25 TopicsPoly devices and the transition to Android Open Source Project (AOSP)
Today we had a handful of our Poly Teams meeting devices sign out and then refused to re-enroll afterwards. Our devices included Poly Studio X30, X50, X70 and TC8 touch panels. on the screens that were attached to the equipment, upon failure of sign-in and re-enrollment we saw a message on the screen saying "Signing out... This device isn't enrolled in device administrator. Contact your admin". The devices were still available in the Teams admin center so I was able to retrieve diagnostics from the devices. Within the CompanyPortalEventsLog* file in the root of the zip file containing the diagnostic data there was the following line TIMESTAMP CompanyPortalReasonCode: WORK_PLACE_JOINED CompanyPortalStatus: UNKNOWN FailureReason: ENROLLMENT_RESTRICTIONS After further investigation, the devices also had updates applied to them during the early morning hours. After some searching and reading through this article Moving Teams Android Devices to AOSP Device Management | Microsoft Community Hub - even though my devices weren't supposed to be available until February, I followed Step 1 to create an enrollment profile for Android Open Source Project (AOSP) with the settings outlined. However, in my tenant, "For Microsoft Teams Devices" was still being marked as preview. Once this profile/policy was in place I was successful in logging our devices in with their resource accounts. Lucky us that it happened on Friday and not one of our core work days. So, watch out for your Android Teams Room devices with this change/transition happening. Try to work ahead of it to prevent Teams Meeting Room Android devices and Android phones from experiencing downtime in your offices and set the policy up as soon as you can. There's a secondary step to make sure to have a Compliance policy in place for AOSP devices as well, be sure to have that set up so that your devices are still flagged as Compliant in your tenant. If anyone else sees any other symptoms of this issue post them to this thread to help others troubleshoot.1.2KViews0likes4CommentsQuestion about "Open" button on the "About" of Teams Android mobile
Dear Sir Unlike iOS mobile, I found "About" tab on Teams Android mobile. I works well. However, there is an "Open" button at the bottom side. I'm still developing my Teams app. So I'm testing the app by locally upload. The "Open" button of My app is not activated. Other app installed from Teams Store has the button activated below. Do I have to set/configure to activate this "Open" button on the About? Otherwise, is it related to Teams Store production. Many thanks BH30Views0likes1CommentTeams for Android Auto
Hello I have a question about Teams for Android Auto. Is this ever going to be updated into something useful? Currently it doesn't do anything other then attempt to display messages received. This sole "feature" does not even work. I get messages on my laptop and my phone but nothing comes through AA. There is no ability to take a call through the AA system nor is there an ability to join calls through it. I fully understand there are limits for a car based system due to safety concerns, but this the current product is currently half-baked and broken. Is there anything on the road map to improve the app? I've tried all the usual recommendations of updating, clear cache, reinstalling etc. My phone is a S22 Ultra and I have the most up to date Teams and Android Auto Apps. Can someone please shed some light on this? Thanks88KViews11likes43CommentsAndroid Teams app no dial tone for Teams calls
The Android app does not play a dial tone for Teams calls. However, a dial tone is played for outgoing PSTN calls. Teams App Version: 1416/ Call version: 2024.05.01.1 There are no problems with the iOS app. A dial tone is played for Teams calls. Is this a bug in the app or can it be activated somewhere? Many thanks for your help Yours sincerely Michael413Views0likes0CommentsDisable typing prediction in Teams Android app
I can't seem to figure out how to disable typing prediction in the Teams Android app. This isn't related to the Android keyboard, but seems to be something that Microsoft added to the app. Check this gif, where I attempt to type, "There's no such directory, right?" I ignore the suggestion and continue typing, but then Teams puts the cursor **behind** the next word I type ("directory"), and then the next word I type after that ("there") obliterates the previous word and replaces it with the ignored suggestions. Obviously, this gets in the way of efficient text input (if there's even such a thing on a touchscreen keyboard) and actually makes typing **more** difficult. There must be a switch to turn it off somewhere, but I just can't find it.Solved5.5KViews2likes5CommentsWrong notification subtitle in 1-to-1 chats on Android
Summary Activity notification subtitles are incorrect in one-on-one chats on Android. Actual result This is an activity notification on Android. The subtitle shows "Chat with Worldr", Worldr is the application name. Expected result This is the same activity notification, but in Web. It shows the name of the one-on-one chat, as expected API Request The following Graph API request was used to create the examples, {chat_id} and {user_id} are replaced. The request used an application token. POST{chat_id}/sendActivityNotification { "topic": { "source": "entityUrl", "value": "{chat_id}" }, "activityType": "message", "previewText": { "content": "Hello, World" }, "recipient": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.aadUserNotificationRecipient", "userId": "{user_id}" }, "templateParameters": [ { "name": "tabName", "value": "Example" } ] }961Views0likes6CommentsCloud Storage not visible on managed Android
Hi, We have about 20 fully managed Android phones running Teams. We've added to a channel a cloud storage link to SharePoint. Up until yesterday (3rd of January 2023) this worked perfectly. However, now these aren't visible anymore. Logging in with the same user on the web, non MDM (intune) managed smartphone (but still managed with MAM) do show the cloud storage folder. Access rights (read) in SharePoint are ok, I can navigate to the location in Sharepoint via the URL. I've also excluded a device of all policies (MDM and MAM) but nothing changes. Anyone else who has this issue?1KViews0likes2CommentsIn Microsoft teams there is no mic button
Hello everyone, I need some help please, I am signed in with my company domain, Using Samsung device. In Microsoft teams there is a mic button it is now not there. I have tried restarting the device, not worked. I cleared cache and app data, not worked. I cannot uninstall the application as it asks for administrative login. Need some urgent assistance. Regards, AnasSolved980Views0likes1CommentNo Device settings in Teams on my Samsung A7 Tablet
Hi I have teams installed on my Samsung Tablet, I have a Jabra USB headset. When using teams i connect the headset and the headset Icon appears at the bottom of the screen, I can turn volume up and down with the headset but can not use the microphone or earphones. The microphone and speakers on the tablet work. I have been in settings to choose device but there is no option to choose a device. Help please632Views0likes0Comments