39 TopicsRuntime Broker - Consuming lots of memory.
Hello All, I have developed a UWP app years ago to download and store files and sync data from a service of mine. This application has been stable and working without issues for long time, however a recent change in the behaviour of the solution has meant it's almost continually streaming data from the service and a side effect of that means the runtime broker is consuming so much memory the system grinding to a halt, even stopping the traffic doesn't free the memory. Is there any way I can debug what is happening with this RuntimeBroker or understand why this is happening?179Views0likes0CommentsSecure Data Storage for WinUI application
UWP being a sandboxed application had a way to save data using PasswordVault/Credential Manager, but WinUI doesn't offer the same level of security since other apps can access the data. DPAPI also doesn't provide a good way to protect the data as any app running in the same User Context can unprotect it. Adding entropy helps, but where do I store the entropy? Can somebody help me understand the mechanism for storing data securely in Windows App SDK?280Views0likes0CommentsUnique Device Identifier in MAUI
I am looking for a way to get a device identifier in NET MAUI that is cross platform compliant between Android/iOS/Windows. I originally had this code working in Xamarin Forms with the following: Android Context context = Application.Context; id = Settings.Secure.GetString(context.ContentResolver, Settings.Secure.AndroidId); iOS UIDevice.CurrentDevice.IdentifierForVendor.AsString().Replace("-", ""); Is there anything currently or planned in the future for use in NET MAUI. Thanks In Advance, Stuart Ferguson11KViews3likes1CommentIntegrate the Microsoft.BingAds.UETSdk into our UWP product
Hello, We are currently trying to integrate the UET (Universal Event Tracking) SDK ([Microsoft.BingAds.UETSdk](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.BingAds.UETSdk)) into our UWP product. We have been following the documentation closely, but we encounter an issue as soon as we implement the step "Import all of the .NET Native / CoreCLR props" from [this guide](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/advertising/guides/windows-app-uet-sdk?view=bingads-13#cpluspluswinrt). After adding this step, when we attempt to submit our UWP package to the Windows Store, we receive the error: "You cannot submit pre-compiled .NET Native packages." For testing purposes, we created an entirely blank project and followed the instructions step by step: 1. Blank project (UetTestBlank.rar and UetTestBlank_1.0.60.0_x86_x64_arm_arm64) - successfully submitted to the Windows Store. 2. Added only the .dll without modifying project settings (UetTestUetPkgOnly_1.0.60.0_x86_x64_arm.appxbundle and UetTestUetPkgOnly.rar) - successfully submitted to the Windows Store. 3. Modified the project by adding "Import all of the .NET Native / CoreCLR props" (UetTestUetPkgWithProjectFileMod.rar and UetTestUetPkgWithProjectFileMod_1_0_60_0_x86_x64_arm_arm64_appxbundle) - submission failed with the error: UetTestUetPkgWithProjectFileMod_1_0_60_0_x86_x64_arm_arm64_appxbundle 3.2 MB, "Package acceptance validation error: You cannot submit pre-compiled .NET Native packages. Please upload the Microsoft Store appxupload file and try again." You can find all the project files here: [Dropbox link](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/d6hr4k24z7sybzg6172r6/AOqBb_2zMBUPCuKgxrmbwhU?rlkey=1pzpak1l1aqcwuejapmmllpid&st=o2wmzce5&dl=0) Could there be any inaccuracies in the documentation, or does anyone have experience working with this library who could provide some guidance or examples? Thank you!239Views0likes0CommentsHow to add attachements to new outlook programmatically?
Hello, We have developped C# UWP application that send an email with attachement file through Courier app and its work fine). Our customers migrate from Courier to New Outlook and our programs still open New Outlook mail message with Recipient, Subject, and body, but attachement files not appears ! Default Mail App - is New Outlook Do you have any ideas to add attachement to new outlook ? We use the following code : protected async void SendMail(Email mail) { try { var emailMessage = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMessage(); emailMessage.AllowInternetImages = true; emailMessage.To.Add(new Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailRecipient(mail.Destinataire)); emailMessage.Subject = mail.Sujet; emailMessage.Body = mail.Corps; var stream = Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromFile(mail.fichier); var attachment = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailAttachment(fichier.Name, stream); emailMessage.Attachments.Add(attachment); await Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(emailMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { } } Regards, Thibaud252Views0likes0CommentsUWP package does not start after uploading to store .appxupload
Hi, I'm currently new to the forums here, took me a while to find a place that somewhat matched my topic, hoping this is the correct area to post. I'm having an issue with my UWP submission, in which the game does not start after uploading to the store. For context, I've been developing games for a while now, and had published a variety of UWP games on Xbox and Desktop, but I haven't published a UWP game in roughly 1-2 years. I use Unity 2022.2.17f1 to create the visual studio package, and I have been able to create the package through the VS solution using VS 2022, in which it passes app certification and the application runs on my xbox dev center when testing the package. However, after uploading the package to the store, the application doesn't start and automatically gets redirected to the home page. All Xbox devices among my friends and I have the same result, in which this happens on the Xbox One, Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X. I'm not sure what to look at here, don't know why the application runs fine before uploading, but not after. I suspect it has something to do with the VS solution, but I don't know what to look at here. And the application is set to run on both Desktop and Xbox, so the device families should be correct. Any help would be much appreciated thanks!Solved481Views0likes1CommentMinecraft Education installed but not startable
I've deployed Minecraft Education (UWP) with the Endpoint Manager (New Microsoft Store). It showed installed in the Company portal, but the app cannot be found in the start menu? I don't have problems with other apps from the new Microsoft Store. Im currently running Windows 11 on my test system. Update: I've tested this on another (Windows 10) system and its working normally as expected. Maybe its not supported yet for Windows 11?805Views0likes0Comments关于Microsoft Defender对VisualBasic.Net编写的软件报毒问题
大家好,我之前使用VS2019写过 VB.net 程序,该程序使用了Winform框架,除了导入了system.data.sqlite之外,其余任何组件都是使用的winform自带的组件,没有使用第三方库,并且仅仅只是一个数据库查询以及创建窗体的功能,将它编译好后,在打开时Microsoft Defender对其报毒(Trojan.xxx.A.xx)了,并且它不是每次打开都会报毒,是偶尔报一次毒,这对我的体验很不好,我无法找到它报毒的原因,请问这应该怎么解决?或者说我在写代码时应该注意什么以避免此问题。期待收到大家的回复,非常感谢917Views1like0CommentsHow to allow Kerberos authentication on SQL Express?
A self signed certificate has been installed on SQL Express but the WinUI UWP app still will not connect. The server log says: > SQL Server is attempting to register a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server service. Kerberos authentication will not be possible until a SPN is registered for the SQL Server service. This is an informational message. No user action is required. I am not able to connect to SQL Express with the Inventory.Sample. Inventory Sample on GitHub Putting "TrustServerCertificate=True" at the end of the connection string fails. This connection string works in a console app to test ado connection "using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;". string connString = @"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=VanArsdelDb;Integrated Security=SSPI;TrustServerCertificate=True;"; The app and SQL Express are both on the same box.863Views0likes0CommentsProblems with creating a local build of a UWP project
Hi, there are some unknown problems with the local build of the UWP project. I am using visual studio 2022 with the latest version. When trying to create a build in the Release Version, I get the following errors shown in the screenshot. What could be the reasons for this?408Views0likes1Comment