.dacpac AdditionalArguments: /p:DropObjectsNotInSource=true /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=false DeleteFirewallRule: True Putting it Together Let's put together all these pieces. This example will show an expanded pipeline that has the following stages and jobs Build a stage Build Dev job Build Tst job Deploy Dev stage Deploy Dev Job Deploy tst stage Deploy tst Job And here is the code: resources: repositories: - repository: templates type: github name: JFolberth/TheYAMLPipelineOne endpoint: JFolberth trigger: branches: include: - none pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' parameters: - name: projectNamesConfigurations type: object default: - projectName: 'sqlmoveme' environmentName: 'dev' regionAbrvs: - 'cus' projectExtension: '.sqlproj' buildArguments: '/p:NetCoreBuild=true /p:DacVersion=1.0.1' sqlServerName: 'adventureworksentra' sqlDatabaseName: 'moveme' resourceGroupName: adventureworksentra ipDetectionMethod: 'AutoDetect' deployType: 'DacpacTask' authenticationType: 'servicePrincipal' buildConfiguration: 'dev' dacpacAdditionalArguments: '/p:DropObjectsNotInSource=true /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=false' - projectName: 'sqlmoveme' environmentName: 'tst' regionAbrvs: - 'cus' projectExtension: '.sqlproj' buildArguments: '/p:NetCoreBuild=true /p:DacVersion=1.0' sqlServerName: 'adventureworksentra' sqlDatabaseName: 'moveme' resourceGroupName: adventureworksentra ipDetectionMethod: 'AutoDetect' deployType: 'DacpacTask' authenticationType: 'servicePrincipal' buildConfiguration: 'tst' dacpacAdditionalArguments: '/p:DropObjectsNotInSource=true /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=false' - name: serviceName type: string default: 'adventureworksentra' stages: - stage: adventureworksentra_build variables: - name: solutionPath value: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)// jobs: - job: build_publish_sql_sqlmoveme_dev_dev steps: - task: UseDotNet@2 displayName: Use .NET SDK vlatest inputs: packageType: 'sdk' version: '' includePreviewVersions: true - task: NuGetAuthenticate@1 displayName: 'NuGet Authenticate' - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: dotnet build inputs: command: build projects: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/*.sqlproj arguments: --configuration dev /p:NetCoreBuild=true /p:DacVersion=1.0.1 - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 displayName: DeployReport sqlmoveme on sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net inputs: DeploymentAction: DeployReport azureSubscription: AzureDevServiceConnection AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal ServerName: sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net DatabaseName: sqlmoveme deployType: DacpacTask DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\s/src/sqlmoveme/bin/dev/sqlmoveme.dacpac AdditionalArguments: '' DeleteFirewallRule: True - task: CopyFiles@2 inputs: SourceFolder: GeneratedOutputFiles Contents: '**' TargetFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/bin/dev/cus - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1 displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact sqlmoveme_dev_dev ' inputs: targetPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/bin/dev artifact: sqlmoveme_dev_dev properties: '' - job: build_publish_sql_sqlmoveme_tst_tst steps: - task: UseDotNet@2 displayName: Use .NET SDK vlatest inputs: packageType: 'sdk' version: '' includePreviewVersions: true - task: NuGetAuthenticate@1 displayName: 'NuGet Authenticate' - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: dotnet build inputs: command: build projects: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/*.sqlproj arguments: --configuration tst /p:NetCoreBuild=true /p:DacVersion=1.0 - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 displayName: DeployReport sqlmoveme on sql-adventureworksentra-tst-cus.database.windows.net inputs: DeploymentAction: DeployReport azureSubscription: AzureTstServiceConnection AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal ServerName: sql-adventureworksentra-tst-cus.database.windows.net DatabaseName: sqlmoveme deployType: DacpacTask DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\s/src/sqlmoveme/bin/tst/sqlmoveme.dacpac AdditionalArguments: '' DeleteFirewallRule: True - task: CopyFiles@2 inputs: SourceFolder: GeneratedOutputFiles Contents: '**' TargetFolder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/bin/tst/cus - task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1 displayName: 'Publish Pipeline Artifact sqlmoveme_tst_tst ' inputs: targetPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/src/sqlmoveme/bin/tst artifact: sqlmoveme_tst_tst properties: '' - stage: adventureworksentra_dev_cus_dacpac_deploy jobs: - deployment: adventureworksentra_app_dev_cus environment: name: dev dependsOn: [] strategy: runOnce: deploy: steps: - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 displayName: DeployReport sqlmoveme on sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net inputs: DeploymentAction: DeployReport azureSubscription: AzureDevServiceConnection AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal ServerName: sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net DatabaseName: sqlmoveme deployType: DacpacTask DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\sqlmoveme_dev_dev\**\*.dacpac AdditionalArguments: '' DeleteFirewallRule: False - task: CopyFiles@2 inputs: SourceFolder: GeneratedOutputFiles Contents: '**' TargetFolder: postDeploy/sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net/sqlmoveme - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 displayName: Publish sqlmoveme on sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net inputs: DeploymentAction: Publish azureSubscription: AzureDevServiceConnection AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal ServerName: sql-adventureworksentra-dev-cus.database.windows.net DatabaseName: sqlmoveme deployType: DacpacTask DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\sqlmoveme_dev_dev\**\*.dacpac AdditionalArguments: /p:DropObjectsNotInSource=true /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=false DeleteFirewallRule: True - stage: adventureworksentra_tst_cus_dacpac_deploy jobs: - deployment: adventureworksentra_app_tst_cus environment: name: tst dependsOn: [] strategy: runOnce: deploy: steps: - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 displayName: DeployReport sqlmoveme on sql-adventureworksentra-tst-cus.database.windows.net inputs: DeploymentAction: DeployReport azureSubscription: AzureTstServiceConnection AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal ServerName: sql-adventureworksentra-tst-cus.database.windows.net DatabaseName: sqlmoveme deployType: DacpacTask DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\sqlmoveme_tst_tst\**\*.dacpac AdditionalArguments: '' DeleteFirewallRule: False - task: CopyFiles@2 inputs: SourceFolder: GeneratedOutputFiles Contents: '**' TargetFolder: postDeploy/sql-adventureworksentra-tst-cus.database.windows.net/sqlmoveme - task: SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 displayName: Publish sqlmoveme on sql-adventureworksentra-tst-cus.database.windows.net inputs: DeploymentAction: Publish azureSubscription: AzureTstServiceConnection AuthenticationType: servicePrincipal ServerName: sql-adventureworksentra-tst-cus.database.windows.net DatabaseName: sqlmoveme deployType: DacpacTask DacpacFile: $(Agent.BuildDirectory)\sqlmoveme_tst_tst\**\*.dacpac AdditionalArguments: /p:DropObjectsNotInSource=true /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=false DeleteFirewallRule: True In ADO it will look like: We can see the important Deploy Report being created and can confirm that there are Deploy Reports for each environment/region combination: Conclusion With the inclusion of deploy reports we now have the ability to create Azure SQL Deployments that adhere to modern DevOps approaches. We can ensure our environments will be in sync with how we have defined them in source control. By doing this we achieve a higher level of security, confidence in our code, and reduction in shadow data. To learn more on these approaches with SQL Deployments be sure to check out my other blog articles on the topic "SQL Database Series" in "Healthcare and Life Sciences Blog" | Microsoft Community Hub and be sure to follow me on LinkedInPrice reduction and upcoming features for Azure confidential ledger!
Effective March 1, 2025, you can keep your records in Azure confidential ledger (ACL) at the reduced price of ~$3/day per instance! The reduced price is for the computation and the ledger use. The price of any additional storage used will remain unchanged. To tamper protect your records: Automatically create hash (e.g. MD5 or SHA256) of your blob storage data and keep those in Azure confidential ledger. For forensics, you can verify the integrity of the data against the signature in ACL. Imagine doing this as you are migrating data from one system to another, or when you restore archived records from cold storage. It is also valuable when there is a need to protect from insider/administrator risks and confidently report to authorities. If you keep your data in Azure SQL database, you can use their security ledger feature to auto generate record digests and store them in confidential ledger for integrity protection and safeguarding. You can use the SQL stored procedure to verify that no tampering or administrator modifications occurred to your SQL data! In addition, we are announcing the preview of User Defined Functions for Azure confidential ledger. Imagine doing a schema validation before writing data to the Ledger or using pattern matching to identify sensitive information in log messages and perform data massaging to mask it. To increase your awareness, request access for this preview via the sign-up form. Get started by reading our documentation and trying out confidential ledger yourself! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is Azure confidential ledger and what is the change? It is a tamper protected and auditable data store backed by a Merkle tree blockchain structure for sensitive records that require high levels of integrity protection and/or confidentiality. While customers from AI, financial services, healthcare, and supply chain continue to use the ledger for their business transaction’s archival needs and confidential data’s unique identifiers for audit purposes, we are acting on their feedback for scaling ledgers to more of their workloads with a more competitive price! How can I use Azure confidential ledger? - Azure SQL database ledger customers can enable confidential ledger as its trusted digest store to uplevel integrity and security protection posture - Azure customers who use blob storage have found value in migrating their workloads to Azure with a tamper protection check via the Azure confidential ledger Marketplace App. - Azure customers who use data stores and databases (e.g. Kusto, Cosmos, and Log Analytics) may benefit from auditability and traceability of logs being kept in the confidential ledger with new compliance certifications in SOC 2 Type 2 and ISO27001. How much does Azure confidential ledger cost? - Approximately $3/day/ledger _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Resources Explore the Azure confidential ledger documentation Read the blog post on: Integrity protect blob storage Read the blog post on: How to choose between ledger in Azure SQL Database and Azure Confidential Ledger Read the blog post on: Verify integrity of data transactions in Azure confidential ledger View our recent webinar in the Security Community Recent case studies: HB Antwerp & BeekeeperAI567Views0likes0CommentsQuery Help to show record in single row
Hi All, need help with an SQL query. Currently we are getting Start and End BNames on separate rows. DECLARE @tblData TABLE (BName varchar(50), StartDate varchar(10), StartTime varchar(10), EndDate varchar(10), EndTime varchar(10)) INSERT INTO @tblData (BName, StartDate, StartTime) VALUES ('STAT Start','02/20/2025','00:34:02') INSERT INTO @tblData (BName, StartDate, StartTime) VALUES ('STAT End','02/20/2025','00:40:36') INSERT INTO @tblData (BName, StartDate, StartTime) VALUES ('CDS Start','02/20/2025','00:40:38') INSERT INTO @tblData (BName, StartDate, StartTime) VALUES ('CDS End','02/20/2025','00:47:26') INSERT INTO @tblData (BName, StartDate, StartTime) VALUES ('LED Start','02/20/2025','00:40:42') INSERT INTO @tblData (BName, StartDate, StartTime) VALUES ('LED Start','02/20/2025','00:54:28') Current Output: EXPECTED OUTPUT: The EndDate and EndTime I want it displayed in the same row where BName like '% Start' I tried to do this through cursor by updating the EndDate and EndTime, but that is not working. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!80Views0likes6CommentsManaged SQL Deployments Like Terraform
Introduction This is the next post in our series on CI/CD for SQL projects. In this post we will challenge some long held beliefs on how we should manage SQL Deployments. Traditionally we've always had this notion that we should never drop data in any environment. Deployments should almost extensively be done via SQL scripts and manually ran to ensure completion and to prevent any type of data loss. We will challenge this and propose a solution that falls more in line with other modern DevOps tooling and practices. If this sounds appealing to you then let's dive into it. Why We've always approached the data behind our applications as the differentiating factor when it comes to Intellectual Property (IP). No one wants to hear the words that we've lost data or that the data is unrecoverable. Let me be clear and throw a disclaimer on what I am going to propose, this is not a substitute for proper data management techniques to prevent data loss. Rather we are going to look at a way to thread the needle on keeping the data that we need while removing the data that we don't. Shadow Data We've all heard about "shadow IT", well what about "shadow data"? I think every developer has been there. For example, taking a backup of a table/database to ensure we don't inadvertently drop it during a deployment. Heck sometimes we may even go a step further and backup this up into a lower environment. The caveat is that we very rarely ever go back and clean up that backup. We've effectively created a snapshot of data which we kept for our own comfort. This copy is now in an ungoverned, unmanaged, and potentially in an insecure state. This issue then gets compounded if we have automated backups or restore to QA operations. Now we keep amplifying and spreading our shadow data. Shouldn't we focus on improving the Software Delivery Lifecycle (SDLC), ensuring confidence in our data deployments? Let's take it a step further and shouldn't we invest in our data protection practice? Why should we be doing this when we have technology that backs up our SQL schema and databases? Another consideration, what about those quick "hot fixes" that we applied in production. The ones where we changed a varchar() column length to accommodate the size of a field in production. I am not advocating for making these changes in production...but when your CIO or VP is escalating since this is holding up your businesses Data Warehouse and you so happen to have the SQL admin login credentials...stuff happens. Wouldn't it be nice if SQL had a way to report back that this change needs to be accommodated for in the source schema? Again, the answer is in our SDLC process. So, where is the book of record for our SQL schemas? Well, if this is your first read in this series or if you are unfamiliar with source control I'd encourage you to read Leveraging DotNet for SQL Builds via YAML | Microsoft Community Hub where I talk about the importance of placing your database projects under source control. The TL/DR...your database schema definitions should be defined under source control, ideally as a .sqlproj. Where Terraform Comes In At this point I've already pointed out a few instances on how our production database instance can differ from what we have defined in our source project. This certainly isn't anything new in software development. So how does other software development tooling and technologies account for this? Generally, application code simply gets overwritten, and we have backup versions either via release branches, git tags, or other artifacts. Cloud infrastructure can be defined as Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and as such still follow something similar to our application code workflow. There are two main flavors of IaC for Azure: Bicep/ARM and Terraform. Bicep/ARM adheres to an incremental deployment, which has its pros and cons. The quick version is Azure Resource Manager (ARM) deployments will not delete resources that are not defined in its template. Part of this has led to Azure Deployment Stacks which can help enforce resource deletion when it's been removed from a template. If interested in understanding a Terraform workflow I will point you to one of my other posts on the topic. At a high level Terraform evaluates your IaC definition and determines what properties need to be updated, and more importantly, what resources need to be removed. Now how does Terraform do this and more importantly, how can we tell what properties will be updated and/or removed? Terraform has a concept known as a plan. This plan will run your deployment against what is known as the state file, in Bicep/ARM this is the Deployment Stack, and produce a summary of changes that will occur. This includes new resources to be created, modification of existing resources, and deletion of resources previously deployed to the same state file. Typically, I recommend running a Terraform plan across all environments at CI. This ensures one can evaluate changes being proposed across all potential environments and summarize these changes at the time of the Pull Request (PR). I then advise re-executing this plan prior to deployment as a way to confirm/re-evaluate if anything has been updated since the original plan ran. Some will argue the previous plan can be "approved" to deploy to the next environment; however, there is little overhead in running a second plan and I prefer this option. Here's the thing....SQL actually has this same functionality. Deploy Reports Via SqlPackage there is additional functionality we can leverage with our .dacpacs. We are going to dive a little more on Deploy Reports. If you have followed this series, you may know we use the SqlPackage Publish command wrapped behind the SqlAzureDacpacDeployment@1 task. More information on this can be found at Deploying .dapacs to Azure SQL via Azure DevOps Pipelines | Microsoft Community Hub . So, what is a Deploy Report? A Deploy Report is the XML representation of the changes your .dacpac will make to a database. Here is an example of one denoting that there is a risk of potential data loss: This report is the key to our whole argument for modeling a SQL Continuous Integration/Continous Delivery after one that Terraform uses. We already will have a separate .dacpac file, built from the same .sqlproj, for each environment when leveraging pre/post scripts as we saw in Deploying .dacpacs to Multiple Environments via ADO Pipelines | Microsoft Community Hub. So now we need to take each one of those and run a Deploy Report against the appropriate target. This is the same as effectively running a `tf plan` with a different variable file against each environment to determine what actions a Terraform `apply` will execute. These Deploy Reports are then what we will include in our PR approval to validate and approve any changes we will make to our SQL database. Dropping What's Not in Source Control This is the controversial part and the biggest sell in our adoption of a Terraform like approach to SQL deployments. It has long been considered a best practice to have whatever is deployed match what is under source control. This provides for a consistent experience when developing and then deploying across multiple environments. Within IaC, we have our cloud infrastructure defined in source control and deployed across environments. Typically, it is seen as a good practice to delete resources which have been removed from source control. This helps simplify the environment, reduces cost, and reduces potential security surface areas. So why not the same for databases? Typically, it is due to us having the fear of losing data. To prevent this, we should have proper data protection and recovery processes in place. Again, I am not addressing that aspect. If we have those accounted for, then by all means, our source control version of our databases should match our deployed environments. What about security and indexing? Again, this can be accounted for in Deploying .dacpacs to Multiple Environments via ADO Pipelines | Microsoft Community Hub. Where we have two different post deployment security scripts, and these scripts are under source control! How can we see if data loss will occur? Refer back to the Deploy Reports for this! There potentially is some natural hesitation as the default method for deploying a .dacpac has safeguards to prevent deployments in the event of potential data loss. This is not a bad thing as it prevents a destructive activity from automatically occurring; however, we by no means need to accept the default behavior. We will need to refer to SqlPackage Publish - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn. From this list we will be able to identify and explicitly set the value for various parameters. These will enable our package to deploy even in the event of potential data loss. Conclusion This post hopefully challenges the mindset we have when it comes to database deployments. By taking an approach that more closely relates to modern DevOps practices, we can gain confidence that our source control and database match, increased reliability and speed with our deployments, and we are closing potential security gaps in our database deployment lifecycle. This content was not designed to be technical. In our next post we will demo, provide examples, and talk through how to leverage YAML Pipelines to accomplish what we have outlined here. Be sure to follow me on LinkedIn for the latest publications. For those who are technically sound and want to skip ahead feel free to check out my code on my GitHub : https://github.com/JFolberth/cicd-adventureWorks and https://github.com/JFolberth/TheYAMLPipelineOneSQL Cluster Connecting to Linked Server over a firewall.
Hi, Scenario: SQL FCI Cluster --> firewall (stateful) --> SQL Linked Server SQL cluster needs to connect to linked server at the other side of a firewall. Question: What needs to be opened on the firewall? SQL VIP --> SQL VIP or are the cluster node IP's required too? SQL VIP --> SQL VIP Node1 --> SQL VIP Node2 --> SQL VIP Many thanksSolved44Views0likes2CommentsDeadlocks on High Frequency Updates
Using SQL Server 2022, I'm stress testing an UPDATE statement. I'm using a python script to send parallel requests to the database. The problem is that, as soon as the number of parallel requests exceed max_workers_count, 576 in my case, I get multiple errors of the form: ('40001', '[40001] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID 448) was deadlocked on lock | thread resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. (1205) (SQLExecDirectW)') I wasn't able to reproduce the error with less requests than max_workers_count. The UPDATE request is the following: UPDATE dbo.UsersAnswer SET UsersSelectionType = ? WHERE For_Question = ? AND For_Quiz = ? AND FK_Answer = ?; Note that, I've tried with and without (UPDLOCK, ROWLOCK) and (UPDLOCK), but it doesn't change the outcome. Also, the updates are done for the same primary key. Finally, the UsersAnswer table is created as follows: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UsersAnswer]( [For_Question] [smallint] NOT NULL, [For_Quiz] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL, [FK_Answer] [int] NOT NULL, [UsersSelectionType] [tinyint] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_UsersAnswer] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [For_Question] ASC, [For_Quiz] ASC, [FK_Answer] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON, OPTIMIZE_FOR_SEQUENTIAL_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersAnswer] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_UsersAnswer_Answer_FK_Answer] FOREIGN KEY([FK_Answer]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Answer] ([PK_Answer]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersAnswer] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_UsersAnswer_Answer_FK_Answer] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersAnswer] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_UsersAnswer_QQ_For_Question_For_Quiz] FOREIGN KEY([For_Question], [For_Quiz]) REFERENCES [dbo].[QQ] ([FK_Question], [FK_Quiz]) ON DELETE CASCADE GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[UsersAnswer] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_UsersAnswer_QQ_For_Question_For_Quiz] GO Do you have any idea on what could cause the deadlock? The deadlock graph is huge, you can find it here. Thanks for your insights on this.Solved177Views0likes8Comments