always on
5 TopicsSetting up SQL Managed Instance Link to an Availability Group
On a recent case, a customer was trying to set up SQL Managed Instance Link to partner with an on premise Always On Availability Group (AG). Using the public documentation will work, but this will only be active against the primary node and a failover will cause the database on the managed instance side to stop syncing. This post will be using steps from the following documents. Prepare your environment for a link - Azure SQL Managed Instance Configure link with scripts - Azure SQL Managed Instance The steps to set this up are below Create a database master key on your AG nodes Enabling trace flags on your AG nodes (Optional) Testing network connectivity between your SQL Managed Instance and the AG Create certificates on your AG nodes Import AG certificate public keys to your SQL Managed Instance Import the certificate public key of your SQL Managed Instance to your AG nodes Import Azure-trusted root certificate authority keys to your AG nodes Alter the mirroring endpoint on your AG nodes Create a distributed availability group on your AG Set up the managed Instance Link Create a database master key You first need to create a master encryption key on all nodes of your AG if it does not already exist. You can check if it exists by running this query. -- Run on SQL Server USE master; GO SELECT * FROM sys.symmetric_keys WHERE name LIKE '%DatabaseMasterKey%'; If no results are returned, run this query, keep note of the passwords in a confidential and secure place. -- Run on SQL Server -- Create a master key USE master; GO CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '<strong_password>'; Enabling trace flags on your AG nodes (Optional) To optimise the performance of your link, we recommend enabling the trace flags T1800 and T9567 on all of your nodes. Instructions on this are here and will require a restart of the service. Testing network connectivity between your SQL Managed Instance and the AG Instructions on how to run the connectivity tests can be found here, and can be done by SSMS or T-SQL. For these tests, your SQL Managed Instance will need to be able to connect to your Mirror endpoint using the IP of your availability group. All nodes of your AG will need to be able to connect to ports 5022 and 11000-11999 on the subnet of your SQL Managed Instance. Create certificates on your AG nodes On each node, run the query below to create a certificate. You can alter your @cert_expiry_date variable to a date that suits you. -- Create the SQL Server certificate for the instance link USE MASTER -- Customize SQL Server certificate expiration date by adjusting the date below DECLARE @cert_expiry_date AS varchar(max)='03/30/2025' -- Build the query to generate the certificate DECLARE @sqlserver_certificate_name NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'Cert_' + @@servername + N'_endpoint' DECLARE @sqlserver_certificate_subject NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'Certificate for ' + @sqlserver_certificate_name DECLARE @create_sqlserver_certificate_command NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'CREATE CERTIFICATE [' + @sqlserver_certificate_name + '] ' + char (13) + ' WITH SUBJECT = ''' + @sqlserver_certificate_subject + ''',' + char (13) + ' EXPIRY_DATE = '''+ @cert_expiry_date + ''''+ char (13) IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name from sys.certificates WHERE name = @sqlserver_certificate_name) BEGIN PRINT (@create_sqlserver_certificate_command) -- Execute the query to create SQL Server certificate for the instance link EXEC sp_executesql @stmt = @create_sqlserver_certificate_command END ELSE PRINT 'Certificate ' + @sqlserver_certificate_name + ' already exists.' GO Import AG certificate public keys to your SQL Managed Instance The public keys of your AG certificates need to be imported into your SQL Managed Instance. Run this query on each node to get the data required -- Run on SQL Server -- Show the name and the public key of generated SQL Server certificate USE MASTER GO DECLARE @sqlserver_certificate_name NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'Cert_' + @@servername + N'_endpoint' DECLARE @PUBLICKEYENC VARBINARY(MAX) = CERTENCODED(CERT_ID(@sqlserver_certificate_name)); SELECT @sqlserver_certificate_name as 'SQLServerCertName' SELECT @PUBLICKEYENC AS SQLServerPublicKey; You will get a result similar to below You can now import these into your SQL Managed Instance using Azure Cloud Shell. Log in using this script, replacing . # Run in Azure Cloud Shell (select PowerShell console) # Enter your Azure subscription ID $SubscriptionID = "<SubscriptionID>" # Login to Azure and select subscription ID if ((Get-AzContext ) -eq $null) { echo "Logging to Azure subscription" Login-AzAccount } Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionID Then run this script, replacing the values of $CertificateName, $PublicKeyEncoded and $ManagedInstanceName. # Run in Azure Cloud Shell (select PowerShell console) # =============================================================================== # POWERSHELL SCRIPT TO IMPORT SQL SERVER PUBLIC CERTIFICATE TO SQL MANAGED INSTANCE # ===== Enter user variables here ==== # Enter the name for the server SQLServerCertName certificate – for example, "Cert_sqlserver1_endpoint" $CertificateName = "<SQLServerCertName>" # Insert the certificate public key blob that you got from SQL Server – for example, "0x1234567..." $PublicKeyEncoded = "<SQLServerPublicKey>" # Enter your managed instance short name – for example, "sqlmi" $ManagedInstanceName = "<ManagedInstanceName>" # ==== Do not customize the below cmdlets==== # Find out the resource group name $ResourceGroup = (Get-AzSqlInstance -InstanceName $ManagedInstanceName).ResourceGroupName # Upload the public key of the authentication certificate from SQL Server to Azure. New-AzSqlInstanceServerTrustCertificate -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -InstanceName $ManagedInstanceName -Name $CertificateName -PublicKey $PublicKeyEncoded Repeat this step for all AG nodes. Import the certificate public key of your SQL Managed Instance to your AG nodes Using the same Azure Cloud Shell, run this script to get the public key of your SQL Managed Instance certificate, replacing the value of the variable $ManagedInstanceName. # Run in Azure Cloud Shell (select PowerShell console) # =============================================================================== # POWERSHELL SCRIPT TO EXPORT MANAGED INSTANCE PUBLIC CERTIFICATE # ===== Enter user variables here ==== # Enter your managed instance short name – for example, "sqlmi" $ManagedInstanceName = "<ManagedInstanceName>" # ==== Do not customize the following cmdlet ==== # Find out the resource group name $ResourceGroup = (Get-AzSqlInstance -InstanceName $ManagedInstanceName).ResourceGroupName # Fetch the public key of the authentication certificate from Managed Instance. Outputs a binary key in the property PublicKey. Get-AzSqlInstanceEndpointCertificate -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -InstanceName $ManagedInstanceName -EndpointType "DATABASE_MIRRORING" | out-string On all nodes of your AG you can then run this query, replacing with the value of the PublicKey output in the previous step. -- Run on SQL Server USE MASTER CREATE CERTIFICATE [<ManagedInstanceFQDN>] FROM BINARY = <PublicKey> Import Azure-trusted root certificate authority keys to your AG nodes Use the steps here to import the Microsoft PKI root-authority certificate and DigiCert PKI root-authority certificate onto all nodes of your AG. Alter the mirroring endpoint on your AG nodes The mirroring endpoint on your AG nodes will also need to be updated to allow your Managed Instance to authenticate with your AG using the newly created certificate. This can be done by navigating to Server Objects > Endpoints > Database Mirroring. Right click on the endpoint and select Script Endpoint as > CREATE To > New Query Editor Window. You will need to add this command under AUTHENTICATION, changing the cert_name value and change the CREATE ENDPOINT to ALTER ENDPOINT. CERTIFICATE [cert_name] Once updated, execute the query. Create a distributed availability group on your AG Use this script to set up the distributed availability group, updating the values - Your choice of name - AG Name already created : - The IP of your AG listener and the endpoint listener port - Your choice of name - FQDN of your instance - Just the instance name -- Run on SQL Server -- Create a distributed availability group for the availability group and database -- ManagedInstanceName example: 'sqlmi1' -- ManagedInstanceFQDN example: '' USE MASTER CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP [<DAGName>] WITH (DISTRIBUTED) AVAILABILITY GROUP ON N'<AGNameOnSQLServer>' WITH ( LISTENER_URL = 'TCP://<SQLServerIP>:<EndpointPort>', AVAILABILITY_MODE = ASYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT, FAILOVER_MODE = MANUAL, SEEDING_MODE = AUTOMATIC, SESSION_TIMEOUT = 20 ), N'<AGNameOnSQLMI>' WITH ( LISTENER_URL = 'tcp://<ManagedInstanceFQDN>:5022;Server=[<ManagedInstanceName>]', AVAILABILITY_MODE = ASYNCHRONOUS_COMMIT, FAILOVER_MODE = MANUAL, SEEDING_MODE = AUTOMATIC ); GO Set up the managed Instance Link The final step is to set up the link, you can do this by running the script here. Please ensure that the $SQLServerIP is the IP of your AG listener and not the IP of the primary node. The in the link includes updated parameters from Az.Sql 6.0.0. This version is not currently available in Azure Cloud Shell. If you are using Azure Cloud Shell, replace the final section of the command... ...with the below New-AzSqlInstanceLink -InstanceName $ManagedInstanceName -Name $DAGName -PrimaryAvailabilityGroupName $AGNameOnSQLServer -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -SecondaryAvailabilityGroupName $AGNameOnSQLMI -SourceEndpoint $SourceIP -TargetDatabase $DatabaseName Once this is executed, your MI Link should be up and running and failing over to another node on your AG will not stop your MI Link from syncing. Disclaimer Please note that products and options presented in this article are subject to change. This article reflects MI Link and the documentation in January 2025. I hope this article was helpful for you, please feel free to share your feedback in the comments section.901Views0likes0CommentsSQL Server 2022: AlwaysOn AG databases can not sync after applying CU6 or higher
The setup is: OS - Win Server 2022 & MSSQL - SQL Server 2022 AlwaysOn Availability Groups are enabled on two (primary + secondary) replicas and use WSFC. Several availability groups are created and a database in each of them. AGs are configured with Sync Commit and Automatic failover mode, also they use dedicated separate VLAN for data sync. The issue we noticed is that after applying CU6 or higher ones , in case of we restart any of two replica hosts, on the secondary replica not all databases switch back to Synchronized state, part of them remain in Not Synchronizing state . Any ideas what could be the reason of that behavior change? Had someone similar issue ?1.5KViews0likes4CommentsHow to connect an Access database to an Always-On Listener?
I follow this instruction for SQL Server and hope it is applicable to the listener I go to EXTERNAL DATA -> NEW DATA SOURCE -> FROM DATABASE -> FROM SQL SERVER -> LINK TO THE DATA SOURCE BY CREATING A LINKED TABLE -> MACHINE DATA SOURCE -> NEW ->SQL SERVER -> then I enter a name and as server the DNS name of my listener, that is listener in my case. -> then I choose SQL server authentication method as authentication method and enter password and user -> then two errors come: SQLState: 0100 SQL Server error: 53 SQLState: 08001 ConnectionOpen (Connect()) SQL Server error: 17 SQL Server does not exist or access is denied. The ping to the listener also exists. With a SQL Server my steps work. What am I doing wrong?601Views0likes0Comments