Windows client
1 TopicMac RD Client 10.3.12 Broken for WVD - no workspaces found for email address
Hi all, I've deployed several WVD using Powershell in different tenants. I have a few mac users and the latest Mac RD client does not work - it broke after an update a few months back and hasn't been fixed. If you go to workspaces, add workspace, type in the user's email address, it throws an error: No workspace is associated with this email address. The Windows client still works, as does the web client. I can't find any info online - I guess there aren't many mac users logging in to Azure hosted WVDs! Has anybody else out there experienced the same? I wonder whether this coincides with the new GUI tools in Azure which don't appear to work with WVD hostpools previously deployed via Powershell. Original post: