User Adoption
462 TopicsM365 Roadmap Management
Wondering if others have tips & tricks on how they stay up to date with the M365 Roadmap site? I find it tedious to stay on top of all the features being announced, switching launch phases, moving target dates, and so on. I was hoping to use the RSS feed in a PowerBI Dashboard or find a solution in Planner similar to syncing the Admin Centre messages, and after some quick searches online could not find an example of anyone doing something similar. I was hoping any members of this community may be able to shed some light on how they approach the roadmap site and what tools if any they use to manage the constant influx of information? TIA!208Views2likes5CommentsAbility to send an email to Planner and create a Task
Is this on the roadmap? Our organization is starting to lose the battle of using Planner instead of Trello, pretty much because of the sole feature that Trello allows you to send an email to a specific email address and it will automatically create a Task. It is quite a simple model: Email Subject = Task Title Email Body = Task Description Email Attachments = Task Attachments This would be a massive win for adoption. Looks like this is the entry with the most votes, but there are about 100 of them that individually are asking for the same/similar functionality: of thumb for number of champions
Wondering if anyone uses or knows of a heuristic for determining the ideal number of champions for Teams adoption or any other app. I assume number of users would be the denominator. Maybe nuances like use cases and scenarios for Teams use come into play. Would appreciate any thoughts on this.411Views3likes2CommentsCreate a Power query or Dax to find Open Status more than 1 hour
Hi Team, I have the door table Here I want to find that whether door is being open continuously(having open status & not closed) for more than 1 hour for each DeviceId. Data Description: The Status column shows whether door is open or Closed. CreatedOn column shows time duration. DeviceId column shows Deviceid. My first requirement is: We need to add the minutes(createdon) between each row for same deviceid where the status = open. But where a status = closed (if closed comes in between open) we reset the number of minutes. So we sum by the previous value where status = Open - Something like If current status = open and previous status = open then sum the time and do the below: Sum(previous value + new sum) Where/if status = closed set time count = 0 Sum(previous value + new sum) is going to take into account only the consecutive open status >60 min for same divice id whenever status is closed, this Sum(previous value + new sum) will be reset to/equal to 0 So on the first open status, the count will be 0. Then the next open status it will be time between 2 open statuses, then on the third it will be the time between two open statuses add the previous time.but any close status then time is reset. Could you please help me with a power query logic/dax logic? Second Requirement: This is only a sample data. But we have billions of rows of data in our dataflow that comes from SQL views. So, thought not to use DAX for this calculation in future. we can precalculate the maximum open state duration by preprocessing data (SQL, Power Query(dataflow), Spark, anything else...). So can you help me prepare data upfront. we need to solve the problem with a with a proper data model. for example, create a table with the longest open events upfront (in whatever technique you are comfortable with) Could you please help me to achieve this? PFA file here B&M.pbix Thanks in advance!Solved196Views0likes9Commentssolver
The new version of solver add-in (denoted with new shortcut icon) was automatically inserted in my copy of Office 365 about a week ago. I figured out how to access the pre-existing version and have been able to verify that it continues to work as expected, using a simple EXCEL example. When I try running the same example using the new version of SOLVER, the problem becomes unsolveable. Is anyone at MS aware of this issue? I tried raising the issue via the Community link and have seen nothing new in the way of response. I would like to communicate with someone at MS who I can discuss this issue with, I am reachable at 970-657-2219 or at email address removed for privacy reasons697Views1like1CommentImbed File as text
Hi, I would like to know if there is a possibility to imbed a file into Excel in text like URL link but instead link it to the path the text itself contains the file I know the object option but it looks ugly and its to big to stay pretty like an Attach file to cell text :)30Views1like2CommentsWhat do you think of thunks?
OK, so the most likely response by far is going to be "I don't". However, I tried one of Omid Motamedisedeh's regular challenges and found it a suitable problem for exploring some of the lesser known byways of modern Excel. The challenge is to pick out locally maximum values from a rolling range. What I did was to write a function that used MAP to select one cell at a time, using DROP to remove the initial cells and TAKE to return a range of 5 cells with the active cell in the middle. The direct route to solving the stated problem would be to calculate the maximum value within each range immediately, but I was interested in the more general problem of "could I return the array of ranges in a form that would support further analysis?" As shown, the following formula ROLLINGRANGEλ = LAMBDA(values, n, LET( rows, SEQUENCE(ROWS(values)), MAP(rows, LAMBDA(k, LET( m, QUOTIENT(n, 2), rng, TAKE(DROP(values, k - m - 1), MIN(k + m, n)), rng ) ) ) ) ); gives and array of ranges error, but simply by enclosing the 'rng' variable within a further LAMBDA ... LET( m, QUOTIENT(n, 2), rng, TAKE(DROP(values, k - m - 1), MIN(k + m, n)), LAMBDA(rng) ) will cause Excel to return an array of functions, each one of which would return a range if evaluated. In the attached workbook, a number of formulae are based upon this array of functions = ROLLINGRANGEλ(dataValues, 5) = MAP(ROLLINGRANGEλ(dataValues, 5), LAMBDA(ϑ, ROWS(ϑ()))) = MAP(ROLLINGRANGEλ(dataValues, 5), LAMBDA(ϑ, ISREF(ϑ()))) = MAP(ROLLINGRANGEλ(dataValues, 5), LAMBDA(ϑ, AVERAGE(ϑ()))) = MAP(ROLLINGRANGEλ(dataValues, 5), dataValues, LAMBDA(ϑ,v, MAX(ϑ()))) = LET( rollingMax, MAP(ROLLINGRANGEλ(dataValues, 5), LAMBDA(ϑ, MAX(ϑ()))), FILTER(Data, rollingMax=dataValues) ) The first simply returns #CALC! errors on the worksheet which is the normal response to a Lambda function defined on the grid. The second formulas uses ROWS to show that the ranges are not all the same size, the third shows the returned objects to be range references and not simply arrays of numbers, the forth is a rolling average while the fifth is a rolling MAX. The final formula returns the solution to the problem, being a filtered list. The purpose of this post is to demonstrate that Excel, which started out as a 'simple' spreadsheet program, now contains a very different programming environment that shares a function library and uses the grid for input/output but, other than that, has very little in common with 'normal' spreadsheet practice! A related survey can be found at 18Views0likes1Comment
Dax measure not considering the filter context and not aggregating
Hi, I have the below visual and highlighted Dax is having problem: Below is Dax: noofdays = COUNTROWS(Calendar_) For the below selected filters, noofdays dax should display 60 for month of September 2024 and 62 for month of October 2024. The total aggregate value should be 122 days. But this dax is giving wrong values now. FYI, when I bring in DBName-Points_Id into the visual,it is giving correct values row by row but when removed it doesn't: FYR, My expected output should be like below: PFA file here Portfolio Performance - v2.15 (1).pbix Please let me know if you need further info! Thanks in advance! SergeiBaklan152Views0likes7Comments