Security & Compliance
139 TopicsAIP padlock icon missing in encrypted message
Hi, I have enabled AIP in my tenant along with sensitivity labels and encryption. I can send encrypted messages succesfully however the secure message - which contains a padlock icon referring to a microsoft website - is broken and fails to load. I’ve viewed the source of the message and tried to load the image in my browser. The image failed to load and I believe the image location is not valid anymore. Could you please validate and provide a fix so that the padlock icon loads successfully? Currently the secure message looks like a phishing email and will probably be treated as such.129Views0likes5CommentsPaste Link or Embed Object an encrypted/protected document (Sensitivity Label) causes error.
We are using Microsoft Purview's Built-In Labeling and have defined sensitivity labels. We are noticing that if the excel (or word) document is encrypted/protected with sensitivity labels, they can not be paste linked or embedded into another document (PowerPoint, etc). 2 Behaviors outlined: 1) Insert -> Object -> Create From File will produce an error : Files with restricted permission cannot be inserted into this presentation or 2) If you attempt to paste link to encrypted document (ex. excel), the option to paste link to Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object is missing. The only option is a hyperlink. A nuance - in a situation where excel was not labeled and paste linked into a PowerPoint, if the excel was later encrypted/protected, the link stays in place. That is, if you update the excel, it will update Power point (example) The error seems to only occur if the excel is encrypted/protected prior to be paste linked. Has anyone experienced this and is there a fix?1.1KViews1like3CommentsService Trust Portal no longer support Microsoft Account (MSA) access
Dear all, We need to access certain documents (i.e., SOC 2 or ISO 27xxx) on the Service Trust Portal. To download documents you need to be signed in first. However, when I click on "sign in" (using the same email/account as for our azure account) I get the error message "Service Trust Portal no longer support Microsoft Account (MSA) access." (see screenshot below). It seems that I am not the only one since other users had similar issues but they also could not find a solution (or at least it was not mentioned in their post): I have been trying this now since more than a week and also created a support ticket (which has not been assigned to a support agent yet). It is quite cumbersome and I hope some of you could have an idea since getting these documents is quite crucial for us.1.7KViews0likes5Comments[Solved] Allow PIN support for Windows 10 devices
I want to allow my Windows 10 1909 (Hyper-V VM) to be able to use PIN for sign ins. I have created a non-administrator account and joined my VM during Windows installation to the AAD from the start. I also configured this for PIN policy in Windows 10 in Azure portal - Intune I created a group in Intune and put my VM device + User into that. then I assigned this profile that I created for PIN to that group. added my administrator user as the group owner. I've also read this article: still, in my Windows 10 account settings, there is no sign of PIN. i've waited 2 hours, synced my device from AAD portal and also from Windows settings to receive the latest policies. still nothing. I'm running out of clues that why this is not working. any ideas? Thanks in advanceSolved16KViews0likes5CommentsUpdate App Registration Client Secret Using Microsoft Graph REST API v1.0
Hello, I have a customer who wants to set the App registration Client Secret to 1 year. Here are the customer's requirements: For existing application registrations under ‘Certificates & Secrets’ pane, any new secrets added by owners should have the duration limited to one year. If the owner tries to set the duration greater than one year and clicks ‘Add’ button, the action should not be allowed with proper error displayed. The same behavior should also be applicable to new application registration specific secrets. It should not impact any existing secret that is present (greater or less than one year) for current application registrations. We need a way to enable and disable the global policy in case we want to disable it if something doesn’t work as expected. We don’t want to impact anything else wrt application registrations or anything in service principles. Based on the article you shared; Microsoft Entra application management policy API overview - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn Below is the script we are trying to use to add the global policy and set as default policy with isEnabled = true. As we cannot test in a different tenant, can you please confirm the snippet below will work for the above requirements? MgPolicyAppManagementPolicy | select * $policy = @{ "displayName" = "Enforce Max Lifetime for Secrets" "description" = "Policy to enforce a maximum lifetime of 1 year for any new secrets." "applicationRestrictions" = @{ "passwordCredentials" = @{ "maxLifetime" = "P365D" # ISO 8601 duration format for 1 year } } } New-MgPolicyAppManagementPolicy -BodyParameter $policy Update-MgPolicyDefaultAppManagementPolicy -id <ABOVE_POLICY_ID -IsEnabled $true I tried to test it in my own tenant, but I ran to a permission issue. Can someone please confirm if this snippet works against the customer's requirements? Thanks.192Views0likes4CommentsFormer Employer Abuse
My former employer, Albert Williams, president of American Security Force Inc., keeps adding my outlook accounts, computers and mobile devices to the company's azure cloud even though I left the company more than a year ago. What can I do to remove myself from his grip? Does Microsoft have a solution against abusive employers?43Views0likes0CommentsHow to Protect Subdomain from DDoS Attacks when using API Management Basic
Dear Tech Community , I am using Azure API Management (APIM Basic) in external mode and without VNet integration, meaning my API instance is publicly accessible through the default subdomain. I'm also using a custom domain but the default domain still remains aktive. I am concerned about potential DDoS attacks and want to secure this subdomain. I am considering using Azure Front Door to filter the traffic and leverage its Web Application Firewall (WAF) for enhanced protection. Could you please clarify the following: Is it possible to fully protect the API subdomain ( via Azure Front Door or other products, ensuring no traffic bypasses Front Door and directly reaches the original APIM domain? What additional configurations, such as IP filtering or header validation, are required to restrict access so that only traffic routed through Azure Front Door reaches the APIM domain? Given that API Management without VNet integration doesn’t support DDoS Protection Standard, what are the best practices for DDoS protection in this scenario? Could you recommend any additional steps or configurations to ensure that all DDoS and security measures are effectively implemented? Thank you for your support. Best regards MichaelSolved302Views0likes3CommentsOath hardware token
Hi All, I just received my hardware tokens to set up for a few users in our organization that do not have access to company mobile devices. I have uploaded the .csv files with the required information in our Azure portal and it successfully uploaded. I am not able to activate the token, it keeps failing but I’m not sure why and I don’t really get a reason. Is there a clearer way to set this up or do I need to enable something before I set this up. I would like this set up before the end of the week, any help is appreciated. Thanks,4.9KViews0likes9Comments