36 TopicsNew Microsoft Learning Tools teacher training resources for reading, writing, math and communication
As more and more educators learn about the Microsoft Learning Tools across reading, writing, math and communication, the demand for high quality, easy-to-use, and fast professional development and training has grown. To help schools more readily take advantage of the free and inclusive tools that are available to all, we've put together a set of tools for help, support and our 4 new interactive training guides :hundred_points: Built-in, mainstream, non-stigmatizing, and free!12KViews1like1CommentMatter WakeUp System AI - Intel OpenVino Gestures and local models
Welcome to our blog, where we present our work on the WakeUp System AI, triggers with AI for assisting patients on the bedside. This blog will present the project overview and journey, including the different triggers we developed, the results and outcomes, a section on the evaluation of the system with stakeholders, lessons learned, future development and calls for action. This project is important as it will give patients the ability to have more autonomous control of their environment, reducing the number of calls made to staff, and allowing them to focus more on emergency situations and services. A key part of the project is the integration of Matter, a new application layer connectivity protocol for smart home devices.1.4KViews0likes0CommentsGetting Started documentation and videos for partners using Azure Immersive Reader
Today we launched The Azure Immersive Reader, to enable people of all abilities with reading. The Immersive Reader can be easily and quickly integrated into all app (Win10, iOS, Android), sites, or content providers. For partners or developers interested in getting started, we have a set of helpful resources you can use to get up and running.19KViews4likes3CommentsNew updates for Dictate, including voice commands in Word in the web and mobile
Just recently, it was announced that voice commands are available for Dictate in Word. In this post we will cover some tips and tricks on how to use these commands and other recent updates the next time you are brainstorming, creating an outline, authoring content, or giving feedback!10KViews1like2CommentsRevolutionizing Accessibility: The Power of Facial Navigation Technology
Imagine that one of your colleagues lost arm mobility due to an accident, and now they are wondering how they will go back to their work. What if I could tell you that they will be able to use Teams and much more as they did before…1.4KViews2likes0CommentsUCL MotionInput v3.2: Equitable Computing for Public Health, Ageing and Physical Conditions
As physical abilities decline with old age or physical illness, and general population health deals with obesity and sedentary lifestyles both at work and at home, some technology interactions become out of reach and change. Users adopt the best methods for interactivity available, making the most of technology with the physical capabilities they have. Smart devices have reduced accessibility complexities in some cases, such as finding news and communicating, however, more can be done in examining the changing extent of user capabilities, those with reduced or reduced physical capabilities, and using combinations of those abilities as human-computer interactions. This project reports on development work in progress in response to user requirements collected in 2022 from UK and International charities. We present a work-in-progress engineering and feature update (v3.2) to our software engine within the field of touchless computing that now takes into account several conditions, and using combinations of AI, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision and Interaction Design, we form new combinations of inputs to existing software and games. These allow accessibility to applications to be made even further interactive and useful to an even wider audience, without modification to the original software.2.5KViews0likes0CommentsBringing Immersive Reader to Excel for the web
We’re excited to announce that Immersive Reader is now available in Excel for the web! Immersive Reader lets you customize your reading experience to be most comfortable to you, resulting in increased reading speed, increased comprehension, and fewer errors while reading.3.9KViews0likes0CommentsBuilding An Accessible Application with Power Platform
As a low code platform, Microsoft’s Power Platform offers a variety of simple ways for you to design apps and make them accessible. Using a simple quiz app (made using Power Apps) connected to Microsoft Excel, let us go through some digital accessibility UI tips!4.4KViews3likes3Comments