3 TopicsCloud Champion: Microsofts innovative Lernplattform
Der Herbst steht vor der Tür und die kürzer werdenden Tage bieten die optimale Gelegenheit, sich weiterzubilden. Auf Cloud Champion haben Sie Zugang zu zahlreichen kostenlosen Inhalten, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Microsoft Geschäft auszubauen. Schließen Sie sich mehr als 200 teilnehmenden Partnern an, die bereits von Cloud Champion profitieren und bleiben Sie über aktuelle Microsoft Produkte und Themen informiert. Registrieren Sie sich!404Views0likes0CommentsWebinar: Microsoft Commerce Updates - NCE, FX adjustments
Save the date: June 13 | 15:00 CEST As Microsoft keeps evolving its commercial platform, join us for an update on the latest news. We will walk through some of the latest announcements for new features, but also share some of the roadmap ahead for both the CSP NCE order platform and the latest news on our FX strategy. The session will be run by Christian Moser and we will ensure you have time to ask your questions during the session. Register now290Views0likes0CommentsJoin us for the Windows 365 Partner Opportunity Webinar on June 1st
With increasingly flexible workforces, rigorous security and compliance requirements, and diverse environments, businesses need the right end-user computing solutions more than ever. For Microsoft partners, this opens an opportunity to resell and include value added services to Windows 365 to help businesses while driving recurring revenue and practice growth. Join Microsoft and our guests from Forrester for an overview of the recent study “The Partner Opportunity for Windows 365”, a commissioned Total Economic Impact™ Partner Opportunity Analysis conducted by Forrester Consulting. In this 45-minute session, we will cover: The Windows 365 partner journey and Forrester TEI study findings. Analysis of partner revenue streams through resale, professional services, and partner investments. Customer costs savings through enabling Cloud PCs. How partners can position the value of Windows 365 to customers → Join us June 1st to learn more about the Windows 365 Partner Opportunity -- Register Today → Download the Forrester Total Economic Impact - Windows 365 Partner Opportunity Study at aka.ms/W365PartnerTEI → Find more partner resources for Windows 365 at aka.ms/W365partnerportal & aka.ms/NextGenWindowsPartner505Views0likes0Comments