5 TopicsMicrosoft Business Application Modern Consultant Program - Cohort 4 is around the corner
Dear Partners, we're glad to inform you about the continuation of our Modern Consultant Program. Please find more information and next step instructions for Cohort 4 here: Cohort 4 Program Overview: Link Partner Application form: https://forms.office.com/r/6umGqKPLRx Details, dates and registration page for participants: Microsoft Business Applications Modern Consultant Program – Fast Lane (flane.ch)Swiss DCs Partner Update Call June 2023 & Info Moving Forward
Please find attached the pdf slides and recording from Friday's partner Swiss DCs update call. Main info covered: New Public Customer Stories PwC Switzerland using Azure, M365 and security solutions Vaudoise extending the partnership with Azure, M365 and D365 in Swiss DCs Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes now GA in Switzerland North Azure Virtual Network Manager in Switzerland North and West Ultra Disks now available in 2 AZs in Switzerland North – under NDA: 3rd AZ also planned Azure Web PubSub in Switzerland West (already available in North before) Azure SignalR in Switzerland West (already available in North before) Update Management Center now deployed for Arc-enabled servers in Switzerland North Dynatrace SaaS exclusively on Azure in Switzerland with local data residency Azure VMware Solution AVS – NDA updates Please approach me if your customers have a need for further workloads in Swiss DCs Dynamics 365 Push Notifications in D365 Marketing enabled as a private preview with June release, send us an organization ID to unlock the push notification feature Next Calls After four years monthly calls, switching cadence to one call per quarter Next call will be end of September Will send new invite to participants who joined at least one call in the last 12 months Reach out to primo.amrein@microsoft.com if you'd like to join as wellBusiness Applications Licensing Training for Partner / 31st of May 2023
I'm excited to announce that we will have another session of our Licensing Training on the 31st of May. Capacity is (as always) limited, ensure to block your seat as soon as possible. Agenda and registration are available here: Microsoft Events