41 TopicsUnjoin VM’s from Azure AD before they are added to an AVD Host Pool.
On occasions, when using Sysprep to generalize an image, the device remains Azure AD Joined. This causes that the AVD operation "Add virtual machines to a host pool" fail with error code 2700. This feedback is to request that AVD scripts/code behind this operation can handle this scenario and unjoin the device from Azure AD before it gets domain joined. You can find if a device is joined to Azure AD by checking the attribute AzureAdJoined after executing in the command prompt: dsregcmd.exe /status If it is, we must execute this other command to unjoin it: dsregcmd /leave /verbose /debug This can be either before running Sysprep again and capturing the new image for AVD. Or after the VM failed to get created in the hostpool. (Which requires us to join the VM in the domain and install the AVD agents manually). The following message is seen when this issue happens: 'displayStatus': 'Provisioning failed', 'message': 'ERROR - Failed to join domain='', ou='DC=contoso,DC=com', user='', option='NetSetupJoinDomain' (#1 meaning 'User Specified without NetSetupAcctCreate'). Error code 2700' This is the description of error code 2700: This machine is already joined to a cloud domain and cannot be subsequently joined to an Active Directory domain And this is the article we used as reference: enable Input Method editor by default
I would like to enable by default for all the Remote Desktop Web client user that Enable Input Method Editor is enabled. Could you please add this option for example in the powershell configuration: Set-RDWebClientDeploymentSetting -Name "InputMethod" ($true|$false) We need this setting for our x11 display applications. Now every user has to enable this manually (the first time). Also that you can select and set the Select Remote Keyboard Layout would be nice!1.3KViews2likes1CommentAutoscaling virtual Desktop incompatible with ARM / BICEP Deployment
In the current version of Autoscaling we get deployment errors for all machines which are shut down during a new deployment. The system tries to update the Powershell DSC module every time even with machines which are shut down. resource virtualMachines_name_Microsoft_PowerShell_DSC 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions@2021-03-01' = { parent: virtualMachines_resource name: 'Microsoft.PowerShell.DSC' location: location properties: { autoUpgradeMinorVersion: true publisher: 'Microsoft.Powershell' type: 'DSC' typeHandlerVersion: '2.73' settings: { modulesUrl: modulesDSCUrl configurationFunction: 'Configuration.ps1\\AddSessionHost' properties: { hostPoolName: hostpoolName registrationInfoToken: registrationToken aadJoin: false } } protectedSettings: {} } }1.3KViews0likes5CommentsAVD Scaling plans are too simplistic
AVD scaling plans are missing some basic feature and are restricted to a single day schedules. I'm missing: - option to do a dry run to see what would happen if I enable it - option for several messages in different intervals to the users about the shutdown - option to do only some of the tasks (for example: only notify and shutdown for personal desktops and only scale up for hostpools running over the weekend for after hour employees) - exclusion tag is applied to VM while drain mode is applied to session host object in host pool - this is not a good design and will lead to people forgetting about one or the other when doing maintenance and having to set the flags in two different places - plan is restricted to a single day, I can't start hostpool of Friday, scale over weekend and shutdown on Monday - option to ramp down at the end of the day and scale up to a smaller threshold over night1.3KViews2likes5CommentsPad Session host name with Leading Zeros
When adding session hosts to a pool you declare a prefix and the template will append an incrementing number to the end. but this number is not a consistent length due to the lack of leading zeros. and in large host pool, this causes the hosts to not sort properly Current Example of Bad Sort Desired Test-VM-1 Test-VM-1 Test-VM-001 Test-VM-2 Test-VM-10 Test-VM-002 Test-VM-3 Test-VM-11 Test-VM-003 Test-VM-4 Test-VM-12 Test-VM-004 Test-VM-5 Test-VM-2 Test-VM-005 Test-VM-6 Test-VM-3 Test-VM-006 Test-VM-7 Test-VM-4 Test-VM-007 Test-VM-8 Test-VM-5 Test-VM-008 Test-VM-9 Test-VM-6 Test-VM-009 Test-VM-10 Test-VM-7 Test-VM-010 Test-VM-11 Test-VM-8 Test-VM-011 Test-VM-12 Test-VM-9 Test-VM-0121.1KViews3likes3CommentsRemote App - Connection syncing
Hey All, Just want to start by saying that I love the Microsoft RDP Application, however there is something that i would greatly appreciate being included. The ability to sync connections to an office 365 account or save connections to iCloud. I work in an environment where I’m frequently changing my device or running Beta software requiring me to wipe my device, as a result i need to reset up all my RDP connections and re-enter all of my accounts into RDP every time this occurs. The ability to log into my O365 Work email and for it to back up all the connections so that I don’t need to re-enter them all the every time. This will be greatly helpful for users that utilise multiple device as when you add the connection to one of the devices it will sync back to your O365 account and add on all your other devices as well. Kindest regards, Luke952Views0likes3Comments