Task Module
4 TopicsSend details from adaptive card to task module
I am opening a dialog from the adaptive card action button with the help of the task module in the team's bot. I also need to pass on information from the adaptive card to the task module dialog. How can I send that? Kindly help me on this806Views0likes5CommentsIs it possible to configure a task module pop-up to appear immediately when a bot command is entered
Hi, I created a simple Bot. This Bot provides a command to create comments on tickets for specific 3rd party services. The current operation method is as follows. 1. botname addcomment subject When entering comment_description, the API of the 3rd party service is called and a comment is created with the entered subject / description. I want this to pop up a task module with a "Send" button after entering the subject / description when entering the botname addcomment However, from what I have confirmed so far, it seems that in order to launch the task module, you can only open the task module pop-up by entering the first command to launch adaptivecard and then clicking the button in adaptivecard. Is there any way to solve this? Thanks.842Views0likes2Comments[Bot Builder 4.0 SDK] Teams Task module not showing up HTML page
I am trying to load an HTML page using the task module, as suggested under https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/task-modules-and-cards/what-are-task-modules#task-module-samples When the user clicks an action button, the task module opens up but HTML is not getting loaded inside it. "actions": [ { "type": "Action.Submit", "title": "dasdas", "data": { "msteams": { "type": "task/fetch" }, "data": "dasdas" } } ] Getting error as "Unable to reach app. Please try again." Using the below code I am trying to set the HTML page. const htmlPageUrl = 'https://637c-27-7-******.ngrok-free.app/error.html'; await context.sendActivity({ value: { status: 200, body: { task: { type: 'continue', value: { title: 'My Page', height: 400, width: 600, url: htmlPageUrl, }, } }, }, type: 'invokeResponse' }); If I use the below code snippet, then the error "Unable to reach app. Please try again." is not seen but the popup is empty. await context.sendActivity({ value: { status: 200, body: '' }, type: 'invokeResponse' }); Please share any pointers to get it working. Thank you.Solved1.2KViews1like1CommentHow do I allow a user to trigger a task module from an adaptive card in the compose area?
I have a teams bot which responds to search queries via a messaging extensions and allows the user to embed card responses in messages and teams. I have reworked it from making use of thumbnail cards to make use of adaptive cards to leverage the ability to trigger Task modules from them so that I can make a popup web view appear when the user clicks the button. This all works fine while the user is clicking the button on the card after it has been posted as a chat or channel reply. The issue is that while the card is still in either the command bar or the compose window, prior to the user copying it or posting their message, the button which triggers the task module does not work. It is also worth noting that the other buttons present on the card which are AdaptiveOpenUrlActions work as expected in both the compose window and the posted message. This is the C# code I am using to add the button to my Adaptive Card: actions.Add(new AdaptiveSubmitAction() { Title = "View", Data = new PreviewTaskModel() { DocumentId = result.Metadata.Id, ContentSourceId = result.Metadata.ContentSourceId } }); My question is: Is this intended functionality? If so does making use of DeepLinking work around this issue?Solved2.6KViews0likes11Comments