Tips & Tricks
21 TopicsMS Teams Screen Freezes when Screenshare
Hello, I am a student and recently got a new laptop with Window's 11. My School uses MS Teams for our online lectures. I have no issues accessing logging on to the meeting, however when anyone presents their screen, the screen on my end freezes. No other students in the meeting have this issue, and audio is still live. Team's itself is still running (its doesn't crash, I can still see the comments, etc.), just the screen where my professor is presenting content is completely frozen. I've restarted and ended the program on task manager and no luck. Are there any current work arounds? I have seen some similar issues on forums.3.4KViews0likes1CommentDisconnect Microsoft Teams calendar from Outlook calendar
I work with a group of 170 students and recently began using the calendar feature as a way to publish events for the group. Some of these events are applicable to all members. Some events are applicable to some members. I am now seeing all of these events on my outlook calendar, and I am sure our group is too. Is there a way to disconnect this Teams calendar from Outlook calendars?26KViews0likes4CommentsGuest User Switching Organizations
Student (Guest) users don’t see the option to switch organizations when they click on the link to the Team in the browser because the cache doesn’t recognize that they have “Guest” privileges. They don’t have the option to choose a different organization because they are already logged in with their e-mail. They get put in a weird kind of purgatory. The only easy solution I’ve found (because I’m not walking students through cache clearing) is to get them to open an incognito browser and copy and paste the link. Even then, we still run into issues. When they aren’t logged in properly, they don’t have the ability to type in chat or see the chat. They can’t participate in polls for extra credit. This was a common problem in Teams in 2020-2021, so I’m just wondering if it’s been resolved.511Views0likes0CommentsMicrosoft Teams Android App Video Sharing Not Working
Im a Lecturer at a School who uses my Samsung Tablet for my Lectures Because or Covid19 prevention i.e wfh. Unfortunately we are required to use MS Teams only for said Lectures. To my utter surprise, having a lot of expectations for "Logical" computer company like microsoft, the Video Share option for MS Teams App on my Samsung is not working. I have a video saved on my one drive and I also uploaded a video on the MS Teams Team Files and Channel. After joining/starting the meeting, I immediately clicked on the Share Icon(Box with Arrow Up) and then clicked on Share Video option. It would then take me to window with 3 options on the bottom of the window namely: Files, Photo, Video. The Video Option is actually Sharing your video through your phone or Tablet Camera. Obviously theres no use for that in my lecture. Which leaves us with the File option, of course expecting that we can access our local android files or One Drive files. I click on the files option then it only gave me with 2 folder options. These are Onedrive and Teams and Channels. When I went into those folders, i cannot access any videos at all. Microsoft What the hell? Really? So I tried to find an alternative. I figured maybe I can use Share screen and play the video from my Tablet instead. I wasnt able to do it from my gallery, I have to use VLC. The video played but with no Audio. I mean again Microsoft what the hell? Really? For a company that creates computer, which you would expect to be logical, this is very disappointing. Why the hell can we not just play a freakien video when you created that freaken option? Why? Why? Why? Does anyone here know any work around this?3KViews0likes1CommentFrequent freezing up of Teams
My daughter uses Teams for joining her online school classes and half-way through the 30 minute class, the video and generally, the laptop freezes and the laptop needs to be force shut down. This happens almost during every class on the day, leading to a very interrupted learning experience. While there was no such observation on other online collaboration tools, the problem only seems with MS Teams. I've even tried upgrading the RAM from 4GB to 12 GB, but to no avail. I've also tried clearing cache as per one of the online forum suggestions from 2019. Appreciate if anyone can please help on this.640Views0likes0CommentsHiding Team Members details in a Class Team
Hi all Just wondering if anyone can help! We have set class teams up and added students with a company email address, however, we do not want the students to be able to see who else is a member of that team and their email addresses due to DP - is there anyway these can be 'hidden'? Thanks in advance. June1.1KViews0likes1CommentPlanning outreach activities for students - safeguarding restrictions
Hi there, I am Outreach Officer for Plymouth Marjon University (UK) and my role is to give information and guidance to students about their future studies, oppurtunities and provide with attainment raising activities. We have moved everything online to include working with students. I am trying to organise event for students who would apply from multiple of schools and colleges aged 15-16. We would much rather use MS Teams (instead of LIVE) as we want to talk and have virtual interactions via discussions, quizzes, games and breakout rooms. We are aiming to deliver this across multiple days (multiple meetings). We do have however some concerns about safeguarding, we would need to have following controls in place for this to proceed; 1. Students must not see other participants surnames - is this something that can be restricted in Information Barriers? Or can students surnames simply be typed as initial in Active Directory? E.g. Adam Smith would be Adam S ? 2. Student interacting with other students during of after meeting - I have read that there are Information Barriers - would those apply to a specific meeting or a team? To make those IBs work, would you suggest creating a team with all of those students or would simply having MS Teams meeting invitations work? "Information barriers applies to Microsoft Teams (chats and channels), SharePoint Online and OneDrive. In Microsoft Teams, information barrier policies determine and prevent the following kinds of unauthorized communications: Searching for a user Adding a member to a team Starting a chat session with someone Starting a group chat Inviting someone to join a meeting Sharing a screen Placing a call Sharing a file with another user Access to file through sharing link" Is there anything else anyone would suggest to create safe learning enviroment, or anyone that has been working with students to share any best practice? Much appriciated Maciej813Views0likes0Comments